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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki

This article, Seimei Abe, was added by Seireitou who determines its usage on this wiki.

Seimei Abe
Seimei pro
Name Seimei Abe
Kanji 安倍 晴明
Romaji Abe Seimei
Race Soul (Kitsune)
Birthday October 31
Age 1000+
Gender Male
Height 6'2"
Weight 193 lbs
Blood Type O
Professional Status
Affiliation L'Obscurité
Previous Affiliation Kuzunoha
Occupation Member of L'Obscurité
Previous Occupation Unknown
Team Ikken Kyūkage
Previous Team None
Partner None
Previous Partner Kuzunoha
Base of Operations Yamigatani
Personal Status
Marital Status Single
Relatives Unnamed Sorcerer (father, deceased)
Kuzunoha (mother)
Education Onmyōdō Teachings
Status Active
Shikai Ana no Hagoromo
Bankai Not Yet Revealed

Seimei Abe (安倍 晴明, Abe Seimei) is an eight-tailed male Kitsune, born of a sorcerer father and a nine-tailed kitsune mother, held in high regard by Onmyōdō practitioners in the Human World as a being of unbelievable power and magic. He is one of the nine members of the Ikken Kyūkage within L'Obscurité.


Seimei full

Seimei's full appearance.




Powers & Abilities[]

Innate Abilities[]

Zanjutsu Master[]

Kidō & Onmyōdō Master[]

Kitsune Lineage[]

Seimei Kitsune

Seimei in his eight-tailed form.


Ana no Hagoromo (穴羽衣, "Ruptured Feather Mantle") is the name of Seimei's Zanpakutō.



Behind the Scenes[]

This character is heavily based on the real life figure known as Abe no Seimei. However, while this character is based upon the latter, the author has taken several personal liberties in order to tie this character into his stories.
