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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki

The Slayer is an article created by Achrones150. Use is allowed with the permission of the owner, with the exception of collaboration-created articles.

The Slayer
The Slayer's profile picture.
Name The Slayer
Kanji 殺害者
Romaji Unspecified
Race Hankami
Birthday Unknown
Age 35,000+
Gender Male
Height Unspecified
Weight Unspecified
Blood Type Unspecified
Professional Status
Affiliation Red Sun
Previous Affiliation None
Occupation Deity of Red Sun
Previous Occupation None
Team Red Sun
Partner The Monitor
The Punisher
The Oracle
The Melody
Previous Partner None
Base of Operations Various
Personal Status
Marital Status Single
Relatives The Punisher (sister)
The Oracle (brother)
The Monitor (brother)
The Melody (brother)
Education Unknown
Status Alive
Shikai None
Bankai None

The Slayer (殺害者) is a powerful entity that serves as one of the main antagonists in Bleach: The Children of Izanami and later on as a supporting protagonist in Bleach: The War of Four alongside his bretheren.



A somewhat irritated Slayer.

The Slayer is level-headed and carries himself in a cool and casual manner. He commonly speaks in a light and easy manner, able to naturally form words and sentences as a second nature. Compared to his darker bretheren and although not to the nature of the Melody, he holds an unusually easy-going and light-hearted demeanor around himself. Although he only rarely allows himself to socialize with Shinigami or other races not of his kind, he does so willingly under the rare times that he does encounter them. It is extremely rare that he will show any sort of anger or malevolence towards anyone, easily amused at even what could be the most dire of situations.


The start of the Slayer's background spans back to the beginning of early Japan by Izanami-no-Mikoto and Izanagi-no-Mikoto. After giving birth to the incarnation of fire Kagu-Tsuchi, Izanami died and was sent to the realm of the dead. Izanagi was so enraged and grieved by her demise that he killed Kagu-Tsuchi. Although Izanami was in the world of the dead, she could feel the newborn's death as if it were her own. At that given moment, she felt grief, rage, and betrayal at Izanagi for taking the innocent life. Her feelings caused her to become disillusioned with the fate of humanity and consume the fruit of the underworld. Upon consumption, it is said that her flesh was ripped from her body and formed into separate entities, all of which are said to be her children. One of these entities was the Slayer, who was known to his mother as Sensōken (戦争剣, War Sword).


Bleach: The Children of Izanami[]

Bleach: The War of Four[]

Powers & Abilities[]

Decimating Shinsei: One of the Slayer's most frightening traits is his monstrous energy that he is capable of giving off. Even the most skilled and powerful of Shinigami will lose breath and even be crushed under the pressure exerted. The nature of his Shinsei is that of darkness, like those of his siblings. This energy can prove to be more dangerous when the Slayer channels and unleashes it in combat, capable of reaking destruction the size of a tsunami.


The Slayer, during his battle with the Harbinger.

Immense Strength: The Slayer, despite his humanoid build, possesses titanic strength unrivaled by any other. One careless sword swing can level an entire forest, and a purposeful one can do as much damage as his energy attacks. During his battle with the Harbinger, despite the latter's rise in strength and power, he was able to fight on even footing with the entity. Collateral damage within the battle shook the very environment around them haphazardly.

Master Swordsmanship Specialist: The Slayer utilizes the size and strength of his Claymore in order to combat his foes with destructive power, battering down defenses and leaving them vulnerable. Combined with his monstrous strength, he becomes a fearsome and nigh-invincible foe to contend with and can kill even the most skilled enemies with this ability alone.

Trivia/Behind The Scenes[]


