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This article, Zanpakutō (Snakes), was added by Snakes-on-a-plane who determines its usage on this wiki.

Zanpakutō  (斬魄刀, Soul-Cutter Sword) are the main weapons of Shinigami, Visored, and Arrancar. A Zanpakutō is a reflection of its wielder's soul, and as such each is unique to its wielder. Zanpakutō house spirits that are separate beings born from their weilder's soul, however some Shinigami have been chosen by Aspects, who step in as a surrogate Zanpakuto spirit. 


Zanpakutō are one of the few types of weapons able to cut spiritual bodies, which makes them an effective tool in combating Hollows. Every Shinigami carries a Zanpakutō, and each is unique to its wielder, born from their souls. Zanpakutō have a physical form, but the 'soul' of the weapon is a sentient being that is a separate entity from its wielder, with their own spiritual pressure, and the the spirits' names apply to both the weapon and the spirit itself. The spirits reside in a Shinigami's inner world, though they can manifest outside- often only their wielder can see them when that happens. Zanpakutō spirits come in many different forms with many different personalities, and can even have a poor relationship with their wielder. Often, however, wielders and their Zanpakutō have a close bond, and Shinigami can visit their inner worlds to train via meditation. Zanpakutō can also forcibly pull their wielders into their inner world when needed.

A Zanpakutō's physical form and powers are based on the wielder's soul, and can be changed throughout a Shinigami's life. Zanpakutō spirits are born with their wielders, and die only when their wielder does. Though a Zanpakutō spirit is its own entity, Shinigami and their Zanpakutō are one with each other.


Though it is possible for a Shinigami to manifest a Zanpakutō on their own, it is highly difficult and rare. Instead, most Shinigami use a focus in the form of empty Zanpakutō known as Asauchi (浅打ち, Shallow Hit). These spriit-less blades allow a Shinigami to focus their Reiyoku to form their true Zanpakutō and communicate with the spirit in order to learn its name. Without knowing the Zanpakutō's name, a Shinigami can only use an Asauchi as a simple blade. After learning a Zanpakutō's name, a Shinigami can unlock the weapon's first release, known as Shikai. With proper training, a final release known as Bankai can be obtained.

Asuachi were invented by Oda Makoto during the First Shingiami Civil War, which is why most Zanpakuto appear as katanas or other Japanese blades- the first Asauchi-born Zanpakutō were all katanas in their sealed states. Prior to Makoto, Shinigami fought with their bare hands, or primitive Zanpakutō-precursors forged by pumping one's reiatsu into a regular weapon. It is known that the founders of the Gotei 10, the Saisho no Gādian had weapons akin to Zanpakutō.

All Asauchi are standard-issue, with variations only in handle and blade length. All have brown handle wrappings, grey, circular tsuba, and brown sheathes. Academy students are given their Asauchi in the middle of their second year.

Arrancar Zanpakutō[]

Arrancar also wield weapons similar to a Shinigami, however Arrancar Zanpakutō do not house separate spirits. Instead, an Arrancar's Zanpakuto holds the embodiment of their hollow powers. Instead of a release that brings out a Zanpakutō's true power and form, and Arrancar uses Ressurecion, which brings out their own hollow powers and true form.

Aspect Zanpakutō[]

After the Second Aspect treaty, the Aspects promised to remove themselves from human affairs. However, many Aspects were concerned that Shinigami couldn't handle keeping the balance of souls without help. With approval from Death, many Aspects began choosing and attaching themselves to human souls, replacing the part of the soul that would have formed a regular Zanpakutō spirit.

An Aspect Zanpakutō functions identically to a regular one, and most Shinigami with an Aspect are unaware of the fact. Aspects cannot reveal themselves to a Shinigami unless under dire circumstances, in which they can then reveal what they are and offer a Aspect#Contracts contract to help their Shinigami. These contracts further bond a Shinigami and the Aspect spirit, and the Shinigami is granted advanced powers- with a cost, and a punishment if the cost is not met.

