This article, Sukuna Kawahiru, is part of this site's Fanon Canon project(s), which may include Bleach: Extinction, Bleach Renascence, or The Coven War. Use of this page's contents is determined by the author of this page unless otherwise specified. |
This article, Sukuna Kawahiru, was added by Shoshiki who determines its usage on this wiki. |
Mistress of Shadows | |
Manga - Anime | |
Name | Sukuna Kawahiru |
Kanji | 河昼寡 |
Romaji | Kawahiru Sukuna |
Characteristics | |
Race | Sōzōshin |
Birthday | June 16th |
Age | 1400+ |
Gender | Female |
Height | 5'7" |
Weight | 135lbs |
Blood Type | O- |
Professional Status | |
Partner | Ginkishi |
Personal Status | |
Marital Status | Single |
Relatives | Kawahiru Clan |
Education | Shinō Academy |
Status | Alive |
Zanpakutō | |
Shikai | Zenchi |
Bankai | Chōetsu |
Powers | |
Signature Skill | Kido (Kaihendō) |
First Appearance | |
Voices | |
“ | Within a writhing pit of snakes lies a girl that seeks naught but recognition. | ” |
Sukuna Kawahiru (河昼寡, Kawahiru Sukuna) is a female Sōzōshin belonging to the Kawahiru and Ise Clans, with her being the matriarch of the latter. She has shown transcendent skill in the use of Kidō, and even other magical arts she has learned along the years.
Equipment and Inventions[]
Kokketsu (黒血, "Black Blood"): This is a type of blood, scientifically and magically engineered to make whomever bears it a variable super soldier. The blood was made so that it would allow the user to emulate the strongest abilities of several different races. The user would be able to, on command, harden or soften their blood. The hardening of the blood causes the user's skin to harden as well, much like an Arrancar's Heirro or a Quincy's Blut: Vene, it also stops any bleeding and prompts a regeneration of damaged cells. It also augments the strength of the user. Softening of the blood allows the user to absorb reishi with more ease, mold and control their reiatsu and even manipulate their own Reiryoku to an extent. It also augments the speed of the user. The user is also able to weaponize any blood that leaves their body. The blood is still incomplete, as it's original purpose was to completely replace a person's blood. All those Sukuna has tested on have been unable to last an extended amount of time with a complete Kokketsu transfusion without going insane. For now, Sukuna's Shikigami Dōkeshi acts as a container for her Kokketsu and the only being capable of utilizing it's power, albeit on Sukuna's directive.

Sukuna's Shikigami, Dōkeshi
Dōkeshi (道化師, Jester): A Shikigami Sukuna created for the express purpose of containing, generating and utilizing her Kokketsu.
Broomstick: Sukuna carries around a broomstick enchanted for flight with her almost everywhere she goes. She also keeps her Zanpakutō sealed within the broom for convenience and can release it at her leisure.
Sukuna's Enchiridion: This is a large book carrying within it detailed descriptions of every spell and ritual she had ever come in contact with or performed and each experiment she has been privy to, taken part in or conducted herself. Along with those are notes on how to improve the subject of the entry or notes on how it could be implemented.
Shinken Hakkyōken:
Powers and Abilities[]
Gargantuan Spiritual Pressure:
![]() Sukuna's massive Reiatsu.
Hyper Genius-level Intellect: When it comes to intellect, Sukuna is second to none. Where a Genius' mind could be compared to a computer, and a Super Genius's mind to a Super Computer, Sukuna far surpasses all of that. Her conscious processing speed is very near ten times that of even the best of geniuses, due to this her perception of time is somewhat slowed, enabling her to track and react to speeds far surpassing her own. Her brain possesses a staggering three times the amount of neural synapses and nerve cells as a regular human, making her brain extremely dense. She is now able to assume conscious control over each individual brain cell that she possesses alongside being able to control her own life processes. Due to her unnatural processing speeds, she is also able to take in even the smallest details of the world around her. Due to this, as well as her control over her own brain, Sukuna is able to tell when someone is trying to manipulate her perception or her mind. She possesses a photographic memory, literally never forgetting anything that she sees, storing it away for later viewing. She also has innate control over her muscles, enabling her to mimic the physical capabilities of others as long as they belong to her own race. This coupled with her memory grants her impeccable muscle memory. This allows her to remember and replicate movements that she has made before with perfection. Because of these things, playing mind games with Sukuna isn't very widely advised.
Shunpo Expert: Sukuna has studied the usage of Shunpo extensively, as she thought it would be a useful skill. Because she studied members of her own race using it, she was able to mimic its use and become rather competent practitioner. With her skill, she is able to keep up with those that match her own skill level with ease as well as outpace those who fall below her prowess.
