Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki

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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki
Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki

Good work Archy. This is an excellent idea. ~ The Silver Flash of Konoha (My User Page|Main Character) 03:41, August 6, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks, Ten. --Senkaku, The Lost Prodigy 16:51, August 6, 2010 (UTC)

Guest Appearance Sign-ups[]

  • Inshu Senshi - Inshu is a Shinigami - Human Hybrid currently located in the Dangai. He is there because of excile and plans to destroy Soul Society. He is a previous Lieutenant of the Ninth Division and is incredibly intelligent. ~ Koukishi, a Wikia Beta Tester 100px-Nature Icon Yin-Yang.svg User page 21:44, September 26, 2010 (UTC)
  • Lucius Ichimaru & Dante - Their like, the evil dudes kinda, but not plot-sodder. Plus, I figure it'd be less cliche than having Sei or Kamui star. Lucius is Gin's daddy, and Dante's like his partner. Sooooo yeeeeeah. --Seireitou-shishō Seireitou's signature picture (My True Identity | Talk to Me :3) 23:07, September 26, 2010 (UTC)

Guys, you don't have to do it on the talk page. I'd prefer it if you put them under "Pending Guests". >_> --Senkaku, The Lost Prodigy 23:55, September 26, 2010 (UTC)