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This article Tomoe Ōkuni, is the sole property of Ashy and as such, please do not edit this article without my permission.
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"Shall we dance to the tunes of murder, then?"
— Tomoe's common phrase.

"Nothing more than your residential, friendly murderer passing by."
Tomoe Ōkuni
Race Soul
Birthplace Rukongai
Birthday May 3
Age 600+
Gender Female
Height 184cm
Weight 62kg
Professional Status
Affiliation Kessen
Previous Affiliation Ōkuni Clan
Profession Assassination Mistress
Hostess of Kessen Yado
Previous Profession Assassin
Bar Maid
Heiress to the Ōkuni Clan
Base of Operations Rukongai
Personal Status
Relatives Ōkuni Clan(Relatives; Deceased)
Education Self-Taught
Teachings by the Ōkuni Clan
Shikai Mikumo
Bankai Mikumo Kūshīnada
First Appearance

Tomoe Ōkuni (鏖国友会, Ōkuni Tomoe; Literally meaning "Country-Massacring Gathering of Friends") is an intriguing individual who is placed in the highest echelon of society within the harsh Rukongai. Born among the last of the Ōkuni Clan (鏖国一族, Country-Massacring Clan), Tomoe was their heiress and a talent seen once in a millennium. Yet it was this talent that lead her to be outcast among her own. Feared for her law-defying skill within assassinations of all kind, Tomoe felt isolated and stifled among individuals who simply held no appreciation for her. This isolation lead her wishing for individuals who appreciated her existence, and thus she killed them all.

Upon doing so, Tomoe felt a certain sense of relief, but also a stifling sensation that nobody had feared her. Growing up with this fear constantly surrounding her, Tomoe established a small troupe of assassins, whose influence in the Rukongai would then cause them to be labelled as Kessen (血千, Bloody Thousand). In addition, her notable fondness of affluence through monetary gains lead her to also create the Kessen Yado (血千宿, Inn of the Bloody Thousand). Overall, Tomoe is a woman who relishes in the idea of bloodshed: sadistic, cold, conniving and heartless. Truthfully, the epitome definition of an assassin.



Tomoe's General Appearance



Tomoe's sympathetic facade.




Powers and Abilities[]



Behind the Scenes[]
