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This article, Yuu Takeshi, was added by iSavage who determines its usage on this wiki.

"Fear is necessary for evolution. The fear that one could be destroyed at any moment. Thank you, Gin. Thanks to your efforts, I have finally risen to an existence that surpasses both Shinigami and Hollow."

This article, Yuu Takeshi, is currently under active construction by the author(s) of whom this article's property falls under.
Yuu Takeshi
Race Human (Quincy)
Birthplace Wandenreich City
Birthday May 11
Age 23
Gender Male
Height 179cm
Weight 60kg
Blood Type A+
Professional Status
Affiliation Wandenreich
Profession Waiter
Personal Status
Education College Level
Quincy Powers
Signature Skill Spell Casting
Spirit Weapon Reishi Strings
Reishi Bow
First Appearance

Yuu Takeshi (悠武, Takeshi Yū) is an Echt Quincy that currently resides in Heidelberg, Germany. Yuu was originally born within the Wandenreich and became apart of the Jagdarmee at age Ten. During the Annex of Hueco Mundo, Yuu was in command of a unit of Soldat and even aided Yhwach in storming into Las Noches to capture Tier Harribel. After the Annex of Hueco Mundo was complete, Yuu was given an objective by Yhwach to repopulate the World of the Living with Quincy.


Yuu is a slender man a little above the average height of a regular man. Although a grown man, many people take him to be nothing more than a teenager especially in cases where he is out late at night. Yuu has brown eyes and black hair that he usually fixes to have it cover most of his forehead. On each shoulder he has the Wandenreich's symbol and on his back is a large tattoo of the Quincy Cross. He got tattoos to represent what he stands for and has a lot of pride for. Being a slender man, Yuu isn't a very muscular person. He has above average strength which is needed when using his abilities, but brute strength is not his forte. Yuu has a 12 inch scar on his chest that he received during the Annex of Hueco Mundo. The scar is above his stomach and stretches from the right side of his chest to the bottom left side of his chest.

Yuu has two forms of attire. The first is what he goes out in all the time and that is the Quincy's uniform of a white, form-fitting, high-collared tunic. On the back of his outfit are three symbols that he had sowed onto his outfit. Again this shows his pride in being a quincy, the first symbol is the Quincy Cross. This represents his abilities as a Quincy and that he has inherited the abilities. The next symbol is the Wandenreich that represents his affiliation in the Wandenreich, the power of the Wandenreich, and what the Quincy went through to get to where they are now. The Wandenreich symbol is the largest out of all the symbols. The last symbol is the Quincy Zeichen, this symbol represents the Quincy culture.

His second form of attire is a tuxedo which he has to wear as a waiter. All formal wear, from the long sleeve shirt, to the shoes he wears. He doesn't usually wear tuxedo's or suits because of the waist coats that go along with it. But when he isn't wearing his Quincy attire, he wears a long sleeve formal shirt with rolled up sleeves tucked into a pair of formal jeans. The first two buttons on the shirt are unbuttoned and the collar is fixed. A black belt, a depending on the color of his pants, his shoes will match them. His quincy cross is tucked into shirt and his father's Quincy cross is worn around his right wrist which gives him access to the Quincy Bow. On his left hand he wears the Wandenreich version of the Sanrei Glove.


Yuu has a lot of pride within him especially when it comes to his Quincy bloodline, this includes his affiliation with the Wandenreich. Yuu will not take any denunciation of the Quincy or Wandenreich lightly no matter who denounces them. Shinigami are his number one adversaries and his most hated enemies. He just does not like Shinigami and he hates hollows and arrancars just as much. He was raised by his a single parent and the aid of other Quincies, so they bore their ideals into him at a young age, so its all he knows.

When in combat, he does not take his opponents lightly at all. He holds himself and his opponent on the same level essentially in the beginning of fights until the very end. When being taught by Quincy in Wandenreich City, some of them taught him to never underestimate an opponent even if its below a Menos class hollow. He applies this knowledge even to non combat situations like a test, he studies even if he knows the information.

Yuu is not a hyperactive person at all but is instead intelligent. He is more of an idle person, that likes to keep to himself; if he has to he will talk to other people. Yuu is more into reading books, enjoying nature, and observing things in and around life especially since its his only time being in the World of the Living. A lot of Yuu's personality is the product of things taught to him by Quincy in the Wandenreich and just being cooped up nothing but the spirit realm of life.

