This article, Second Coming of Averian arc, is property of Kenji-Taichō. Permission is required to alter its content. Use of this page's contents is determined by the author of this page, unless otherwise specified. |
The Second Coming of Averian is the series of events occurring immediately after Averian's return to the world-stage, and how this impacts the world around him. It deals mostly with Averian's own neutral stance towards matters even when one of his earliest creations makes a return of his own. This is the final arc of Part III of Bleach (Kenji Hiroshi). Time-line-wise this arc is followed by Bleach: Tower of Night which follows Kenji and a younger alternate version of himself. Events are linked only via the appearance of Kenji and the mention of Averian.
Introductory chapters[]
Main chapters[]
- Return of Arturo
- Awakening the Storm
- Mourning a Warrior
- Two Become One: Fury Unleashed!
- Search for the Kikkashō