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This article, Silent Night, is part of Bleach: War for the King's Seal, which continues on from the opening segments of the site's former Fanon Canon project. Use of this page's contents is determined by the author of this page, unless otherwise specified.
Ca371bfd945805bcfd4c237858404e94 This article, Silent Night, is the property of Brave, explicit permission is necessary to edit or modify it in any way. Find me at my message wall or comment on the talk page to discuss the changes.
This article, Silent Night, is property of LordGalvatron.


Hueco Mundo, Perpetual Night.

The homeland of the Hollow was a realm of eternal stillness. The crescent moon stationed in a starless sky above the white dessert emitted the only natural light across the vast plane. It was picturesque, not a single movement so much as disturbed the grains of sand blanketing the earth.

Well, except for the thunderous impact that rung throughout the desert, and the massive spiked plume of sand that exploded outwards, shrouding the two individuals settled in the epicenter of the disruption in dust. A dark-haired man dressed in a three-piece suit with various pieces of armor strapped to his upper body exited the shroud of dusk and approached the brown-haired man hunched over in the crater. His zanpakutō carried at his side, the dark-haired man casually approached his defeated adversary.

Suddenly, the dust transformed into a cloud of reddish-pink smoke, causing the dark-haired man to leap from the trap and dispel it with a wind spell of his own. "Sekienton." He thought, a fairly low-level spell that took advantage of the dust obscuring his physical senses. It was almost clever. However, the man could no longer even discern his adversary's reiatsu. He couldn't have opened a senkaimon without notice, so he had to have been hiding his presence some other...ah. The raven-haired man pointed his zanpakutō up towards the moon, the only source of light in this desolate land, and swung down in a vertical arc. An infinite spectrum of light and color cracked open from the fracture created by the dark-haired man's blade.

The brown haired man's own zanpakutō shot forward in an effort to split the skull of the hunter who uncovered him, only for said hunter to flash out of the way and use the brown-haired defector's own momentum against him! He grasped the lapels of the brown-haired man's shirt, and slammed him back into the sand below with a hip toss. Not one to give his opponent the chance to pull a similar trick as before, the raven-haired man stretched his arm out to capture his opponent in an ethereal grip.

"Now, Shōzan," He spoke quietly as the brown-haired man, now known as Shōzan, struggled in vain against the vice grip of his golden reiatsu. "Tell me, where is the Hitotsue you stole?"

Shōzan sneered. "Is that what those cunts at the Gakushaka told you, Gekkō? That I stole one of their precious objects? " He spat. Gekkō arched a brow. "Why else would you so brazenly defect from the Corps? Unless you thought a dangerous object would dissuade the Yorutai from coming after you?"

Shōzan smirked, "Simple: I found a better deal with someone else." He spoke finally before releasing his zanpakutō and subsequently shattering Gekkō's hold on him! "Bite! Tōkan!" Shōzan bellowed before his katana was covered in a thin layer of ice. The temperature in the atmosphere began to dip considerably, to the point where Gekkō's warm breath colliding with the frigid air created condensation and vapor. In mere moments, a snowsquall rushed through the desert, the white underneath no longer being sand but snow.

"Nadare!" Shōzan shouted as the snow in his immediate vicinity coalesced within the tip of his blade before gushing out with all the force of a high-level Hadō spell. Gekkō was not perturbed by this sudden action and merely spoke a single word as the blast of snow came hurtling towards him: "Kekkai." unbeknownst to the naked eye, Gekkō was now enclosed in an invisible barrier. As the snow engulfed him, it was seemingly split in half. As torrents of snow appeared on either side of Gekkō, he raised his hand before flicking an index finger in Shōzan's direction. "Repel." Was the only word uttered before the avalanche was launched back at it's origin with twice the amount of force.

Shōzan's eyes widened before he was overwhelmed by his own attack! "Ugh!" He grunted as he was ran over and buried beneath his own snow. Gekkō stepped over to where the mound of snow was before slashing at it to reveal Shōzan's now truly defeated form. He pointed the tip of his zanpakutō at the man's throat. "I will ask you one more time, where is the object?"

Shōzan coughed several times before answering. "I don't have a fucking Hitotsue, you idiot." He barked coarsely, the snow must have slammed into his chest first as he was having a hard time breathing. "The Gakushaka has those items under lock and key. They didn't send you after me to recover some weapon, the sent you to keep me from meeting my contact." His words were came out strained.

Gekkō's brow furrowed in confusion. "What contact? What are you talking about?" Shōzan was about to speak once more before his words were cut off by the introduction of another's reiatsu. Gekkō himself turned his head to see what Shōzan was looking at, but not before binding him with Hikōsoku. He then turned completely away from Shōzan to behold the newcomer. "And you are?" He asked simply.

Clad in a dark purple robe, a diminutive figure approached them with the grace and silence of a literal ghost, as if hovering gently above the ground rather than actually walking. Only a small portion of the stranger's pale, heart-shaped face was visible from beneath the shadow cast by their hood. They seemed child-like, not merely in stature, but in the quality and scope of their spiritual pressure too. However, for a child to approach two powerful fighters so casually in the middle of Hueco Mundo was rather unlikely, to say the least. There was definitely more than met the eye in regards to that peculiar newcomer.

"My, my", said the person with a mellifluous voice. "It seems you have got company, Shōzan-san. Since you were so kind as to lead him here and tell him about our meeting, why don't you introduce us?"

While they spoke quietly, their thin lips outstretched slightly into a friendly smile, there was a hint of steel in the tone of their voice. Veiled threat. They made no violent move, though, and stood a distance from the pair that felt neither aggressively close nor mistrustfully far.

Shōzan tried to speak, but the more he struggled the hotter whatever bakudō Gekkō placed on him was getting.

"I'd advise against moving too much," Gekkō stated plainly. "I'm sure you've realized by now the more you struggle, the more the bind I placed you in begins to react."

Shōzan gritted his teeth against the pain, it seemed like talking only made the seal tighten incrementally. If he moved too much it would have already started to burn his skin away. What the hell kind of seal was this? Regardless, Shōzan didn't have the space to mince words. "He's Gekkō Kirameki. I didn't bring him here on purpose, the bastard ambushed me." He shot Gekkō a venomous glare, like he was trying to will the young Shinigami to drop dead where he stood. How the hell did the Corps even know he was going to defect so quickly? Can those bastards read the future, now?

Gekkō sheathed his blade. "It wasn't my fault you weren't paying attention, Shōzan. Now, be quiet, I can't return you to the Soul Society if you turn to ash." He spoke. He knew the seal wouldn't incinerate him for talking, a much greater physical effort had to be exerted before the destructive attribute of the spell really took effect.