When introduced to a Yo-yo, this became on of Yuu's hobbies as it mimics his ability of creating and controlling strings. He caries a Yo-yo with him at all times and usually plays with it when there is nothing else to do. Another hobby of his is to draw, this also plays into his ability with his strings. He has to have a sense of creativity to mold and shape 1 or multiple strings into his liking when facing an opponent. He also does pen tricks that keeps the muscles in his fingers up to par, this helps the finger movements that are essential to using his ability.


Early Life[]

Yuu was born within Wandenreich City, 25 years before the Wandenreich army attacked the Seireitei. He was born to a quincy mother and father making him a Echt Quincy. As he grew up, he was taught everything about the Quincy; their history, philosophy, techniques, and their plans for the future. Being a young child, Yuu absorbed all this and took it to heart, which is why is pride for the quincy and their ways are so strong. By the time he was 5 years of age, Yuu knew all of what his clan was about, so he then decided to train under the guidance of the Jagdarmee and Soldat. In exchange, Yuu would have to help the Jagdarmee capture arrancar in Hueco Mundo. As he started his training, the first thing he trained for was to manipulate Reishi, it was how the Quincy fought so it had to be the first thing he learned. Yuu was a natural in manipulating Reishi, he could easily manipulate it around his body; this gave way to him learning the Quincy's Blut at an early age as well.

After a year of learning to manipulate Reishi, Yuu progressed to creating his own Spirit Weapon and using Hirenkyaku. But before that happened, his father was killed by an Adjuchas while out on a mission to Hueco Mundo. The Quincy were testing to see how to get to Hueco Mundo and Yuu's dad was in the squad of quincies, he got to Hueco Mundo save, but there was a problem in getting back to Wandenreich city so they were trapped there. Yuu's father and his squad was overrun by hallows and eventually were killed. When Yuu heard about this, he was infuriated and was hellbent on avenging his father's death. One day while training with the Jagdarmee, he overheard the men discussion of a way to get in and out of Hueco Mundo without risks of being stuck there. This plan was devised for their ultimate goal of conquering Hueco Mundo and eventually the attack on the Seireitei. Without hesitation, Yuu was driven by his urge to avenge his father and volunteered himself as one of the Quincy's that would go into Hueco Mundo under this test. But this test would be years later, after the defeat of Sousuke Aizen. Being well over a decade away, this gave time for Yuu to hone his skills.

After the death of his father, he looked for a father figure/role model in his life and he couldn't find it until he encountered the Captain of the 1st Jagdarmee Quilge Opie. He was influenced greatly by this man because of how strong he was, not only power wise but his alpha male traits as well. His leadership, assertion, arrogance, barbaric manners were all personality traits Yuu looked at and admired. When Yuu encountered Quilge, Yuu was ten years old and was training with his Reishi strings. Because of his novice skills in controlling the strings, he made a wrong move and sent a very sharp string towards the Silbern. The string would of caused a substantial amount of damage if it weren't for Quilge who was passing by, redirecting the sharp string back towards Yuu where he could focus on it and gain control of it. When Yuu realized what he did and who he thought he nearly killed, he surely thought that he was in some big trouble. Quilge came down to him raised his hand up towards Yuu, who though Quilge was about to punish him, but instead he said, "Welcome to the Jagdarmee." Yuu who was very confused shook his hand and Quilge walked away, but there was something in Yuu's hands, blood. It wasn't his blood, but the blood of Quilge whom had was cut when he redirected the sharp string.

The very next day, Yuu was training again like always when Quilge came to him but this time with the Wandenreich uniform. He told Yuu that from now on he was apart of the Jagdarmee, he would then tell Yuu that from that moment on, he would get training from himself and other Quincies in the Wandenreich including other Sternritter if needed.

Annex of Hueco Mundo[]

