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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki

This article, Shizenshi, is property of Twonjr3. Permission is needed to utilize or alter its content.

The Shizenshi (自然死, Japanese for "Natural Death") is a secretive yet incomplete technique. It was invented, and is currently only used by Ryouiki. He developed this unique technique near the time before his capture and has yet to perfect this technique or use it in battle. It was later destroyed by a sneak attack from Sabishii.


Shizenshi, is a powerful Wisdom technique, invenented centuries ago by Ryouiki. Essentially, all Wisdom users may learn this technique, however must be directly taught by Ryouiki. This move enforced all of the spirit energy inside the body outward, including Wisdom. This overflow of energy creates a large, purple, like mist in the sky. As the energy floats lazily in the sky, a large creature slowly emerges from the condensed energy. It seems that this beast, has only one general motive - that being kill a selected target(s), and uncaring how it does so. For that general reason, even when learned the technique, many do not use it.

Shizenshi, itself is a hundred meter tall, blue beast. It has a muscular body and a great amount of hair flowing down it's back. It most strongest aspect is not it's immense destructive capabilties, but its thick, skin. As a result Shizenshi proves extremely difficult to harm and even harder to kill. It's piercing red eyes, along with it's large portruding horns make it appear demonic, and malicious. And, despite it's users motive, when summoned Shizenshi is only capable of pure destruction.

Learning and mastering the technique are both very difficult feats. One reason being that it requires a massive amount of Wisdom control and spirit energy to summon, and the second being that in order to fully control Shizenshi's movements and attacks, one must have beaten Shizenshi in a one-on-one battle. After defeating the monster, the user "harmonizes" with it. As a result when summoned, the two share thoughts, making it much easier for the user to control it. In order to fully master the Shizenshi, one must have complete dominance over Wisdom, a feat that even the inventor of the technique, Ryouiki hasn't done. As stated by Ryouiki, he came across the species of Shizenshi, meaning that their are many more of their race.

Known Practitioners[]

  • Ryouiki (Inventor)