Shōzan scoffed before growing quiet again.

"Now that he's introduced me, do you mind telling me who you are?" Gekkō asked once more.

"Of course. You may call me Muto. Delighted to make your acquaintance", the former stranger replied with a polite bow, notably refraining from removing the hood that obscured most of their head and face.

Serendipity. That was the word that crossed Muto's mind when assessing the situation. The uninvited guest might yet be a very welcome one.

"We have not met before, Gekkō Kirameki-san, although your reputation precedes you. Rumours say, you are a strong, ambitious, unwavering man, resolute to accomplish his goal", they continued softly.

The Kidō Corps was a highly secretive organisation, seldom seen or even heard from throughout the rest of the Soul Society. How did a complete stranger like Muto come to possess such specific information regarding a particular member was a mystery, to be sure. In revealing that knowledge openly, they definitely aimed to elicit some sort of reaction from the man himself.

Gekkō's eyes hardened, but that was the only reaction he would give the stranger. It was an implicit attempt to draw a reaction out of him. However, that didn't prevent a flurry of questions from floating through his mind. Who was this? How did they know anything about his goal? Did they have any information regarding the Tōzō Amatsuken? From one sentence, Gekkō's focus was now realigned squarely on the stranger. There was only one person who know anything about Gekkō's past, his clan, and his current mission. He wouldn't betray this information to anyone? Would he? Even if he did, it was clear that this person did not know the whole story. Though, Gekkō couldn't fathom any reason as to why he would be privy to any information at all.

Maybe, Gekkō's method of trying to recover his family heirloom was too direct. He would only take missions that he thought would further his advancement to recovering what was stolen from him that night. This development could prove to be enlightening. Because if he was starting to draw attention from the wrong people, it would only impede his progress.

For now, though, he had to get this conversation back onto Shōzan instead of him. "Right now the only goal I have is to bring you and the defector back to the Soul Society. Being disgruntled solves his decision to secede. What still remains to be seen is why he chose to join your ranks instead." Gekkō pointed out. He placed his hand on the hilt of his blade, though he made no effort to draw it, deciding against any further act of provocation.

Muto continued to smile gently, the visible portion of their face serving as a perfect mask. Few people the envoy encountered in their line of duty were able to maintain such composure when their secrets were commented upon so casually. The wealth of knowledge provided by informants, double agents, and full-fledged defectors throughout decades and centuries, meticulously accumulated, verified, studied, and analysed, left little room for secrecy. Naturally, Muto did not know everything there was to know about Gekkō's hidden agenda, but it was sufficient to manipulate him nonetheless.

That was sad, really. To realise how little each individual meant in the grand scheme of things. To confront their desires, ideals, secrets, and goals with ruthless reality, and the fact that their whole lives were just singular nodes in the unimaginably vast network of existence. But they surely could accomplish something worthwhile, especially when guided in the right direction. That was Muto's goal. To find and gather the select few that together could change the entire world.

"Perhaps you would like to see for yourself", suggested Muto in response to Kirameki's query. "You may well find his decision justified. Please, would you accompany us to a different place? What I wish to show you cannot be properly described using mere words, and I will strive to explain everything else once we are there."

Gekkō made no movements. Following a perfect stranger to an undisclosed location? It could be an ambush, a trap. They would certainly have him at a disadvantage. However, someone had to have given this..."envoy" information of Gekkō. He needed to figure out who that was, and silence them if need be. If they're betraying knowledge that was never even spoken aloud, how much more did they know? How many other secrets were they trading? More importantly, could this person and whoever he was working for have any leads Gekkō could follow, himself? Could they even be trusted?

As he saw it, Gekkō had two options:

1) He could go along with the stranger to whatever location they had invited him too, and hope that it wasn't an ambush. Or 2) Fight him here and now and force the answers out of them.

Neither one was exactly ideal. If he joined them, he could be trapped, left for dead, ambushed. Anything, really. If he fought against them, even if he won and returned them to Soul Society, there's no guarantee that they would acquire any new information. There was no guarantee that Gekkō would receive word of it even if they did. Then, there was the matter of the spying. Someone in the Corps, the Stealth Force, or even the Gotei 13 themselves were actively engaging in subterfuge. While Gekkō himself wasn't exactly a die-hard for the Soul Society, he didn't like the idea of another organization trying to undercut or even destroy it.

He was really stuck between a rock and a hard-place.

"For FUCK'S SAKE!" Shōzan bellowed from behind Gekkō, interrupting his thoughts and the whole conversation. "Whatever you do, get on with it! Do you have any fucking idea how uncomfortable this is!? I'm starting to stiffen!" He shouted.

Gekkō nodded towards the other Shinigami, "Shōzan, have you been to this place they're referring to?" He asked.

Shōzan groaned in irritation. "No, I haven't. This was suppose to be my initiation. I don't know where their little clubhouse is. I don't even know if they're planning to kill you and I or not. You really fucked up what was supposed to be a simple day, lizard boy."

Gekkō turned back to the envoy, but addressed Shōzan. "You should have been more careful and not have aired your grievances every five seconds. It wasn't hard to track you here, seeing as how you transported to Hueco Mundo right from the Rukongai. Being sly isn't your strong suit, don't understand why you're surprised this happened."

Shōzan was gritting his teeth in anger now, Gekkō could practically see the steam billowing from his ears. But that gave him an idea. He lifted the crimson aura from Shōzan, the defecting Shinigami slowly sitting up to test whether or not he'd get burned. He stood up to sheathe his zanpakutō. "Why did you free me?" He asked, voice dripping with suspicion.

Gekkō shot a light smirk his direction, "Because you're coming with me."

Shōzan's eyes widened before narrowing in understanding. If Gekkō went on his own, he could easily be walking face first into a trap. With Shōzan there, however, at least he would have more of a fighting chance. He crossed his arms over his chest and spat on the ground. "How do you know I'm not going to stab you in the back?" He asked.

Gekkō looked at him once more, any trace of joviality erased from his face. "Because if you did, a snap of my fingers would not only reactivate the spell, it'll see to your incineration."

Instead of showing fear or even hostility toward the raven-haired boy, Shōzan simply smirked. That was, admittedly, well played on lizard boy's part. "And what if they decide to kill us both as soon as we make it to wherever this guy's taking us?" He asked, jerking a thumb toward the stranger.

Gekkō shrugged, "To be honest, I thought the same thing. It only just now occurred to me that if they wanted to kill us, they wouldn't have waited until we finished our little scrap." Gekkō kept his eyes trained on the newcomer. "Isn't that right, hybrid." He spoke, letting the stranger know that he wasn't the only one with insight in the group.