When the time came for the Wandenreich to annex Hueco Mundo, Yuu was in charge of several squads of Soldat under the commanding lead of Quilge. Yuu and his unit were the smallest going into the annex of Hueco Mundo and at the time, their objective was to just take over Hueco Mundo. So they did just that, any and every hollow that tried to stop the Quincys was killed. Yuu and his unit were placed in the Forest of Menos and of course mainly encountered Gillian, with Adjuchas and Arrancar appearances every once in a while. They were assigned there to restrict the Gillians into that area and kill the new Guardian of Forest of Menos who was an Adjuchas. Before Yuu's placement in the forest, the new Guardian would allow the Gillians and other hollows leave the forest and roam about Hueco Mundo. Because Aizen's influence was gone in the forest after his defeat, this Guardian had rule over the forest. The forest was the perfect placement for Yuu because of his Reishi strings, he could eliminate a large number of Hollows by setting traps that stretched around the forest. Traps that when triggered would send Hollows running into more traps set by Yuu and his unit. Even when arrancars would comet to try and stop Yuu and his unit, they would be easily outsmarted by his tactics. After a few days in their search for the Guardian of the Forest, they found the Guardian who was a Adjuchas. It and a few other Adjuchas joined together with hundreds of Gillians confronted Yuu and his small Unit. Yuu tried to resolve things diplomatic at first by talking to them, but when all of the Gullians prepped Ceros, Yuu and his squad took action. Using his strings, Yuu caused the Gullians to fire the Ceros at each other, giving opportunities for the Soldat to fire on the Gullians. While doing this, he secretly tied strings to the Adjuchas in the confusion. He would then use a technique of his to control each of them and cause them to kill each other. In a matter of hours, Yuu and his unit had taken over the whole Forest of Menos.

Yuu and his units action in Forest of Menos granted him additional squads of Soldats, his actions also promoted him into a new area with a new project. Yuu was recognized as a great tactician by many Quincys, because of this he and his unit were asked to kill two Vasto Lorde that worked together and were responsible for decimating a whole squads of Soldat. Yuu took this opportunity as a chance to be promoted again, so he took it not knowing what he was getting into at all.

On the way to the suspected area where the two Vasto Lorde were, Yuu and his unit encountered many Hollows that were easily defeated by the strength of his unit. After a while of very frequent Hollow activity, their activity in that area started to dim closer they got to the suspected area. Yuu made this observation and determined that they were getting closer to their targets. It took them a few days to get to their targets, but as they got closer and closer, they would find the remains of other Quincys who had fallen to the Vasto Lordes. Yuu and his unit finally reached the suspected area of the targets to find ruins, when Yuu looked around he found something that made his blood boil. He looked down to find his Father's Quincy Cross. As soon as he picked it up, he heard the screams of a man in his unit, then another and another as he realized that the Vasto Lordes were present. Yuu's plan would then start to brew in his mind as his first plan of action was to get his men out of harms way, he ordered a retreat. He would retreat behind his men to slow the Vasto Lordes down, but thats when he noticed that there was only one. A series of Ceros were then fired at Yuu's unit destroying nearly half of them in the process. Yuu connected strings to each of his men and ordered them to fall back while he distracted the Vasto Lordes. Because of Hueco Mundo being made of Reishi, Yuu was able to hold the Vasto Lordes off using his Quincy abilities, in the process he was wounded. Not causing considerable amounts of damage, Yuu retreated in the direction of his men with the Vasto Lordes right behind.

Several minutes later he met back up with his unit and the final acts of his plan went into action. The strings tied to his men were forms of communication, so Yuu devised a plan to defeat the Vasto Lordes with the Quincy's overwhelming strength, Reishi. Each and every quincy could manipulate Reishi which would be a nuisance for the Vasto Lordes. A few men were posted under the sand and would act as turrets, continuously firing arrow after arrow in succession a tthe Vasto Lordes. Another group of his men would use the sand and create dust storms of sand that would not only blind them but set up another part of the plan. The last group set up several Sprengers before hand and activated them to rain down on the Vasto Lordes. Yuu's plan was complete as the series of attacks would hit the Vasto Lordes. As the dust cleared the Vasto Lordes were still alive with nothing but a few scratches on them, Yuu's men were surprised that their plan didn't work. Yuu stated good job as the Vasto Lordes came towards him and knelled before him. Confused his men wondered what had happened, so Yuu told them. The sand that was kicked up was made of Reishi, so Yuu molded them into strings and uses his technique to place the Vasto Lordes under his control. He had known that it would be impossible to defeat them with brute force even with the abundance of Reishi, so controlling them was the next best option.

After these events, Yuu was to be promoted again and be the right hand of Quilge until he was needed by Yhwach himself. Yuu went to go see Yhwach and was very nervous because this was his first time being in close proximity to him and it would also be his first time speaking to him. When he got to Yhwach, Yuu visibly anxious so Yhwach told him to calm down, and Yuu did so. Yhwach acknowledged him and his achievements so far in the Annex, but instead of having him work along side Quilge he had him work along side himself until after the Annex where he would then give him another project. Yuu would aid Yhwach in his charge into Las Noches, Yuu and other Quincys would now be responsible for handling any Arrancar that tried to halt their efforts.