Zanpakutō Facts[]

  • All Asauchi are forged by the Oda Clan, and no one outside the clan knows the secret to making them. All Asauchi bear the Oda Clan mon on their Japanese_sword_mountings#Habaki habiki, though most Shinigami chose to conceal the mon when they learn their Zanpakutō's name.
  • A Zanpakutō cannot be replaced. However, they can be repaired by their wielder, and will slowly regenerate based on the wielder's health and reiatsu. A Zanpakutō can be destroyed without killing the wielder, however a Zanpakutō will always die if their wielder does. The only cases this is not true is with an Aspect Zanpakutō. 
  • Many Shinigami choose to keep their Zanpakutō's sealed form as a katana, due to having leaned to wield it in that form in the Academy. However, some Shinigami choose to alter the sealed form to weapons they are more familiar with. Some, like Captain Kelzang Dorje, seal their Zanpakutō as more mundane objects, like a necklace. 
  • A Zanpakutō has its own unique Reiatsu, which can be felt along with its wielder's. 
  • Zanpakutō can decide whether or not their wielder is worthy of using their powers, and no Shinigami can force their Zanpakutō into granting their powers by force. Some Shinigami never learn their Zanpakutō's name.
  • There is no Zanpakutō in existence that has a Shikai and Bankai that are unrelated in power.
  • Elemental Zanpakutō can only use attacks of their element. Likewise, a melee-type Zanpakutō cannot be used to channel Kidō.
  • A Zanpakutō's name is typically in the language of its wielder's dominant race.
  • The 12th Division keeps a record of all Zanpakutō and the names of their forms. For consistency's sake, the names are recorded in their native language, and translated into Japanese.


General Powers[]

The general powers of a Zanpakutō can be accessed even by those who only wield an Asauichi.

  • Konsō (魂葬, Soul Burial) is the way Shinigami send Pluses to the afterlife- good souls to Soul Society, and unredeemable souls to Hell. Konsō is traditionally performed by tapping a plus's forehead with the pommel of a Zanpakutō
  • Hollow Purification: A Shinigami can cleanse a Hollow by slicing its mask, which returns it to being a plus and sends it along to either Soul Society, if it started its Hollow life in the World of the Living, or reincarnate its soul back into the Human World, if it began its Hollow life in Soul Society. Hollows that were evil as humans or Pluses are sent to Hell.
  • Soul Cutting: The ability to cut beings made of Reiyoku, as well as living beings.


  • Sealed: Once a Shinigami has learned their Zanpakutō's name, they gain the ability to customize their standard-issue Asauchi as they see fit, limited only by the Shinigami's own Spiritual Pressure. A Zanpakutō will often choose its initial sealed form, and the Shinigami is then allowed to change it if they wish. Most Zanpakutō and Shinigami choose to leave their sealed forms as regular katana, customizing only the colors and length of the blade.
  • Shikai (始解, Initial Release): The second form of a Zanpakutō, obtainable once a Shinigami has learned their Zanpakutō's name, and have visited their inner world to harmonize with their Zanpakutō. This is also where they learn their release command, which are as unique as the Zanpakutō themselves. All commands relate to the Zanpakutō's form or powers.

Achievement of Shikai is required to attain a seat higher than 11, and all lieutenants are required to have mastered the use of their Shikai.

  • Bankai (卍解, Final Release): The second, and widely considered final form of a Zanpakutō. To achieve Bankai, a Shinigami must learn to enter their inner world without help, then be able to pull their Zanpakutō's spirit into the physical world and defeat it in combat. This is incredibly difficult, and takes on average ten years to achieve. Many Shinigami start with sparring with their Zanpakutō in their inner world.

A newly achieved Bankai is almost always incomplete- many Bankai have hidden forms and abilities that can only be obtained through further training. Generally, even an incomplete Bankai increases the user's strength 5-10 fold, which is why Bankai is considered a Zanpakutō's ultimate form. Some Zanpakutō purposely withhold a Bankai's true form from their Shinigami until they feel the Shinigami is ready for it.

