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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki

Silver-Haired Seireitou Silver-Haired Seireitou 23 October 2015

Central 46 for the Fanon Canon

Hey guys, so, I'm here with some stuff regarding the FC.

The actual blog regarding our return to the FC will be posted tomorrow night after I get my thoughts together. But before that, I wanted to present this first.

Since we have wanted to implement a political angle to the FC, I figure the best way to do this is to flesh out .

My plan is that everybody interested in the FC is permitted the creation of two wise men out of the total 40 wise men for the FC Central 46, without needing permission from me to do so, and if we still need to make more afterwards, everybody will get maybe one or two more available to them. Now, keep in mind, just because they are called "wise men", doesn't mean female members can't be made. In fact, going off of the sto…

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Silver-Haired Seireitou Silver-Haired Seireitou 23 October 2015

13 Blades Fanbook Translations

Hey everybody, how y'all doing? So, as many of you are aware, Kubo released a fanbook a while back named "The 13 Blades". While it isn't exactly a databook revealing a lot of information, it did give us some interesting stuff and shed some light on a couple things worth looking into, including what Kubo thinks about when he creates characters, what characters think of other characters, miscellaneous information, and of course, the creme de la creme, a short story focusing on Izuru Kira, Shaz Domino (didn't think he'd return, huh?), and a librarian girl from Central 46 named Nayura. There is also another short story about Hisagi and memories of his old friends who were killed by Hollows during that training exercise, but I couldn't find it.…

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Silver-Haired Seireitou Silver-Haired Seireitou 17 May 2015

Sake Time with Sei - Three's a Crowd

Welcome, everybody, to the newest installment of Sake Time with Sei. Get yourselves a drink and get comfortable.

17:50, May 17, 2015 (UTC)

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Silver-Haired Seireitou Silver-Haired Seireitou 16 May 2015

Revisiting Hakuda

Alright, so, if some of you remember way back when, I started a blog called Guide to Hakuda, which was meant to be... well, as the name suggests, a "guide" on Hakuda. But I eventually turned it into a guide to martial arts. And I never could finish it. Why was that? Yes, it was partially due to my laziness, but also that to write a guide on martial arts as a whole would be a tremendous pain in the ass because there is so many topics to discuss. So many directions to go in, so many different practical and cultural perspectives to discuss and analyze, and while I would love to go through them all, it really wouldn't accomplish anything when it comes to the Bleach series and Hakuda itself.

Therefore, I would like to revisit my blog and instead…

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Silver-Haired Seireitou Silver-Haired Seireitou 23 March 2015

Attack on Seireitou

Yes, very clever title. Eheheheheh...

But seriously speaking now. At the suggestion of Nanja, I've decided to make a blog focusing on everybody's favorite asshole...

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I decided to start with Hiroya first because, well, I find this match-up to be the simplest to explore first. Why do I believe this? Because they are both the best at their own respective fields, and the nature of their crafts are extreme opposites from one another that they make for a good fight.

Hiroya's rank is... 1.

This means that he is, and probably will always be, one of the most difficult if not already the toughest opponent Seireitou could ever face. A battle between them is not one that ol' silver-hairs is going to walk away from easily; let alone manage to…

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