"How perceptive of you", uttered Muto with something that resembled a smirk.

Then, they reached with their hands toward their hood and finally uncovered their head, revealing their androgynous face. Their jet black hair was styled in an asymmetrical cut, trimmed very short on the left, but much longer and swept to the side on the right. They had got thin eyebrows, a small, perky nose, and slightly slanted eyes of a striking cerise colour. Most remarkably, however, there was a single curved horn protruding from their hair, unmistakably Hollow-like in appearance and, presumably, origin.

"This is but one of several reasons we have decided to approach you one day", the envoy continued with their head now tilted somewhat. "Under more favourable circumstances, perhaps, but I shall not let such an opportunity go to waste."

Shōzan was of limited use. He was a decent fighter possessed of valuable knowledge, but little more than that. Not powerful enough to become an elite enforcer, and far too volitale and outspoken to serve as a long-term infiltrator. He had to be brought into the fold to avoid turning into a liability. Gekkō, on the other hand, was a truly grand prize. With such a combination of strength, talent, and devotion, he could easily become one of the greatest heralds of the new world. Or, a prominent threat to the cause. Only time would tell.

"Trust us, we have no intention of harming you", they said, their melodious voice like honey for the ears to listen. "Follow me, and you will soon realise that we are neither a fanatical cult nor a band of stone-cold killers. You may even find our company quite agreeable."

With those words, Muto turned to the side and lifted their left hand. One quick gesture, as if poking the air, and the air split open into something that resembled a toothed maw. Within was a murky void – the pathway to another realm.

"Follow me, please", they said with a warm smile to the two Shinigami, then stepped inside.

Gekkō traded a glance with Shōzan, both Shinigami placing their hands on their respective zanpakutō. They then followed after the hybrid into the tear in the atmosphere.

The Seed of a New World[]

They were met with a truly peculiar sight; the entire sky, no, the entire space was permeated with an abnormally highreiatsu that neither Gekkō nor Shōzan had ever felt before. The sky was drenched in purple, and there stood, or rather suspended a large fortress in the center of this realm. The spiritual power invading every part of this plane felt as though it were trying to invade them as well. Unsurprisingly, this put both Shinigami on edge as they continued following the envoy.

"We must be somewhere in the Valley of Screams." Shōzan observed, as he took in their surroundings. Gekkō nodded in agreement. "A pocket dimension, to be sure. Whoever created this realm must have been as strong as the former Head Captain to shape it so thoroughly."

"And we're currently roaming in a realm they have complete control over." Shōzan acknowledged, some of his anger and bravado seemingly sapped from him. Gekkō made a sound in his throat, "Lost your nerve, Shōzan?" He spoke in a deadpan tone.

Shōzan's eyes shot daggers at Gekkō. "Are you mocking me?" He growled, though he couldn't seem to put too much anger into his voice. Out of embarrassment? Of course not! Gekkō was just pissing him off, acting like none of this bothered him!

"Of course not," Gekkō spoke plainly. "I just thought I heard apprehension in your tone."

"You didn't." Shōzan declared in finality. Crossing his arms over chest.

Muto listened attentively to their banter, but refrained from participating in it. Instead, they continued guiding the pair for some time. They had arrived on a round platform surrounded by hills, made of rock, although shaped in a manner too regular to be natural. Two pillars stood at the sides of a path that led downward. At the foot of each pillar there were stationed a few motionless figures.

They seemed statues at first. However, their white and pink colours suggested otherwise. Humanoid guardians, wielding long spears. Their armour and bodies blended together, with no clear transitions and the exact same texture. More than that, their heads were little more than pink, featureless blobs, their smooth surfaces not marred by noses or ears, or anything that one would expect of a humanoid being. They were not statues, they were not ordinary Souls, but something else: Blanks.

"What you behold was shaped by the will of a single man", spoke Muto after a period of silence. "Barren wasteland of a pocket dimension transformed into a mighty stronghold. Poor Souls deprived of their memories and identities moulded into functional forms and given purpose. And this is only a foretaste of what we can accomplish."

The group walked down the stairs carved in the side of the hill, the floating fortress now suspended high on the horizon. The Blanks let them pass without a hint of even acknowledging their presence.

"We do not want to persecute. We do not want to exterminate. We do not want to coerce you into betraying your close ones and your values. Quite the opposite", the hybrid glanced at the two without changing their pace. "We want to let you protect your close ones and foster your values, free of the prejudice, rules, and limitations imposed upon you by the cruel world you live in. We are the First Sky, the harbingers of a new era – a better tomorrow."

At last, Muto stopped and turned around toward the Shinigami they had brought with them. The path winding between hills led them to what appeared to be an arena of sorts; a tiled surface surrounded on three sides by tiered seating for spectators.

"My Master wishes to gather all brave, idealistic, and talented people so that we can shape that future together. But first", there was a hint of warning in the tone of their voice. "They have to prove their worth."

Gekkō could already tell from the presence permeating the realm that a singular entity was responsible for it's creation. However, it was neither that not the Shikigami that stood guard in front of the palace that caught Gekkō's attention. The words Muto spoke carried weight; enthusiasm and conviction. Belief. They truly believed in the rhetoric they were spewing. Gekkō had heard this idealistic drivel of "new worlds" and "eras of peace" from would-be upstarts and even invading armies. It took everything in him not to scoff at all this. Unlike this "Master" of theirs, Aizen and Yhwach weren't naive enough to know that there would be no "better tomorrow" without destroying the one that came before. Or maybe this is just what the envoy believes and whoever is really pulling the strings deserves more credit.

Either way, Gekkō had heard enough. "What's this about proving "worth"?" He asked.

Shōzan, on the other hand, had a different reaction. He was silently enamored with how the envoy spoke. It was the entire reason he sought the Master out in the first place; he had grown tired of the restrictions of the Kidō Corps. Acting as if being a mage precluded you from being human. As if it somehow made you more than the people around you. Shōzan had his own loved ones to protect, and if joining the First Sky allowed him to do that, to live in peace with them without having the Yorutai breathing down his neck, he was willing and able to do whatever it took to prove himself.

"Yeah," He spoke up, "What would we have to do?" he asked with a new surge of resolve racing to the surface of his voice.

"You have already proven that you are worth being taken into the fold, Shōzan-san", replied Muto. "Your living quarters are prepared. We can discuss your training regime, first official assignment, and any further arrangements in due time. However, Gekkō Kirameki-san here seems to be sceptical", the envoy turned toward the other Shinigami, their cerise eyes narrowed ever so slightly.