The main reason Yuu was apart of this assault was because of his Reishi strings ability to be secretly placed in a target and be taken control of. While Arrancars would be fighting other Quincy besides Yuu, he would take time to insert a few strings into these arrancars and cause this to do things according to the movements of his fingers. With this, Yhwach's charge into Las Noches was impossible to stop. When they got to Tier Harribel, Yhwach ordered everyone to stay back while he handled her. After he defeat by the hands of Yhwach, the annex was basically over, there were still hollows that chose to keep fighting only to be killed by the overwhelming force of the Quincy.

Time passed as Harribel was taken and the Quincy started to take Arrancar as pawns tow work for them. Then Yhwach had a task for Yuu, at first Yuu thought that maybe he would become a Sternritter in Yhwach's army. Instead Yhwach gave him and about a dozen other quincy the objective to spread the Quincy blood across the world, and be as abundant as they were before. Yuu and all the other quincy accepted this task and were sent into the world of the living, they would have access back into the Wandenreich at any time and have contact with the Wandenreich. Yuu was placed in Germany to fulfill his quest.

The World of the Living/Present Time[]

The first thing Yuu did when he got to Germany was get a tattoo of the Wandenreich symbol on both of his shoulders and the Quincy Cross on his back. To him this symbolized his mission and what he stood for. He then applied and was accepted into Heidelberg University. Currently still a student there, Yuu is working on his Masters in Earth Sciences and a minor in Ancient History. To help pay for college, Yuu took a job as a waiter in a restaurant not to far from his university.

One day at his job, Yuu was serving a group of people his age, three men and 2 women. They seemed to be regular people until Yuu sensed their Reiryoku, it was larger than what any normal human would be and he knew that they were spiritually aware humans. Especially one in particular who had the pressure of a Shinigami, he knew that the man would probably sense him as well. As he continued to serve these people, the one that Yuu was able to point out looked at Yuu with interest. Yuu took notice of this but continued on with his day until he got off. It was dusk and the sun was just about to descend down the horizon, and something caught Yuu's attention. The same group of people in the restaurant that he recognized for their spiritual energy were now in front of him. He stopped and looked at them. The man who Yuu could tell was more spiritually aware was in front and introduced himself as Iori and the rest of his group. He told Yuu that he knew about him sensing his Reiryoku in the restaurant and Yuu responded telling him that he did as well. They then started walking towards Yuu and eventually past him stating that they would see him later.

What the man Iori said came to past when about 3 months later, Yuu was on his way to a town that he needed to take a train to get to. He was going there to research something for a project and while looking out the window he spotted the same group of people fighting a Adjuchas Hollow. Yuu didn't feel the Adjuchas presence until then because it had escaped from Hueco Mundo even with the Quincy's presence there. It even brought with it half a dozen Gillian class hollows with it, the Adjuchas somehow traveled using the Garganta and placed the Garganta in Germany. Yuu got off at the next stop and raced to the spot where Iori and his group were fighting. When he got there, the last member or Iori's group was being eaten and Iori was the last one left. He had somehow managed to do a little damage to one of the Gillians but not enough to stop it from killing most of his friends. Yuu in one fell swoop killed all the Gillians with one string and moved onto the Adjuchas who was about to devour Iori. He sliced its body in half then eradicated its body using Heilig Pfeil. Iori who was distraught from his friends being killed and nearly being killed himself, passed out. Yuu took the man into the town where he left him there until he woke up. But by that time Yuu had left already and was back to his life.

Occasionally, hollows would come to Germany and Yuu would take care of them. One day while doing so, Iori showed up and requested to talk to Yuu. Iori told Yuu about his life and his friends that were killed the other day, Iori also told him why he was spiritually aware. Yuu felt compassion for the man and reveled what he was and what he does, after that the two became friends. This was one of Yuu's first friends in his life, and he cherished him as if he were his brother. Iori decided to work where Yuu was working so they could have a stronger bond.


Quincy Cross: Yuu has access to two Quincy Crosses, his own and his father's. His father's cross gives him access to a black bow. His cross gives him access to Reishi strings. Yuu can use both weapons at one time, tho this take up more stamina than using just one cross.

Yuu's Bow

Yuu's Father's Bow

Sanrei Glove: Yuu was given the Wendenreich's version of the Sanrei Glove 5 years into his training in Wandenreich city. Even though he only has one glove, it compensates for both of his spirit weapons even if he uses them at the same time.

