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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki

This article, Takashi Hattori, was added by ArthurNiBritannia who determines its usage on this wiki.

"Fade to black, Satsujin Akumu!"
— Takashi, activating his shikai.

Takashi Hattori
Takashi Hattori
Name Takashi Hattori
Kanji 服部崇
Romaji Hattori Takashi
Race Tsumikami (Shinigami)
Birthday June 13
Age Unknown
Gender Male
Height 188 cm (6'2")
Weight 74 kg (163 lbs)
Blood Type B
Professional Status
Affiliation Soul Society
Gotei 13
Occupation 3rd Seat of the Seventh Division
Partner None
Base of Operations Seventh Division HQ
Personal Status
Marital Status Single
Relatives None
Education Shinō Academy
Status Active
Shikai Satsujin Akumu (Murderous Nightmare)
Bankai Kuroyake Satsujin Akumu (Burned-Black Murderous Nightmare)

Takashi Hattori is the 3rd seat of the the Seventh Division, and was previously a disciple of Ichibē Hyōsube. He holds the title "Black Beast".


Takshi Hattori full

Takashi is a tall, well-built young man with black hair and blue eyes. His main outfit is black with a white overcoat. He carries around his signature weapon on his back or over his shoulders. He wears the Seventh Division insignia on his back, and on his shoulder.


Takashi is very loyal, and devoted to protecting the soul society. He displays utmost devotion to the seventh division, and fights to protect what matters to him. He is found to be very calm, and likes to lightly pick on his junior members.



Powers & abilities[]
