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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki

This article, Reinhild, was added by Seireitou who determines its usage on this wiki.

Reinhild pro
Name Reinhild
Kanji レーンヒルド
Romaji Reinhirudo
Race Quincy
Birthday November 30
Age Unknown
Gender Female
Height 5'8"
Weight 147 lbs
Blood Type O
Professional Status
Affiliation Wandenreich
Previous Affiliation Unknown
Occupation Ruler of the Wandenreich
Previous Occupation Soldat (Attendant)
Team Wandenreich
Previous Team Unknown
Partner None
Previous Partner Jugram Haschwalth
Base of Operations Hueco Mundo
Personal Status
Marital Status Single
Relatives Unknown
Education Seiren
Status Active
Main Skill Spirit Weapon

Reinhild (レーンヒルド, Reinhirudo) is the current ruler of the Wandenreich, having once served as the personal attendant of Jugram Haschwalth.[2] Although she possessed the greatest talent of all the Quincy that served Yhwach, she did not receive a Schrift; having preferred to serve under Haschwalth as his subordinate rather than standing as an equal to the others.[1] In the aftermath of the Quincy Blood War, Reinhild helped the surviving Wandenreich members retreat to Hueco Mundo, where they have taken up residence for the last two decades. Thanks to her efforts, an armistice was forged between them and the Soul Society, ushering forth an era of peace.


Reinhild full

Reinhild's standard attire.





Powers & Abilities[]

Reinhild reiatsu

Reinhild's reiatsu.

Reinhild reishi

Reinhild gathering reishi.

Spirit Weapon[]

Reinhild bow

Reinhild wielding the Heilig Bogen.

Heilig Bogen (神聖弓 (ハイリッヒ・ボーグン), Hairihhi Bōgun; German for "Holy Bow", Japanese for "Sacred Bow")



  1. 1.0 1.1 Bleach light novel; Can't Fear Your Own World
  2. 2.0 2.1 Bleach manga; Chapter 544, pages 12-13

Behind the Scenes[]

While unnamed in the manga, having only appeared once in Chapter 544, the author gave her the name 'Reinhild' and opted to use Artoria Pendragon from the multimedia franchise, Fate/Stay Night, as an image source.