Bankai are dangerous because of the immense power they hold, and most Shinigami are cautioned to never use it unless absolutely necessary- a Bankai can hurt a wielder as much as their opponent, and can cause incredible collateral damage. On top of that, a broken Bankai can never be repaired to its former strength and form.

All captains are required to know their Bankai, and captain-commanders and Royal Guard members can only be appointed if the candidate has mastered their Bankai.

  • Reikonkai (霊魂解, Soul Release): A form, often considered to be a form of Bankai, in which a Zanpakutō lends so much of its power to their Shinigami that the Shinigami takes on physical traits of their Zanpakutō. This form is very rare, and only seen when a Zanpakutō and a Shinigami are in total harmony. Contracted Shinigami are known to have an easier time attaining this form, however it is so rare many believe Reikonkai to be a myth. Hattori Fuu's true Bankai was once considered a Reikonkai, however that is a highly debated fact.



Melee-Type Zanpakutō

(Designed for various forms of melee combat rather than magic-based abilities.)

Name Sealed Form Release Command Bankai Name Wielder
Chitose no Ekō (千年のエコー. Thousand-Year Echo) Jian Sora Zentai de ofu ni Nari (Sound off across the void) Chinmoku no Sedai (沈黙の世代, Generation of Silence) Tachibana Jun
Tendaji (反応性 (Han'nō-sei), Makes Things Happen) Katana Mnyamaa Kadumbu (黙っと耐える (Damatto Taeru), Keep Silent and Endure) Not Yet Revealed Nitin Ruto
Ambrosios (不滅, (Fumetsu), Immortal) Dual Greek Short Swords 'Mártyras (証人 (Shōnin), Witness) Not Yet Revealed Clio Erganes
Learco (村の裁判官, (Mura no Saibankan), Judge of His Village) Katana Dirigir (監督する (Kantoku Suru), Oversee) Not Yet Achieved Marlen Adams
Kin'iro no Kiba (金ぴかファン, Gilded Fang) Katana Kin de Kakusu (金で隠す, Conceal in Gold) Not Yet Achieved Oda Shinichi
Bent el Consul (沈黙 (Ryōji no Musume), Consul's Daughter) Katana Florecer (ブルーム (Burūmu), Bloom) Not Yet Achieved Consuela Valdez
Hilja (沈黙 (Chinmoku), Silence) Katana Kuluttaa (むしばむ (Mushibamu), Erode) Not Yet Achieved Åke Stevensson


Kidō-Type Zanpakutō

(Are designed around a special ability rather than close combat potential.)

Name Sealed Form Release Command Bankai Name Wielder Name
Alquimista (錬金術師 (Renkinjutsu-shi), Alchemist) Katana Descubre (発見 (Hakken), Discover) Alquimista Superado (手狭錬金術師 (Tezema Renkinjutsu-shi), Outgrown alcemist) Eliot Rios
Enlil (主風 (Shufū), Lord Wind) Bronze Sword Mazahardarich’ov Mijots’ov, Yev Nvachel (吹き抜けと征服 (Fukinuke to Seifuku), Blow Through and Conquer) Not Yet Revealed Regan
Matoskah (シロクマ (Shirokuma), White Bear) Longbow Kee-chee'-zah (暴言を吐く (Bōgenwohaku), Lash Out) Mooksgm’ol (クマ精神 (Kuma Seishin), Spirit Bear) Tasunka Sota
Marui Kuchi (丸い口, Round Mouth) Katana No Ratchi (のラッチ, Latch On) Tamashī Dorobō, Maui Kuchi (魂泥棒、ラウンド口, Soul Stealer, Round Mouth) Ryoji Van
Shin (心, Heart) Katana Watashi no Teki no Niku o Ajiwau (私の敵の肉を味わう聞こえる, Taste the Flesh of my Enemies) Not Yet Achieved Hayashihara Aiko
Nodoka Tsuno (平穏なホーン, Tranquil Horn) Wakizashi Ekō (エコー, Echo) Not Yet Achieved Mizumizushii Kaminira
Mu-Onna (無女, Nothing Woman) Katana Kōtai Suru (後退する, Fall Back) Unknown Koh
Irirangi (精神の声 (Seishin no Koe), Spirit Voice) Katana Ora (生き残る (Ikinokoru), Survive) Not Yet Achieved Dominick White

