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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki

This article, Reitoro, is property of Ten Tailed Fox

Pool of Souls
Kanji 霊瀞
English Pool of Souls
Romaji Reitoro
Location Statistics
Type Dimension
Located In Royal Palace
Ruled By The Kami
Primary Function Location of all souls awaiting reincarnation

Reitoro (霊瀞, Pool of Souls) is a dimension hidden within the quarters of the King of Souls, deep within the Royal Palace.


This dimension is said to be the "purpose" of the King of Souls. It is the location in which all the souls in the Human World, Soul Society, and even Hueco Mundo go after they die. They remain here until it is their turn to be reincarnated into either the World of the Living or Soul Society. Only Shinigami may enter this world from the outside, as it will only accept those who are "truly dead". The world consists of a large range of mountains, surrounded entirely by clouds. Within these clouds are the souls that have been sent there. Above the world is a large, translucent stairwell, leading to a giant white light — said to be the portal to the living world, or the Soul Society. The King himself has stated that if the balance of this world were ever lost, Soul Society would crumble and the world would end.


There is only one way to enter the Reitoro; through a portal within the personal chambers of the King of Souls. It appears to require either the direct permission of the King or the use of all five Ōken, wielded by the Royal Guard, to open this portal. According to Taira Geshunin, entry to the Reitoro is extraordinarily rare, and is hardly ever permitted due to the dangers associated with it.


The main way for souls to leave this dimension is through Reincarnation (再来, sairai). Following the death of a soul in the Soul Society or the world of the living, a soul held in the Reitoro is able to pass through the portal and be "born". At the moment of reincarnation, the soul being reincarnated looses all of their memories of their life prior to reincarnation, and is born as an infant.

According to Majo Hisakata, there is only one other way for a soul that has naturally come to this world to leave; the method is known as Kuchiyose (口寄せ, Necromancy), though it has never actually been done before in the history of the Soul Society. Hypothetically, if one were to travel to the Reitoro, they could bring back a soul trapped there with them. However, doing so costs a soul itself; a soul for a soul. Because of the danger this method poses to the balance of spirits, it is strictly forbidden.

Known Residents[]
