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This article, Vamp's Bakkōtō, is property of Kenji-Taichō. Permission is required to alter its content. Use of this page's contents is determined by the author of this page, unless otherwise specified.
During his appearances in the World of the Living, specifically in and around the Grat area, a Soulless-like creature identified as Vamp wielded a Bakkōtō of unknown origin.[1] Vamp used this weapon to grievously wound Randy Jones and kill a number of spiritually-aware Humans before being tracked down and attacked by Garrett Sheppard and Marisa Amatsuki.[2] During his battle with Garrett, which resulted in Garrett securing a hard-fought victory, Vamp was disarmed through Garrett's Hakuda skills and his Bakkōtō came into the possession of Marisa.[3] The Bakkōtō was subsequently worked over and modified by Marisa and her sister Anko,[4] where the sisters stripped out most of its parasitic qualities, whilst fitting it with a dark-blue sheath.[5] Once complete Anko presented the weapon to Garrett for his personal use. What she didn't immediately tell Garrett however was that the modifications she made essentially turned the Bakkōtō into an Asauchi, one which would begin the process of awakening Garrett's latent Shinigami powers through him imprinting his soul upon the weapon, which was explained to him by Kusaka Kori.[6] Garrett subsequently made use of the Bakkōtō as his personal weapon.[7]
In the original script Garrett was a jack-of-all-trades-type who inherited Quincy powers from his father and Hollow powers from his mother. He was also a Shinigami and recognised as the Substitute Shinigami of Grat. Certain aspects of this backstory where retained as Garrett's character continued to evolve over the course of Bleach: Cataclysm.