Kidō Sub-Types[]

Certain Zanpakutō possess defined abilities and exist in their own category. Due to them being designed around a special ability they are therefore a form of Kidō-Type Zanpakutō.

Projectile-Type Zanpakutō

(When released separate into many air based blades that the owner can control freely.)

Name Sealed Form Release Command Bankai Name Wielder Name
ÆSC (アッシュツリー, (Asshutsurī), Ash Tree) Constant-Release Sing (歌う (Utau)) Not Yet Revealed Merek the 2nd
Doina (民謡 (Min'yō), Folk Song) Kilij Rupe în Bucăți de Nimic (何にも細断処理 (Nani ni Mo Hoso dan Shori), Shred to Nothing) Not Yet Achieved Constin Serban
Defense-Type Zanpakutō

(Are designed around defensive capability with little or no offense.)

Name Sealed Form Release Command Bankai Name Wielder Name
Nomzamo (争闘 (Sōtō), Struggle) Bokken Obukhali (悲しむ (Kanashimu), Keen (Wail)) Not Yet Revealed] Siobhan Dempsey
Durante (不動の (Fudō no), Steadfast) Katana Aumentare il Tuo Scudo (盾を上げる (Tate o Ageru), Raise your Shield) Not Yet Achieved Aurelia Morelli
Poison-Type Zanpakutō

(Designed to generate and administer poison as a form of attack.)

Name Sealed Form Release Command Bankai Name Wielder Name
Pahāṛa Mēṇḍhaka (山のカエル, (Yama no Kaeru), Mountain Frog) Nodachi Ām̐dhī Mausama (嵐を乗り切る (Arashi o Norikiru), Weather the Storm) Not Yet Revealed Kato Tsetsen
Illusion-Type Zanpakutō

(Are designed around the ability to generate and manipulate perceptions via illusions.)

Name Sealed Form Release Command Bankai Name Wielder Name
Xiuhtecutli (ターコイズ卿 (Tākoizu Kyō), Turquoise Lord) Katana Quiza (出てくる (Detekuru), Emerge) Not Yet Revealed Yolotli Tenoch
Tsuin (双子, Twin) Wakizashi Utsusu (映す, Imitate) Fainarukopītsuin wasureta (ファイナルコピーツイン忘れた, Final Copy, Forgotten Twin) Chris Perri
Alphyn (肴物 (Sakana-mono), Chaser) Katana Track Down Those That Would Cause Harm (害をもたらすであろうものを突き止める (Gai o Motarasudearou Mono o Tsukitomeru) Not Yet Revealed Tatum Silva

Elemental Sub-Type[]

A large amount of the Zanpakutō are classified by elements, generally utilizing their respective elements as forms of attack. Elemental Zanpakutō are all Kidō-sub-type which have an element base, as described by Jeon Don during his studies of Zanpakutō.

Fire-Type Zanpakutō

(Designed to generate fire and manipulate fire for various forms of attack or defense.)