Seele Schneider: The Seele Schneider is sword that can be fired as an arrow. However, if he wants to, Yuu can use the Seele Schneider as a sword to cut through spirit matter using its chainsaw-like function. Yuu has ten of them that he can access, 4 are fastened around each of his thighs and the last two are on each of his ankles.

Powers & Abilities[]

Reishi Manipulation & Absorption: Yuu was able to manipulate Reishi from the young age of 5 and has trained with it ever since. He is considered a master of Reishi manipulation mainly because of his ability to create Reishi strings. Manipulation of strings is no simple task, it took Yuu many years to master the manipulation of his Reishi to even control a few strings. He also has the ability to absorb Reishi

*Enhanced Hirenkyaku: Yuu is a proficient user of Hirenkyaku. Hirenkyaku allows the user to ride the flow of Reishi below their feet. Yuu can ride these waves just like any other Quincy, but what makes his different and faster is how he manipulates the Reishi around his feet. But Yuu flows Reishi into his leg muscles similar to as if he were to use Blut and also rids the flow of Reishi below his feet. The reishi within he leg muscles enhance his muscle movements to become faster. He connects the reishi in his legs and the reishi below his feet and combines the two to make faster movements that are faster than that of the Shinigami's Shunpo and the Arrancar's Sonído. He doesn't lose endurance in his legs because half of the work is being done by the reishi under his feet, and half is being done by the reishi within his legs. This causes a balance of the two forces, so after use of the use of this technique, his legs won't be fatigued. His enhanced Hirenkyaku allows Yuu to move over long distances (250m) at the same rate of speed.

Blut:(血装 (ブルート), burūto; German for "Blood", Japanese for "Blood Guise"): Is a Quincy technique used to enhance defensive and offensive capabilities by flowing Reishi into the users blood stream. Blut has allowed Yuu to create techniques that are similar to Blut in flowing reishi into his body to enhance his physical abilities.

Blut Vene:(静血装 (ブルート・ヴェーネ), Burūto Vēne; German for "Blood Vein", Japanese for "Stilled Blood Guise") is the defensive form of Blut, which grants the user inhuman durability. When using this technique, Yuu usually can sense how much power will be used when he is attacked. Based on that knowledge, he will use this technique to overcome the attack from an opponent even if their intention was to break through his Blut.

Blut Arterie: (動血装 (ブルート・アルテリエ), Burūto Aruterie; German for "Blood Artery", Japanese for "Moving Blood Guise") The offensive form of Blut which grants the user inhuman attack power. This technique is the only thing capable of ensuring a Quincy's attacks can significantly damage a Bankai-wielding Shinigami. Yuu uses this Blut in all of his hand to hand combat so that he can ensure significant damage upon the opponent or their technique.

Ransōtengai: Ransoutengai allows the user to to control their body parts using strings of Reiryoku controlled by their brain, forming lines or strings out of Reishi. Since Yuu's spirit weapon are strings, this technique is very simple and can be used on other people and objects than himself. He taught himself this technique even thought he didn't know about its existence until someone told him. He merely thought he was creating a technique to help control his and other people's body.

Natural Abilities[]

  • Strenght: Strength isn't something Yuu is big on, but he is stronger than an average man. He can do inhuman things like punch a rock and cause it to crumble, or cause a significant amount of damage to a person if they are hit by his punch. He can also knock a man off of his feet with his strength, but close range isn't his forte.
  • Reflexes: Yuu has proficient reflexes, enough to dodge some of the fastest attacks at the last moment. He was able to get his reflexes to its current level by training with Jagdarmee and Soldat when he was younger. Yuu can flow reishi into his nerves similar to blut and increase his reflexes to a further degree.
  • Speed: Speed is Yuu's most profound natural ability. Although he isn't a hyperactive person, he trains a lot to achieve the Quincy: Vollständig and to do that his body has to have physical requirements. In training his body to be able to accommodate for the Quincy: Vollständig, he has increased his speed to inhuman measures. To a regular person when he moves his fastest, he appears as a blur to them.
  • Stamina: The Quincy: Vollständig is taxing on ones stamina, so Yuu has trained immensely in getting his stamina to withstand the taxation of the Quincy: Vollständig. He can run at full speed hours at a time before getting tired. He can fight for long periods of time as well even if seriously wounded.