Hakuda Expert: After studying her own family members fast at work with hand-to-hand combat over a span of a few days, Sukuna has become competent in its use. While she has nowhere near mastered the usage of Hakuda, she has a firm grasp of the basics and some advanced arts. With her skill level, she is able to combat those equal to her in power as well as those below. Zanjutsu Practitioner: Along with other physical arts, Sukuna studied the usage of Zanjutsu from her Sōzōshin brethren. As such, she is able to use it with little confidence. |
Kidō Grandmaster: Kido is the art of manipulating one's own spiritual pressure with the power of their mind in order to weave and create immensely powerful effects. Within the hands of a skilled practitioner, this highly complex art can be both versatile and wholly devastating. Sukuna has dedicated all of her life to the pursuit of mastering and advancing her skill with this art. From the time she entered the academy and began her training as a soul reaper, Sukuna had always been drawn to the allure of these magics. Being born into the shadow of her more powerful kith and kin, she felt that she could only advance her power through something she was good at, and that was Kido. The theories and execution came easy to her. Before she was even out of the academy, she was performing high level spells that would be able to give even a captain pause in a battle. She keyed herself into the world around her, mastering all the ways of incantations as well of gaining an understanding of the direct flow of magic. Because of this training and preparation, Sukuna is no doubt a woman to be feared. She is able to cast the most powerful spells without so much as a whisper of what she may be planning, unleashing devastating barrages that are able to shape the very landscape of the battle field. Not only has she mastered several predetermined arts, but she has created countless new spells and even founded her own categories of magic, alongside revising old ones. Her skill with Kido is a fearsome thing to behold and should be able to strike fear into even the strongest of her competitors.
Nagare (流れ, "Flow"): Shidō (指導, "Guidance"): Sōjō Kōka (相乗効果, "Synergy"): Kaihen (改変, "Alteration"): Inshō (印象, "Imprint"): Kengen (顕現, "Manifestation"): Mastery of Bakudō: Mastery of Hadō: Mastery of Kaidō: Kaihendō (改変道, "Way of Alteration"): Tokikūkandō (時空間道, "Way of Space and Time"): This art is perhaps the most profound sub-set of Kidō. Tokikūkandō is a collection of complex and devastating techniques of ancient and unknown origin. Unsurprisingly, a number of these techniques have been taken and transformed into traditional techniques, albeit with diminished power. Bakudo #81, Dankū is one of the more prevalent examples of this process. Despite this, the art concerns the manipulation and subjugation of the most cardinal aspects of the universe: Space and Time. As such, great level of skill, insight, power and overall mastery of Kidō and magic in and of itself is required before one could even attempt to learn the spells belonging to Tokikūkandō. This style grants one the ability to alter and stop time or distort time across several planes, the power to alter and undo events as they please as well as the ability to perform offensive and defensive techniques on a cosmic scale, feats which place the user in as much danger as their adversaries. Only the enlightened mind and seasoned skill of an advanced Kidō specialist ensure a sensible degree of control and likelihood to succeed. On the whole, the knowledge of the art is obscure and a top secret, limited to the ranks of Kidō Corps and the higest authorities of the Soul Society. Some of the spells that belong to the category of Tokikūkandō are strictly forbidden from use due to their capacity to tamper with the state of existence itself. Consequently, the deployment thereof is normally confined to high-level emergency situations, if permissible at all. Sukuna has gained a mastery of the art far surpassing even those who would dub themselves a "Grandmaster". Having learned and mastered the spells of this art within mere decades, she worked on various ways to advance the style and make it more efficient to use in the midst of battle. She has advanced her skill so far that she is able to perform the spells of this school without so much as an incantation or a semblance of a twitch. Her mastery of this art allows her to bend both space and time to her will in order to perform feats thought to be available only to gods, her power growing into true dominance over that which no mortal should ever be able to lay claim to.
Zenchi (全智, Lit. "Omniscience"): A manifestation of her Sōzōshin powers as well as a conduit for her immense Kido prowess, Sukuna's Zanpakuto is one of immense power, though she has encountered very few enemies that require her to utilize it. Her Zanpakutō takes it's place as one of the more powerful Kidō-Types to be created. In it's sealed state it takes the form of a regular length katana, though it lacks the typical curve of the blade. The tsuba is wrought in the shape of a pentagram within a circle. The sheath and hilt wrappings are black with purple accents. Upon the edge of the blade is a saying written in Latin, none but Sukuna know what the meaning of the inscription means but she often divulges this information to those she resolves to kill. Tied to the tsuba of the sword are three purple cords, each sporting a small lantern. She keeps her Zanpakutō sealed within a broomstick she keeps with her at all times and summons it when necessary.
![]() Sukuna in her Bankai state.
Offence |
90/100 | |||
Defence |
90/100 | |||
Mobility |
100/100 | |||
Kidō/Reiatsu |
100/100 | |||
Intelligence |
100/100 | |||
Strength |
50/100 | |||
Total |
530/600 |