Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki

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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki
Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki


I'm excited to see this character. You had so much potential in the last FC, and I think now that you have some experience you'll really be able to take this guy to the next level. Just as a quick not though: you currently have your sections arranged in Naruto format. Please revise to standard Bleach format, which should go: Appearance, Personality, History, Plot (optional), Equipment (optional), Powers and Abilities, Quotes, Trivia, Notes/Refernces (optional). Danke. "There goes Tokyo, yet again." —SCB (The chatty-chat section.) 16:15, June 7, 2016 (UTC)

Oh yes of course! Sorry and thanks for pointing that out Shonen. I'll change right away. Riven4563 (talk) 17:23, June 8, 2016 (UTC)