There was a gentle wind blowing across the arena, causing their hair and cloak to flutter.

"We do not recruit based on race, clan, or faction. We are an association of like-minded people, no matter their heritage. If you are to join us, you must prove your worth as a person, that your values and goals align with ours. You might well feel satisfied with your current status and affiliation, you might consider us suspicious, or naive, but please, keep an open mind. I am convinced that you can accomplish far more as a member of First Sky than you can as a slave to the Soul Society."

"And if you would like to discuss a different approach to our mission, I can indulge you", said a gravely voice.

Muto turned around, only mildly surprised by the abrupt appearance of a very tall figure in the middle of the arena. A long-haired man, well-built and broad-shouldered, clad in a dark purple trench coat and armoured trousers. There was a prominent mask that concealed his face, roughly diamond-shaped, and plain for the most part. There was a single eye slit on the left side, whereas the right side was adorned with three eye-like patterns. Undoubtedly, the man was a Visored, but not one associated with the Gotei 13.

"Muto-kun is a dreamer who has yet to be fully tempered by reality", continued Zetsubō. "I, on the other hand, have been forged by the horrors of fate, yet maintain a sliver of hope for a better tomorrow. Perhaps you will find my perspective more to your liking."

He was an intimidating presence, with a giant sheathed ōdachi strapped across his back, the weight of his chilly, Hollowfied reiatsu, and even the manner in which he spoke. To face him and look upon him was like gazing at the edge of a scythe, suspended a couple of inches above one's neck.

Shōzan's shoulders sagged in relief at the news that he was going to be accepted into their ranks. He really thought Gekkō ruined his chance to get in. Speaking of which, the news that he was skeptical about the First Sky and their goals wasn't much of a shock to Shōzan. He only knew him through reputation, the silent Shinigami that only moved in a direction favorable to him. Who was always alone, and only worked with others to benefit himself. What really shocked Shōzan was the idea that Gekkō even bothered coming after him at all. He didn't have anything to do with him or his little mysterious vendetta. Unless it had something to do with the Hitotsue he thought he stole. Either way, it wasn't his problem anymore.

"That's a relief to hear." Shōzan spoke. "Now, I'm beat, so where's that bedroom at." He said before searching the confines of the castle for his living quarters. His search was stopped short by the venomous presence that entered the arena. He froze, even Gekkō's spiritual power wasn't this sharp, while there was no killing intent aligned with the presence, Shōzan didn't want to test his luck. He turned to see the Enforcer of the First Sky standing behind Muto.

Gekkō paid no heed to whatever Shōzan was babbling about, instead meeting the envoy's own narrowed eyes without blinking. Apparently, Gekkō's own doubts about the validity of this organization had cascaded off of him in stronger waves than his own reiatsu. Or this child was far more perceptive than even he anticipated. Regardless, it only elevated one fact about this group: they weren't a group of amatuers. At the very least, they weren't walking in as blind to this mission to save the world as he thought. Which meant Gekkō had to guard his emotions and thoughts more carefully.

Before he could respond to Muto, another stranger appeared. Well, "appeared" wasn't exactly the right word. It was more like his very presence blanketed the arena they stood in. An insidious miasma that seemed to choke the air around them as it's tendrils attempted to invade Gekkō's mind. Yet, he stood firm, the various mages and magical abominations the Yorutai sent him to eliminate had more than forged his mind into a fortress not easily compromised. Besides, he had already accrued experience dealing terror-inducing entities before. This would be no different.

Gekkō turned to face this newcomer fully, meeting the empty slits in his Hollow mask with his own honey-colored eye. "I can't say that his Muto has made a very convincing argument, no. Either about the nebulous goals of this little group you've gathered, or why I should bother "proving my worth" any further. Especially when I made short work of your other prospect." Gekkō finished, jerking a thumb at Shōzan who was seemingly shaken out of a stupor and began hurtling insults of his own while flipping him the bird.


Gekkō ignored him, not taking his eyes off Zetsubō. "The only way a "better tomorrow" can come is by destroying everything that came before; every perceived threat, every inconvenience, even the very foundation of the world as we know it. So, tell me, how does this "Archon" reconcile an era of peace built on the bloodshed of millions?" He spoke, his own reiatsu rising to meet Zetsubō's. "And why exactly would any of you want to bring someone like me into the fold?"

Zetsubō did not respond immediately. There was some fluctuation in the emanations of his spiritual pressure that caused the gentle smile on Muto's face to subside. The envoy moved past Gekkō and addressed Shōzan directly.

"Come with me", they said, then used a peculiar high-speed movement technique to swiftly leave the arena and reappear at the platform for viewers.

Meanwhile, the reiatsu of Zetsubō became visible, an undulating, ghastly aura of midnight blue colour. However, he did not make any sudden movement. His muscular arms remained hanging to his sides, his Zanpakutō still sheathed and strapped across his back.

"We have been watching you, Gekkō Kirameki, just as we have been watching many prospective agents, for a long time. You in particular boast qualities and potential that could prove invaluable in accomplishing our goal. Whether you realise and wield that potential well remains to be seen", he replied at last, his voice a sinister monotone.

He began pacing across the arena, circling about the young Shinigami without taking his eyes off him either.

"Unlike you, we are not so quick to judge. We prefer to thoroughly evaluate everyone who attracts our attention. I offer you a chance to return the favour."

Muto pushed several buttons on the panel in front of them. With that, they projected Shakonmaku, a spherical barrier that completely sealed off the arena. That prevented any but the most powerful of Reiryoku from passing through either way and, as such, contained Gekkō and Zetsubō within.

"Will you accept and tread the path that unfolds before you?", the Visored asked whilst reaching toward the sword on his back. "Or will you stubbornly cling to that narrow worldview imposed upon you by the Soul Society, and let your journey end here and now?", he continued, slowly, solemnly drawing the Zanpakutō, the long, curved blade scraping against the sheath.

Then, as he brandished his weapon, his spiritual pressure finally burst forth in full, unrestrained, submerging the arena in a dark blue tempest of ethereal howling faces.


"I wonder, which is it?", he mused, his voice only now reverberating in the characteristic way of a Hollowfied Visored.

Gekkō took in the man's words as he circled him like a predator waiting to pounce. The creation of a sekiseki barrier, Muto and Shōzan's swift departure into the platform fit for viewers. It was obvious where this was heading; this was the "proving ground" of sorts where Gekkō would showcase why the First Sky should accept him into their ranks. He had no doubt that this group had spies and infiltrators layered all throughout the Seireitei, Shōzan being a prime example of that, but for all their rummaging through Gekkō's personal affairs, it was just that: rummaging.

