Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki

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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki


Am I misreading things, or did someone try to steal Seireitou's Bankai twice? The Omniscent Shadow of the Moon (talk) 05:27, September 9, 2012 (UTC)

Indeed someone did. They failed first and succeeded the second time. Captain-CommanderTalk     06:51, September 9, 2012 (UTC)

Ah! I see o.o How did they improve it the second time around? I thought the universal law *According to my own intuition backed by Sei's Article of Bankai Mastery* that if someone mastered their Bankai to its "Truest"-Form, that it cannot be ripped from them. Were they still able to do that, but screw-over that concept or was there a particular fashion in which they were still able to take it anyways? O.o The Omniscent Shadow of the Moon (talk) 22:35, September 9, 2012 (UTC)


Why does everyone keep trying to steal poor Sei's Bankai? Everyone! LEAVE SEI ALONE! Prodigy (Talk)    22:45, October 31, 2013 (UTC)


If a character has recovered a medallion which was used by another and already has a Bankai within it, would they be listed here? --The Thirteenth Doctor (Fantastic-Allons-y-Geronimo) 15:58, November 26, 2013 (UTC)