Name Sealed Form Release Command Bankai Name Wielder Name
Imbroglione (似非者 (Ese-Sha), Trickster) Dual katana Rapire il Sole (日を盗む (Hi o Nusumu), Steal the Sun) Imbroglione Illustre (輝かし似非者 (Kagayakashī Ese-Sha) Illustrious Trickster) Jo Morelli
Bai Huǒyàn (百炎 (Hyaku Honō), One Hundred Flames) Stylized Katana Yèguāng hé Yán (グローおよび維持 (Gurō Oyobi Iji), Glow and Sustain) Not Yet Revealed Zhao Xiang
Kauko (遠く, (Tōku), Far Away) Nodachi Tuo Tuho, Tuo Turvakoti ('破滅をもたらす、シェルターを持参 (Hametsu o Motarasu, Sherutā o Jisan), Bring Ruin, Bring Shelter) Not Yet Revealed Addison Karhu
Sayuri hi Yuri (火災のユリ, Fire Lily) Katana Sukōchi (スコーチ, Scorch) Faiādansu no Hāto (ファイヤーダンスの心臓部, Heart of the Fire Dance) Mai Kimura
Ice-Type Zanpakutō

(Designed to generate water and manipulate it into ice (and related effects) for various forms of attack or defense.)

Name Sealed Form Release Command Bankai Name Wielder Name
Szarvas (牡鹿 (Oshika), Stag) Reverse-blade Katana Pánik (殺到 (Sattō), Stampede) Királya az Erdő (森の王 (Mori no ō), King of the Forest) Matt Alder
Severnislav (北の名声, (Kita no Meisei), Fame of the North) Katana Obustaviti (停止する, (Teishi Suru), Suspend) Not Yet Revealed Reuben Rockwell
Osamelý Lovec (寂然の狩人 (Sekizen no Kariudo) Lone Hunter) Saami Hunting Knife Iskeä (打つ (Utsu), Strike) Not Yet Achieved Risten Vars
Earth-Type Zanpakutō

(Designed to manipulate the ground for various forms of attack or defense.)

Name Sealed Form Release Command Bankai Name Wielder Name
Zver (獣, Beast) Constant-Release Shatter and Reform Zemlya Rasshchepleniya Zverya (地球分割獣, Earth-Splitting Beast) Grant Rostov
Pauahi (エンド火災 (Owari no hi), End Fire) Koa Dagger 'E Hö'ike Aku (試す (Tamesu), Test) Not Yet Achieved Lana Mahi'ai
Wind-Type Zanpakutō

(Designed to manipulate wind for various forms of attack or defense.)

Name Sealed Form Release Command Bankai Name Wielder Name
Pinuno at Alagad (リーダーとフォロワー, Leader and Follower) Daisho pair Take Your Partner and Dance Paraiso Ng Mga ibon Sayawan (踊る鳥の楽園, Paradise of Dancing Birds) Layla Vital
Enenra (煙々羅, Fabric Smoke) Katana and Tanto pair Autochōku (アウトチョーク, Choke Out) Not Yet Achieved Scott Kings
Arashitetsu (嵐鉄, Iron Tempest) Katana Watashi no Teki o Suraisu (私の敵をスライス, Slice my Enemy) Not Yet Achieved Sasaki Rei
Water-Type Zanpakutō

(Designed to generate and manipulate water (and related effects) for various forms of attack or defense.)

Name Sealed Form Release Command Bankai Name Wielder Name
Oferweder Bringen (ストームブリンガー (Sutōmuburingā), Stormbringer) Longsword Unknown Tempeste (疾風 (Hayate), Tempest) Sir Merek
Ameki (雨木, Rain Tree) Tantō Sono Tsumi no Sekai o Kiyomeru (その罪の世界を清める, Cleanse the World of its Sins) Not Yet Revealed Mu
Rooble (雨男 (Ameotoko), Rain Man) Wakizashi Diyaan (鳴る (Naru), Rumble) Not Yet Achieved Dar Hmida
Musa (水の一つ (Mizu no Hitotsu), One of Water) Nodachi حصن (強化 (Kyōka), Fortify) Not Yet Achieved Nkosi Mubarak
Plant-Type Zanpakutō

(Designed to generate and manipulate plant(s) for various forms of attack or defense.)

