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"I loathe perfection. If something is perfect, then there is nothing left. There is no room for imagination. No place left for a person to gain additional knowledge or abilities. Do you know what that means? For scientists such as ourselves, perfection only brings despair."

This article, Sosh Rostov, has been tagged by Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki's administration as in need of further editing to comply with site standards. As the changes needed are minor, this is a project you can help with! Please refer to the Manual of Style and Editing Policy to get started.

This article, Sosh Rostov, was added by snakes-on-a-plane who determines its usage on this wiki.

A mighty force of nature, unstoppable as the earth itself - Snakes

"This division is glacier. Top is only part people see, only part they prepare for... Vhat's submerged is vhat vill sink them"
— Sosh Rostov

Sosh Rostov  (ロストフ. Rosutofu Kangae) is a Shinigami currently serving as a senior member L Division and was previously retired. In his past, Sosh was the captain of the 5th Division and the head of the Ranged Assault Depatment, a member of the original Royal Guard, and was sent into exile for several years for giving a human woman Shinigami powers. Prior to his captaincy, Sosh was a member of 2nd Division, and he has a long history of secretive operations and espionage, considered one of the Seireitei's best spies, despite his massive appearance. Sosh is also currently mentoring Samantha Roscoe



Sosh is a massive, 7'4" Russian Shinigami. His frame is thick with not only large natural muscle, but a thick layer of body fat most apparent in his midsection. He has long arms and huge hands, and his entire body is covered in greying body hair. Sosh's body is weathered from countless battle, and he is marred most noticeably by three large claw scars that run diagonally across his torso.

Sosh has a short, square head, large ears, and an open face with many wrinkles betraying his age. He has narrow, close-set eyes of a deep violet color, which are often half-lidded and squinted in mirth. He has thick eyebrows and a large nose which is badly crooked, obviously from several bad breaks. Sosh's hair is close cropped and dark grey in color, but has many darker and lighter streaks from the greying process. He has a full, neatly trimmed beard and mutton chops. Sosh is almost always seen with a wide smile and a cigar between his teeth, which accounts for the pattern of his wrinkles.

Sosh wears a regular pair of hakama held up with an obi, as well as tabi sandals. However, instead of a kosode, Shosh wears a dark purple dress collared dress shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows. He wears the shirt unbuttoned, showing off his torso and scar. He wears his Zanpakuto tucked into the left side of his obi.

In his past, Sosh had less wrinkles, jet black hair, and was somewhat less hairy. He wore a regular shihakusho, but instead of an obi he wore a bright red sash tied on his hip over both his uniform and haori. He also wore red leather boots, and his haori was long-sleeved with mint inner lining and piping for his division. His haori was also shorter than average, and only reached his mid thigh. Over his haori he also wore a small brown shoulder cape over his left shoulder, signifying the Ranged Assault Department.



Under construction

Powers & Abilities[]

Natural Abilities[]


Sosh's stats

Devastating Strength:


Kido Master:

Zanjutsu Master:

Immense Spiritual Pressure:

Keen Intellect/Stratigic Mastermind:

Espionage Expert:

Hakuda Expert:




Weak Hoho:




