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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki
"Fear is necessary for evolution. The fear that one could be destroyed at any moment. Thank you, Gin. Thanks to your efforts, I have finally risen to an existence that surpasses both Shinigami and Hollow."

This article, Visored 2.0, is currently under active construction by the author(s) of whom this article's property falls under.

This article, Visored 2.0, was added by snakes-on-a-plane who determines its usage on this wiki.

"On the surface, a group of powerful warriors. At the core, just group of idealistic kids." - Snakes Template:Organizations (Snakes)

"Just the best vigilantes you know."
— Jo Morelli, when asked what her group's purpose was

The Visored 2.0 (ヴァイザード 二, Vaizādo 2.0) are the second 'official' group of Visored created hundreds of years after the originals (not counting those created during the Espada War). They are similar to the originals in that they are a group of Shinigami that aquired Hollow powers, though the origin of their powers is quite different. Though originally exiled, they were called back in order to help augment the Gotei 13 against the Shadow.


Under construction


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Known Members[]

The Visored 2.0 consists of six former shinigami, all of different squads. Five of the members knew each other from attending the Shino Academy together, and one was a rookie Shinigami. 

Name Zanpakutō Hollow Mask
Jo Morelli Imbroglione Canine-like skull with black ear pieces and pale blue markings
Layla Vital Pinuno at Alagad Traditional Skull-like with bony spines resembling lionfish spines and true blue markings
Matt Alder Szarvas Spartan helmet with green and gold markings and a plume of red bristles on the top- unique in that it is more of a helmet than a mask
Ryoji Van Marui Kuchi Shadow mask
Chris Perri Tsuin Resembles an easter-island head, and is light grey instead of white with teal plumes at the top
Oda Shinichi Kin'iro no Kiba Resembles a gold skull whith the ends of the mandible longer than normal, resembling bat ears