Name Sealed Form Release Command Bankai Name Wielder Name
Shurui Mokuzai (種類木材, Kind Wood) Bokken Nagaku Sunde ite, Senotakai Seichō (長く住んでいて、背の高い成長, Live Long and Grow Tall) Not Yet Achieved Tsuyoiheishi Kyohei
Light-Type Zanpakutō

(Designed to generate and manipulate light for various forms of effects.)

Name Sealed Form Release Command Bankai Name Wielder Name
Khenbish (だれも (Dare mo), Nobody) Mongol Sabre Yuu ch Olsongüi Uruu Khalitiran (何に沈む (Nani ni Shizumu), Sink Into Nothing) Ügee martsan ni Süns (忘れられたの亡霊 (Wasure Rareta no Bōrei), Ghost of the Forgotten) Altajin
Electricity-Type Zanpakutō

(Designed to generate and manipulate electricity (and related effects) as a form of attack.)

Name Sealed Form Release Command Bankai Name Wielder Name
Shiden Kai  (紫電, Violet Lighting) Dual Katana Kamigami no Ikari to Itsu (神々の怒りを打つ, Strike with the Fury of the Gods) Tengoku no Senkō Shiden Kai (天国ピアス紫雷, Heaven Piecing Violet Lightning) Hattori Fuu
Wangdue (支配者 (Shihai-sha), Subduer) Prayer Beads Khrid (営む (Itonamu), Conduct) Not Yet Revealed Kelzang Dorje
Raiyoku (雷翼, Wings of Lightning, Blades of Lighting) Katana Maiagaru to Utsu (舞い上がると打つ, Soar and Strike) Not Yet Achieved Tetsutenki Daisuke
Crystal-Type Zanpakutō

(Allows the user to create and control crystals and gems as a form of attack and defense. Normally lacks a sealed state.)

Name Sealed Form Release Command Bankai Name Wielder Name
Matai (高チーフ, (Kō Chīfu), High Chief) Stone Greatsword Unknown Matai Lanuola (高チーフの生きている色 (Kō Chīfu no ikite iru iro), High Chief of Living Color) Kevesi Tachibana
Gravity-Type Zanpakutō

(Designed to manipulate gravity and it's effects.)

Name Sealed Form Release Command Bankai Name Wielder Name
Mercy (仁恵, (Jinkei)) Walking Cane Bring Them Back to Earth (地球にそれらを持ち帰る (Chikyū ni Sorera o Mochikaeru}) Vested Wings of Mercy (慈悲の既得翼, (Jihi no kitoku tsubasa)) Victoria Faulkner

Unclassified Types[]

Unclassified Types

(These are the Zanpakutō that while the names and Shikai may be known, their type cannot be readily verified.)

Name Sealed Form Release Command Bankai Name Wielder Name
Ótryggi (浮気 (Futei), Unfaithful) Katana Bryta Bindningarna (債券を破る (Saiken o Yaburu), Break the Bonds) Not Yet Achieved Samantha Roscoe
Ti Aginju (荒野の, (Kōya no), Of Wilderness) Katana Gbìn (まく (Maku), Sow) Not Yet Achieved Shawna Kings
Asuilaak (到着予定 (Tōchaku Yotei), That Which is Expected has Arrived) Constant-Release None Kayusiwok (彼の目的を果たし (Kare no Mokuteki o Hatashi), Fulfilled his Purpose) Kenpachi Nanouk
Mayonaka (真夜中, Midnight) Katana Ōu (掩う, Muffle) Not Yet Achieved Oda Seiichi
Galv'lati Awohali (天国のイーグル (Tengoku no īguru) Heaven’s Eagle) Dual Daggers Unknown Not Yet Achieved Sauria Tsalagi
Aosaginohi (青鷺火, Blue Heron Fire) Katana Terasu (照らす, Illuminate) Unknown Shunkun
Abiku (死に運命づけ (Shi Tame ni Yotei), Predestined to Death) Walking Staff Unknown Unknown The Prion