The Visored's threat set something in Gekkō off. The combination of the enclosed space and the Visored's sickening reiatsu clouded his judgement. In other words, he was a little pissed off.

"Despite your evidently being a mind reader," Gekkō spoke, a venomous edge to his voice. "I will speak to you openly and clearly: My path, wherever it leads, will be traveled by me. It's destination decided by me. Where it ends decided by me. You believe Soul Society has imposed any belief upon me that I myself don't believe to be true? My beliefs are my own, forged by my own fate. And I didn't have to lay with beast to come to any realization I've acquired through my life." His own reiatsu began to emanate from him, a golden light flowing from his being in forceful waves that slammed against Zetsubō's own and the interior of the erected barrier.

He then dissapeared. Not an act of shunpo perse, more as though he willed himself to Zetsubō's flank. His brilliant reiatsu was now focused solely on his zanpakutō as he made a wide sweep with the blade, the light coalescing into a broadsword superimposed on his katana as he aimed to test Zetsubō's own worth.

"Allow me to put all suspension to rest," Gekkō declared. "This part of my journey ends with my victory."

Zetsubō lifted his Zanpakutō in a fluid motion to intercept the blow. The two blades clashed with a thunderous noise, causing a shockwave to sweep across the arena, and its surface to crack slightly beneath the Visored's feet. But he stood his ground, having blocked the quick attack with eerie stoicism. Sparks cast by the two colliding edges illuminated them both.

"Ah, one so wise in the ways of this world, one who knows all about everyone and everything", uttered Zetsubō mockingly, his glare fixed at his opponent. "If you are truly possessed of such clairvoyance, do tell me, why is the quest you pursue so ardently far from being finished?"

A minute shift in his stance, his biceps tensed, and he brought more of his Hollowfied strength to bear against Gekkō's sword.

"I intend to show you."

An abrupt push, and Zetsubō freed himself from the blade-lock, only to follow up immediately with a flurry of sweeping, horizontal slashes. One, two, three, four, so fast that they blurred into each other, and so strong that they could easily slice through buildings. When the final one extended to the right, the Visored jutted out his left arm toward Kirameki. There was a crimson orb of fire accumulating at his palm, one that burst forth in order to engulf the young Shinigami in a sphere of infernal flames. Kongōbaku, well-formed and strong despite the fact it had been cast in complete silence.

The ground beneath them gave way to the preternatural force generated by the two combatants, Gekkō could hear his Asauchi creak under the strain of the Visored's augmented strength. Yet Gekkō's arms held firm, his eyes brimming with an intense resolve. Attempting himself to break the stalemate, Gekkō leaped back only to be immediately met with the furious series of sword swings. Gekkō wasn't much of a defensive fighter, so he instead chose to intercept. Every time their blades met in this storm of blades the more the ground splintered and groaned from the force of the two elites.

But Gekkō wasn't content to stay in this deadlock for long, Zetsubō was a master of the sword, clearly tempered and refined through centuries of combat. Their gap in experience and skill was quickly becoming more evident the longer this exchange lasted. Every slashed Gekkō parried was followed by a thrust that pierced through his guard. Enough was enough, Zetsubō was clearly leagues above him in terms of Zanjutsu. With this knowledge in mind, Gekkō lifted and shot his left leg forward in push kicked aimed right for Zetsubō's sternum. Whether it landed or not was important.

Gekkō only needed to create distance between them in order to disengage from the sword clash-

His thoughts were interrupted as his vision became drowned in the crimson light of Kongōbaku's flame. Huh, that was one of Gekkō's favorite spells. Interesting. With that ephemeral thought evaporating in his mind, Gekkō thrust his hand forward, meeting the fireball with an equivalent amount of inverted magic. The flames dispersed revealing that Gekkō....was no longer there. No, he was instead behind Zetsubō, his Asauchi stabbed into the ground beneath. A torrent of red flames spilled from the hilt of the blade into the ground stabbed beneath. Suddenly the ground beneath cracked and splintered before exploding outwards as spiked plumes of flame skyrocketed.

Several pillars of flame shot high, but not high enough to interact with the Shakonmaku Muto set in place. Gekkō's goal was to triangulate the Hibashira around Zetsubō, eventually leading to one of the pillars erupting from beneath him.

"You ask why the goal I strive for has yet to be completed?" Gekkō asked, his voice booming above the screaming flames due to reinforcing his voice with reiatsu. "Let me answer your question with a question: why is it that the almighty First Sky has yet to create the world of peace they so desperately seek?"

Gekkō's kick hit Zetsubō with a thud, although the Visored seemed rather undisturbed. He proceeded to manoeuvre rapidly amongst the flames that constituted his opponent's counter-offence.

"The answer is simple", he said as he was eventually engulfed by a pillar of fire erupting directly below him.

For a moment it appeared as though Kirameki scored another successful hit on him. However, he reappeared swiftly, no worse for wear, his dark trench coat fluttering because of the speed of his movement and followed by a few streaks of smoke. He was watching, listening, feeling. The glint in the eye, minute changes of facial expression, his words and his tone, the way he moved and the way his spiritual pressure fluctuated. There was a keen intellect behind that arrogant and belligerent façade. Zetsubō was now convinced that Gekkō was not someone who could be easily manipulated. But he needed to know more.

Suddenly, his body multiplied into a dozen afterimage copies, each of them circling about the Kidō Corps member in a series of completely independent manoeuvres.

"That is because to achieve our ambitious goals, we require the assistance of others", responded Zetsubō, his voice a reverberating choir of grim monotone.

One, two, three of the copies, virtually indistinguishable from the original, charged at Gekkō in short order. A high slash from the right, a low slash from the left, a piercing sally, every phantom attack served as a brief distraction to let the true Zetsubō descend upon Kirameki like a bird of prey, swinging his Zanpakutō downward in a debilitating, two-handed slash from above.

Gekkō's eyes darted to and fro; his honey-eyed gaze taking note of Zetsubō's reaction to his latest maneuver. The Visored's words echoed in his mind, "To achieve our ambitious goals, we require the assistance of others." He wasn't speaking soley for the First Sky, but for Gekkō as well, wasn't he? For as long as he could remember, he had been trying to track down the Tōzō Amatsuken on his own. Years of dead ends, misdirections, and false leads had almost snuffed out any hope he had of reclaiming the ancestral zanpakutō. If he couldn't feel the connection he had with the zanpakutō, he would have never embarked on what at times felt like a fool's journey. Yet he could, and while his failings to complete his mission demoralized him, it would never force him to abandon his call.

