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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki

The Olympics screwed up the regular broadcasting schedule for SAO, which is why two episodes were released this time.

Episode 6 continues the mystery from the previous episode regarding player-killing inside towns. Recall that player-killing is normally impossible due to game restrictions. The methods that the perpetrators used to stage the entire plot is very clever, I have to say that I would not have thought of this. Then again, it would probably be more obvious if I was inside a virtual reality MMORPG for over a year, non-stop. Yoruko and Kains both faked their deaths by taking advantage of equipment durability and teleport crystals, since the in-game effects of both are very similar. We also meet Grimrock, the smith who forged the weapons used in the "attacks," and gain some insight about his relationship with his wife Griselda. The infamous red guild Laughing Coffin finally makes it debut, though only briefly. I suspect the next episode will fully feature Laughing Coffin

A decent episode, though it doesn't hold a candle to the first three episodes.

Episode 7 introduces the weapon smith Lisbeth. It is growing increasingly obvious to anime viewers that the vast majority of Kirito's relationships involve girls, despite the fact that there are far more men than women that play video games (which is reflected in SAO). I read this story in the light novels, so it was fun to see how the story is animated in reflection of the original story. We also learn the names of Kirito's swords: his signature black one is Elucidator, one of the strongest swords ever dropped from a monster. Lisbeth forges Kirito a second sword called Dark Repulsor. Both of them are heavy one-handed swords, implying that Kirito has ridiculously high strength stat. Even Lisbeth was surprised by the weight of Elucidator.

Although the episode doesn't really give any cues, this episode is a hint at Kirito's true combat form. In the light novels, this story came far after it was revealed what Kirito's sword art is, so there has been details omitted for the sake of the great surprise in a future episode. I won't spoil this. :)

This one's the better of the two that just released.
