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Mayuri Profile
"I loathe perfection. If something is perfect, then there is nothing left. There is no room for imagination. No place left for a person to gain additional knowledge or abilities. Do you know what that means? For scientists such as ourselves, perfection only brings despair."

This article, Sourai, Ryū no Mai, has been tagged by Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki's administration as in need of further editing to comply with site standards. As the changes needed are minor, this is a project you can help with! Please refer to the Manual of Style and Editing Policy to get started.
Sourai, Ryū no Mai
English Blue Thunder, Dragon Dance
Kanji 蒼雷・龍の舞
Technique Statistics
Type Zanpakutō
Used By Toya Sakurada

Sourai, Ryū no Mai (蒼雷・龍の舞, Blue Thunder, Dragon Dance) is the basic technique of Toya Sakurada's zanpakutō, Taikyoku


Toya emits lightning from the blade of his zanpakutō and then released in a stream that take the form of a dragon. The technique can be directed through the ground or in rare occasion water in order to bypass his opponent's defenses. Toya can increase the damage dealt by charging that technique.


The technique is very difficult to control when released through the air, which can cause the user loose control and harm allies and foes alike.


  • This technique is similar to Sesshōmaru's Sōryūha from the Inuyasha franchise.



Toya Sakurada Techniques