Spirit Weapon & Techniques[]

Reishi Strings: Yuu has the ability to create strings using Reishi. These strings are thin and can't be seen by humans that are not quincies, Hollows and Shinigami can see them, but the strings are so thin that they blend into thin air. These strings can be sensed, but only by people who are proficient with sensing abilities. Reishi strings can be molded instantly by Yuu and can be manipulated for many things. These strings can stretch to be miles long and be sharp enough to cut and pierce through some of the toughest material. These strings are very durable an flexible, making them a great tool for offense and defense. Reishi strings can also be molded into anything Yuu wants and can even be used to manipulate a person. Because the strings are so small, it makes them relativity easy to dodge only if you can track them. While they are small, they are extremely fast due to their size and weight.

String Parasite: Using the Reishi strings, Yuu can insert multiple strings into a solid object and control, destroy, or incapacitate that object. He can only do this to things that have some type of pathway to its body. For example, a human has many pathways like blood vessels and nerves that send signals and blood through the body. For trees and plants, there are vein-like paths that transports water. Yuu can insert his strings through these pathways and control the object. He can also cause damage to that object with his strings by cutting that object from the inside, causing huge amounts of damage.

Reishi String Mold: Bow & Arrow: Using his Reishi strings, Yuu molds the strings into a solid bow and arrow that can be used to attack his targets. The arrows of this technique can be very sharp to very blunt. When the arrows make contact with their target, Yuu has the ability to make 1 or more string detach from the arrow and perform a different attack; some similar to his String Parasite. One of the most effective use of this technique is to create multiple bows and arrows in thin air and fire them upon his target. The bows and arrows can be as large as a building, to the size of a regular size bow and arrow. The larger the bows and arrows, the less he can form while the smaller the bows and arrows, the more he can form.

Reishi Sting Mold: Sword: Using his Reishi strings, Yuu can mold a sword capable of contending against the likes of a Shinigami or Arrancar's hand held weapon. Similar to his Reishi String Mold: Bow & Arrow, he can create multiple swords in thin air and use strings to attack his target. The swords can sprout 1 or more strings to perform a different attack, or be used to perform his String Parasite technique.

Heilig Pfeil: Yuu can use the Heilig Pfeil in a few different ways. One of the main ways is with his Reishi strings. He uses it with his Reishi String Mold: Bow & Arrow, and shoots his Heilig Pfeil through that; though this is when he is only using one hand to do so.

Heilig Pfeil Blitzkrieg: Heilig Pfeil Blitzkrieg, is one of Yuu's signature techniques. He uses his Reishi Strings and the Heilig Pfeil to create thousands of bows and thousands of arrows. The firs thing Yuu must do is gather up reishi. Then using his Reishi strings, Yuu creates the bows and places them in a specific area, he then attaches strings to his bows, which are attached to one string that is attached to Yuu. When ready, Yuu releases the arrows upon his opponents, the thousands of arrows simulates multiples Heilig Pfeils at once. This takes up a bunch of Reishi around the area.

Reishi Convert: Reishi Convert is a technique that allows Yuu and his Quincy powers to convert Reishi into Reiryoku. This in turn allows him to release a large amount of Reiatsu according to how much Reiryoku he has from the Reishi he has converted.

Quincy: Vollständig[]

Vogelbauer or Birdcage is Yuu's Vollständig. With the release of his Vollständig, Yuu quickly absorbs a large amount or Reishi which then turns into Reiryoku and is released as Reiatsu. The released Reiatsu appears as a Quincy cross that ascends high into the air, even sometimes above the clouds. Following this, strings arch from the top of the cross into the surrounding area forming basically a cage. This process is quick and only takes a few seconds for the action to happen. The stings are deeply rooted into the ground and cannot be taken out, also they are highly sharp. One little touch can cut any person from anywhere around the cage, this means noting can get out of the cage. Once this process is done, the Quincy cross disappears and reveals Yuu's transformation.

Yuu has a set of wings that stretch out far enough and are big enough to cover his whole body up. His hair turns white and long, extending down to the middle of his back in between his wings. He gains a little muscle tone and his skin gives of a metallic glow. Another feature is that both of his Quincy crosses fuses together which forms a new weapon. His clothing doesn't change that much, he gains a Quincy Zeichen for a halo which completes his appearance change.

There are multiple perks that the cage has. The first is the ability to hold anything in and keep anything out of the cage. Although there seems to be gaps in between the strings, those gaps have a sort of invisible barrier made of Yuu's reiatsu. Although Yuu reiatsu isn't the strongest, the abundance of Reishi he converts into reisatsu compensates for the lack of power his Reiatsu has. Another perk of the cage is that it absorbs reishi from the outside and also can from the inside