He joined the Kidō Corps because of the depth of knowledge they had on every facet of the Soul Society, including that which was thought lost to time. Yet he found their ability, or willingness, to provide any useful indication of where the Tōzō Amatsuken was lacking. His entertaining the thought of joining the First Sky was no different. They seemed to know more about the spiritual realms, and more importantly, Gekkō's own ambition than the Kidō Corps ever did. So, he concluded that this group would be useful in serving his ends. Whether or not he would help them achieve this "peace" that they keep yammering on about would be a bridge crossed when he came to it.

With that thought in mind, Gekkō twisted the hilt of his Asauchi, causing the flaming pillars to retract at frightening speed before returning to the splinter beneath Gekkō. As Zetsubō closed in for the finishing blow, the flames erupted in a spiraling twister of azure flames that billowed around and out from Gekkō into Zetsubō, hopefully trapping the Visored between the Tornado of Flames and Sekkiseki barrier. It wasn't enough to kill him, the flames weren't nearly intense enough to do that, but it would hopefully prove Gekkō's ability and keep their conflict from escalating any further.

After all, he'd came to his decision.

Whilst Zetsubō was descending upon Gekkō, his acute senses were sharpened to the extreme. Strong, fast, and skilled. That was what he thought of the opponent whilst his would-be severe blow was being so swiftly anticipated. Such a quick reaction required one of his own. The spiralling twister of flames seemed to intercept him, engulf his cloaked form completely, thwarting his manoeuvre. However, after flickering briefly, his silhouette simply vanished.

He slid back into existence a moderate distance away, in a combat-ready stance with his blade held high, but without moving in immediately to counter attack. That was because he felt something in Kirameki. Intelligent, determined, and brave. The young Shinigami had already made his decision. His acerbic veener was not enough to fool Zetsubō.

"Amongst the ranks of First Sky I am the one who experienced solitude most profoundly", he uttered, his tone somewhat softer than earlier. "Still, for hundreds of years, even I could count on a single faithful companion", he added, now looking at the blade of his Zanpakutō. "You do not have to pursue your quest alone. Let us assist one another, so that together we can accomplish almost everything."

He lowered his blade, staring at Gekkō with anticipation.

Gekkō sheathed his Asauchi, Zetsubō's sales pitch about the First Sky was initially uninteresting to him. However, his remark about having one single companion to count on did resonate with the young soul. He wasn't in a situation to dissimilar, though he was more than sure that Zetsubō walked alone far longer than he did. The only difference of course being he needed the First Sky to give him purpose. Gekkō already had a purpose, he just needed the right avenue to see it through. So, he would take advantage this opportunity, return his birth right to his own hands. And the First Sky? He would see for himself exactly what this "peace" meant. So far, no one has offered him an explanation on what exactly that entailed. However, whatever plan they had in motion would certainly be known by only three people: Muto, Zetsubō, and The Archon himself. New members such as Shōzan or even....himself wouldn't be privy to such information.

That would suffice. For now.

"Enough, I don't need to hear your reason for joining, Zetsubō." He spoke, voice devoid of emotion. "I just need to know one thing; what do you know about the Tōzō Amatsuken?"

Zetsubō slowly sheathed his Zanpakutō and kept observing Gekkō for a while, silent. He realised that while they had managed to establish some sort of connection, they were unlikely to become true companions, and Kirameki would likely never devote himself to the First Sky's cause as fervently as most. The young man was focussed on a single goal, and everything else was either a distraction or a means to an end for him. Of course, he could still prove an invaluable ally, but one that had to be handled with patience and caution.

"As you may have noticed, we operate differently than other groups that seek to change the world", spoke Zetsubō with his eerie, somewhat raspy voice. "Secrecy and long-term planning are our forte. This entails searching for not only people, but also artefacts and sacred treasures that can assist us in this endeavour. We will be as eager to share any details we possess on the whereabouts of your precious Shinken as you will be eager to assist us. I suppose that this qualifies for the foundation of a mutually beneficial relationship. Perhaps one day you will genuinely appreciate our vision..."

His words trailed off when he lifted his head slightly. The Shakonmaku erected around the arena had faded away a few moments prior, and something changed. The intense presence permeating the entire realm became stronger, heavier. The air itself seemed to become thicker, and the ground was shaking, almost imperceptibly. That could mean one thing: he was coming.

The Master[]

Gekkō wanted to tell Zetsubō not to hold his breath on how much he would "appreciate" this nebulous goal the First Sky, had. However, the thought of both parties getting what they want did appeal to Gekkō. The Tōzō Amatsuken was now in reach - Gekkō's thoughts were once again interrupted by the omnipresent force that drowned him in it's presence. His eyes widened imperceptibly as the power permeated the air around him and the ground beneath. He could feel it seeping into his very bones. The strength Gekkō senses all around him reminded him of the to the force of nature that was once the Head Captain. A truly divine power.

Whatever Gekkō was thinking before was pushed to the side as the enigmatic entity he only knew as "The Archon" made himself known. "So," He spoke to the air itself. "I take it you're the Leader of this faction? The Archon?"


The voice was not loud, yet could be heard from all directions at once, strong and clear. Its timbre was similar to that of Muto, if significantly deeper, more mature. Commanding respect. The envoy themself stood up from their seat upon the platform and bowed deeply. Zetsubō knelt, one of his fists placed on the floor, head held low in reverence. And there he was, a solitary figure descending gently from the deep purple sky, surrounded by glimmering particles of ghostwhite light.

The Archon.

He landed gracefully not far from Gekkō. In terms of stature, he was almost as imposing as Zetsubō. However, rather than a wraith that somehow escaped from somebody's nightmare, he instead appeared like a middle-aged noble. Proportional, symmetrical, with his long, greying jet black hair styled in a high ponytail. Clad in elegant royal purple robes. One could describe him as a masterfully crafted statue brought to life. There were only two immediately visible traits that detracted from that image. Two intersecting scars marred his solemn countenance, indication of a violent past. And there were also his eyes: pitch black sclerae, scarlet irides, slit-like pupils. He might have resembled an ordinary Soul at first glance, but the cold stare of his decidedly inhuman eyes suggested otherwise. He was something else, something unfathomably ancient.

"Welcome to my domain, Gekkō Kirameki-san", he said with a polite nod of his head. "I see that my disciples have kept you entertained. How do you find their company?"

He was gazing at the young Shinigami with mild curiosity.

Gekkō said nothing immedieately, choosing instead to appraise the Archon beforehand. He paced around the mysterious entity in a circle; his irises shifting into a trinity of tomoe to deepen his insight on the man before him. That's when the floodgates were opened, what stood before him was not a man. In fact, there was no classification for the cloaked alien in human flesh. Not Shinigami, Hollow, nor Quincy. He had to be someone...something from an ancient time. Gekkō ventured not to peer into the demonic eyes of such a creature, less they pull him into a bottomless pit of eldritch madness. Once his own assessment had been completed, he spoke.

"Their company could have been better. Could have been worse. I suppose it doesn't matter now." He stood straighter, "What truly matters is my place in all this. Someone of your...ability should have --would have -- known that a man such as Shōzan, for as impressive as he is, is not known for subtly and would have attracted the attention of the Yorutai even before his defection." Gekkō spoke, his eyes shifting back to their original state. "While your lack of fear of the Kidō Corps is plain to see, what isn't is why you would even bother trying to recruit either of us in the first place. What exactly is so special about Shōzan and I, that it would risk exposing yourself?" He asked.

The Archon was calmly following Gekkō with his gaze as the young Shinigami was circling about him. A faint smile appeared on his face when he was about to reply.

"Strong, knowledgeable, resolute... The two of you boast outstanding qualities, and we recognise you as our kindred spirits", he stated. "We are convinced that the assistance you can provide in furthering our cause far outweighs any potential risk. And rest assured, we are not afraid of being discovered. After all, the Soul Society has remained utterly ignorant of our existence for several hundred years."

In the meantime, Zetsubō had discreetly left the arena to join Muto and Shōzan at the viewing platform. More than that, new figures began appearing all around them. A few, a dozen, a couple dozen. Tall and short, bulky and lithe, strong and weak, Shinigami, Arrancar, Quincy, invariably clad in hooded purple cloaks on top of their individual garments. All current members of the First Sky were accounted for – quite a diverse gathering.

"Not to mention that even if they do discover us at last, it is far too late for them to stop us from setting the final phase of our plan in motion", continued the Archon with a rather nonchalant tone.

-- As Zetsubō flashed next to them, Shōzan couldn't help but be (begrudgingly) impressed by Gekkō's ability, no matter how much of a smug ass he found him to be, the guy can handle himself in a fight. Of course he can, idiot. He's in the Yourtai. He thought to himself critically. Well, yeah. But there's a difference between being in the Yorutai and being able to go toe-to-toe with fucking Zetsubō. Asshole brain. He might have lost the sword-fight, and he did lose, but the things he could pull off with Kidō without even breaking a sweat was stuff only seen from the Vice Kidō Chief. Hell, Shōzan would almost be willing to put money on Gekkō in a fight against Muto. Zetsubō, though? Eh, he'd have to think about it.

One thing was for sure, seeing him fight made what little sting Shōzan had from losing to him earlier evaporate. He didn't want to admit it, but he wasn't so sure if the fight would have gone in his favor even if Gekkō hadn't blindsided him. Oh, well. That didn't matter now. Shōzan was in the First Sky now, and the praise from The Archon of all people made him hold his head a lot higher and puff out his chest even more. Couple that with the fact that he didn't have to put up with the Kidō Corps ever again? Even the thought that Gekkō might join couldn't put a damper on his mood.


Gekkō took in the Archon's words carefully, even as he noticed Zetsubō making his way to stand next to Muto and Shōzan. It was just Gekkō and the Archon, though from the way he calmly allowed Gekkō to finish his assessment, it was clear that he was all the security he needed. Not that Gekkō wanted to attack him anyway, he knew he would be no match for the Archon.

"How can you be so sure the Soul Society hasn't already taken note of you, and simply doesn't perceive you or your plan as a threat?" Gekkō asked, attempting to pierce through the calm facade of the elderly soul. Consider it a secondary assessment, if Gekkō could perceive any cracks with his enhanced vision, could he create some?

His thoughts were interrupted by the sudden influx of,,at least twenty-four distinct reiatsu entered into the purview of his reikaku. Quincy, Shinigami, Arrancar, even Fullbringers. Their spiritual powers were erratic in their depth. Some were more powerful than Captains while others would barely qualify as a Seated Officer. The Archon truly gathered all manner of spiritual entities from every realm he could access. Were there so many disgruntled with how the world was? How did so many fall through the cracks without anyone noticing? Maybe they're all like me, to busy with their own ambitions to bother noticing. he though to himself. Perhaps, but it wasn't his job to notice them, if he took time and attention out for every stray that crossed him, he would never find the Shinken.

But how many other people though the very same thing? If Tenchō wasn't there to look after him, would just be another one of these strays. No. No this is no time to be focusing on the "what-ifs". The only thing that mattered was the Tōzō Amatsuken. Speaking of which, "You made your point Archon." Gekkō spoke as he took in the faces of each purple-clad person in the stands. "I only have one question now: What do you know of the Tōzō Amatsuken?"

The Archon narrowed his unusual eyes ever so slightly all the while his smile widened.

"Oh, there are some rumours, of course. Just as unsubstantiated as countless others", he replied to the first question. "Hybrid beings, modified Blanks, an entire Valley of Screams thoroughly restructured and, I dare say, my humble self... You have personally witnessed everything. Our continued existence itself is evidence that we have not been discovered yet, don't you think?"

The tone of his voice remained calm, but there was a subtle hint of coldness and steel to it. Whilst he was not provoked into an outburst of anger, a sufficiently perceptive person could discern that Gekkō's words did have some effect on him. The young Shinigami was playing a dangerous game.

"But let us address the more important subject. Tōzō Amatsuken is the Shinken that used to belong to the Myōjō Clan. That is, your kin. However, in a tragic turn of events all too common in this cruel world, you lost both your family and the sacred treasure that was your birthright. Actually, Tōzō Amatsuken is one of several objects of interest that the Hoshino sisters have been tracking down for some time now", revealed the Archon, swiftly back to his composed, almost nonchalant attitude.

He glanced at the viewing platforms now occupied by the members of his organisation. Two hooded spectators used Shunpo to move right beside the Archon and Gekkō. After kneeling in reverence of their master, the two stood up and removed their hoods. They were clearly twins: young women of average height, lithe and of visibly Asian descent with their jet black hair, slanted brown eyes, and fair complexion. There were some minor differences between the two, though: one had a rather swirly pixie cut and wore green make-up on her aloof countenance, while the other had long, straight hair, blue make-up, and a curious glint in her eyes.

"Once your initiation is complete and you become a full-fledged member of the First Sky, they will assist you in your quest to retrieve the Shinken", said the Archon.

"Provided you manage", commented Harumi.

"I'm sure he will!", countered Haruko quite enthusiastically.

It appeared like a flash of lightning; fleeting in it's perceptible presence, but nonetheless bright enough for all, or at least Gekkō to see. He had struck a nerve with the Archon. The sharp edge to his voice, the way his eyes narrowed, and even the slight tensing of his muscles conveyed to the young Shinigami all he needed to know. The Archon wasn't as implacable as the members of the First Sky were led to believe. But why even bother with this? What purpose did it serve? Was Gekkō's own "assessment" truly worth angering his only source to the Shinken? Gekkō needed to see for himself the strength of the man so many souls indentured themselves too, his mental fortitude was just as, if not more, important than the spiritual might he commanded.

Why? Simple, he knew that he would not be allowed to simply walk away from the First Sky if he didn't agree with their methods, especially if they help him realize his own ambitions. So trying to peer what lied beneath the Archon's wry smile would come in handy should they ever be at odds. He couldn't defeat him outright, he didn't even think he could outsmart him to be honest. But he had to try to figure some contingency out, should this whole partnership fall through the floor.

Once the conversation was brought back to the Tōzō Amatsuken, Gekkō's ears perked up. His eyes widened slightly as the Archon recounted the entire Myōjō Clan's history with Shinken. He shouldn't be surprised. If Muto knew of his mission to reclaim it, it stood to reason that the Archon would know why he was so hell-bent on doing so. Yet for it all to be so transparent set Gekkō on edge. How did he know the Archon didn't manipulate events to where the Tōzō Amatsuken was perpetually out of reach, specifically for this moment? To bring Gekkō into the fold of this organization? No. That would be too much. If he wanted the young Shinigami that badly he would have just sent Muto to approach him, sword in hand. Still, the idea that someone that he didn't even know existed until today had such intimate knowledge on his affairs didn't sit well with him.

So when he saw the two Visoreds appear before himself and the Archon, under the promise that they will help him retrieve the sacred treasure, it raised a few questions. One of which being: "Why were these two searching for the Tōzō Amatsuken? Do any of you know what it can do?" He asked, a cold edge to his own voice now, almost identical to the one emanating from the Archon a few moments ago.

"The rumour has it that your grandfather bargained with a demon to obtain it", said Harumi with thinly veiled disdain.

"In exchange of preventing you from wielding any other Zanpakutō, Tōzō Amatsuken lets you wield the awesome power of Hell itself!", in contrast, Haruko's excitement was obvious.

"When we decide to implement our plan and finally mend this broken world, we will be met with stiff resistance", added the Archon. "To possess not only such a powerful Zanpakutō, but fight shoulder to shoulder with its rightful wielder will certainly prove to be a considerable boon. All the more reason for us to assist you in retrieving the lost treasure."

Something flashed in Gekkō's eyes, though his face remained stoic. The history that he had so closely guarded for decades. Something even the Kidō Corps seemed to have no knowledge of, was laid out before him with such a level of transparency that it made him look at the Archon and his resources with a new level of anger and begrudging respect.

Ignoring the disdain cascading off Harumi in waves, and the infectious enthusiasm of Haruko, Gekkō adressed the Achon directly. "And how exactly do you plan on "assisting" me? If you know this much about the Shinken, why was it so hard to track down?"

The Archon snickered in response, and gave Gekkō a slightly condescending smile, like an adult dealing with an overly inquisitive child.

"So impetuous", he remarked. "Trust me, Gekkō Kirameki-san, part the reason we have accomplished so much and remained undetected so far is because we are patient. This is a momentous day. Let us not turn this conversation into an undue interrogation. Why don't we talk at a more leisurely pace? There is still so much to be discussed beforehand."

Suddenly, his scarlet eyes gleamed. Ghost white glow engulfed the Archon, the Hoshino twins, and Kirameki, only to seemingly consume the entire world... and then, all four appeared inside a spacious room. The ceiling was high, adorned with orb-shaped chandeliers, and additional light shone through stained glass windows. Nearby there was a long, decorated table with a total of a couple dozen chairs along its sides, and an especially ornate one at one of its ends.

"Let us sit down and relax", the Archon suggested whilst making an off-hand gesture toward the Blank servants standing quietly in the background.

The Shikigami moved immediately in order to bring some meals and beverages. Meanwhile, Harumi tightened her lips in discomfort. In contrast, Haruko widened her eyes in a somewhat childish display of awe.

"Whooo! We've just been teleported!"

"Yes, indeed", the Archon confirmed, smiling warmly at his excitable disciple. "Let us sit, Gekkō Kirameki-san", he subsequently turned toward the young Shinigami.

The snicker drew surprise from Gekkō, he'd thought the Archon beyond such...mundane emotions. The smirk, as condescending as it was, wasn't worth his ire. Why would it be? It just meant the Archon believed that the recent revelations of the Shinken's history put Gekkō at a disadvantage. Or he really did just let the smug bastard in him show, similar to Yhwach and Aizen. At their core, anyone who though they alone could reshape the world had to have at least some level of ego within.

Gekkō was no stranger to spatial Kidō, in fact, he employed some on occasion. So when the Archon pulled them through space to transport them into a room, presumably for more negotiations, Gekkō was hardly taken aback of impressed.

So without a word, he walked towards the table, placing a cell phone on its surface.

"All of this is unnecessary," Gekkō stated before turning away from the Archon and his two Visoreds. He ran his hand across the blade of his Asauchi, causing it to glow with an emerald light. He then made two slashes, one vertical, the other horizontal, before a portal to Hueco Mundo was opened.

"When you have something regarding the Tōzō Amatsuken, let me know." He said as he stepped towards the portal. "Until then, consider me at your service." He then stepped through to portal, it closing behind him.

"Should we go after him?", asked Harumi, half-surprised, half-angered by Kirameki's abrupt departure.

"Don't be silly!", protested Haruko. "We wouldn't be able to stop him!"

"It is all right", the Archon calmed them down, a smile of satisfaction outstretched on his scarred, inhumanly symmetrical face. "He is a brusque one, but make no mistake: this is the beginning of a great partnership."

Both sisters appeared unconvinced for a short while, but quickly accepted their master's assurance. They were both intelligent young women, but in the end he was the mastermind behind it all. He had asked, convinced, manipulated, or coerced countless other people to further his cause in a myriad of ways across the millennia. This case was no different.

In the meantime, the Archon made a mental note regarding the situation. The preparations were complete. At last, after aeons of waiting, training, organising, and scheming, the First Sky was ready to execute the final stage of their very ambitious plan.

"Go and assemble the others", he ordered. "The time has come. We are going to visit the Seireitei", his smile widened.

End of Chapter