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This article, Ragna Garmr, is the property of Another Poetic Spartan

Ragna Garmr
Name Ragna Garmr
Kanji ラグナ ガルム
Romanji Raguna Garumu
Race Presas
Age Ageless (Appears in Twenties)
Gender Male
Height 6'2
Weight 160 lbs
Eyes Yellow
Hair Black
Blood Type A
Professional Status
Affiliation Wolf Rain
Previous Affiliation Katsumi Scarlet

Fushi Coven

Occupation Grand Alpha of the Presas
Base of Operations World of the Living
Personal Status
Marital Status Ylva (Lover)

Siegfried Adler (Descendant)

Education Milennia of Education
Status Deceased
Aspect of Sin Wrath
Release Name King of Wolves

Ragna Garmr (ラグナ ガルム, Raguna Garumu), alternatively referred to as Garm, was one of the first Presas created by Katsumi Scarlet. Infamously known for his wild savagry, Ragna served Katsumi Scarlet and the Fushi Coven as the Grand Alpha of the Presas for countless milennia. To outside observers, Ragna was regarded as the Beast King of the Presas and the First Chieftain of the Moon Children respectively.

During the Holy War and the Blood War respectively, Ragna led the Presas to battle against the Quincy and Fallen threats. With multiple Great Packs at his command, Ragna and the Presas ravaged the battlefields with their beastial savagry, so much so that it even unnerved the Reikon Kyuuban close enough to witness them fight. The only other Presas known to match Ragna's ferocity was Jean Regendorf, a former packmate that many believed could challenge him for the position of Grand Alpha. However, Jean had no desire for the position of Grand Alpha, preferring to lead his own Great Pack known as the Bloodhounds.

Despite professing loyalty to Katsumi Scarlet and the Fushi Coven, Ragna would betray his Queen and side with Wolf Rain, evidently falling for the manipulations of Romulus Fane. Under the influence of Wolf Rain, Ragna rebelled against the Fushi Coven alongside his Beta and Gamma. However, Beta and Gamma were slaughtered by Jiangshi of the Thirteen Dracula while Ragna himself was killed in a duel with his former friend and packmate, Jean Regendorf. Ragna's support of Wolf Rain would have dire consequences on the Presas Race as a whole, which culminated into the Presas Rift.



On the battlefield, Ragna's personality was described to be sadistic.



Blood War[]

At some point in the Blood War, Ragna would come across a female Presas named Ylva. At the time, Ylva was a lone Presas that was not affiliated with any Packs and was being courted by several Alpha Presas to join their packs and be their mate. However, none of the Alpha Presas were unable to defeat Ylva, largely due to her being a first-generation Presas like Ragna. Smitten with her strength and tenacity, Ragna challenged Ylva to a duel and managed to defeat her after some effort. Ylva accepted her defeat and responded positively to Ragna's courtship, and subsequently became Ragna's lover and mate. Realizing her power, Ragna offered Ylva a position as his Beta, but she adamantly refused, preferring to act alone. Nonetheless, Ylva served as a close confidant to Ragna and would often follow the Grand Alpha onto the battlefield. Through his relationship with Ylva, Ragna would sire a number of children, with one known daughter. However, Ragna was not part of his childrens' lives, preferring to maintain a distant relationship with them in the event that the other Alphas would use them against him. As a result, Ragna and Ylva kept their relationship a closely guarded secret, with only a few trusted Presas being made aware of their status as a mated pair such as Jean Regendorf, Roland Black and Maeve.

Presas Rift[]

Climactic Duel with Jean Regendorf[]


Ragna's attempted rebellion against the Fushi Coven would have a dire consequence on the Presas as a whole. Jiangshi of the Thirteen Dracula, the killer of Beta and Gamma, was a renowned Reikon Kyuuban supremacist with a longstanding anti-Presas sentiment who used the attempted rebellion as an excuse to mark all Presas for retributional execution. In response to the execution order, Romulus Fane and Wolf Rain finally revealed themselves and tried to rally the Presas to their cause and fight the Fushi Coven whom they referred to as oppressors underserving of their loyalty. While the vast majority of Presas did join Wolf Rain, others continued to remain faithful to the Fushi Coven and fight by their side. Jean Regendorf and his Great Pack, the Bloodhounds, were at the forefront of the loyalist Presas, and led his people against the traitors. While the Presas Rift itself was a brief conflict, it ultimately led to the deaths of most of the Presas, leaving only several hundred survivors by the end.

Once the dust settled from the Presas Rift, Wolf Rain was believed to had been destroyed. However, Romulus Fane managed to survive his battle with Jean Regendorf and flee underground, bringing the remnants of Wolf Rain with him to rebuild their numbers and quietly bide their time. Following Wolf Rain's defeat, Jiangshi turned his attention towards Jean Regendorf and his loyalist Presas and attempted to follow through with his initial judgement, claiming that despite remaining faithful to the Fushi Coven, he can no longer trust them as they will continue to be a lingering threat to the Reikon Kyuuban. While Jean Regendorf and the Bloodhounds quietly accepted their fate, Katsumi Scarlet intervened with Jiangshi's judgement and stopped their execution. Using her power as the sire of Jiangshi, Katsumi Scarlet forcibly wiped his memories of Jean and the survivors and replaced them with the deaths of others. While Jiangshi was incapacitated, Katsumi Scarlet spoke to Jean and the survivors for the last time, lamenting the broken bond between the Reikon Kyuuban and Presas. Katsumi then told Jean and the survivors to flee and await her call, stating that they will no longer serve the Reikon Kyuuban and will only serve her alone. As such, the loyalist Presas joined with the Bloodhounds and dispersed into the night, fading into obscurity while they waited for Katsumi Scarlet to return. Ironically, Ragna's claims of Katsumi's indifference was wrong, as it was her intervention that ultimately saved the Presas from extinction.

Even though the Presas disappeared, several Presas did not flee into hiding. The Dark Council would recruit them to their side and establish a small pack as their own personal cadre of Presas. One such Presas to return to the Fushi Coven was Ylva, the former mate of the deceased Ragna. Ylva eventually rose to the status of Alpha in Dark Council's pack in later years. When the Reikon Kyuuban-Shinigami War broke out, Ylva and her pack was deployed to Soul Society to aid the Great Houses tasked with conquering the Rukongai. However, unbeknownst to the Great Houses, Ylva secretly fed information to the Balancers as a form of revenge for the death of Ragna and her fellow Presas. Following the revelation of Ylva's betrayal, the Dark Council's pack was executed while Ylva herself escaped justice, ultimately fading into obscurity. Even with his death, Ragna's bloodline managed to endure over the centuries, even to the Modern Era as seen with Siegfried Adler, who was revealed to be his very distant descendant.



Garm: When in the mood for armed combat, Ragna would regularly use a serrated Great Sword that he referred to as Garm. It was a weapon personally crafted by Ragna, who forged it from the salvaged weapons and armour of various defeated enemies. The sword guard for Garm was rather unique, as it used the skull of a long extinct creature that Ragna personally hunted milennia ago. Ragna's great strength allowed him to wield the Great Sword as a one-handed weapon with relative ease, which he used to great effiency by bisecting any unfortunate soul foolish enough to get in his way. Garm was a surprisingly durable weapon; it was shown to repeatedly withstand the blows from various Quincy and Reikon Kyuuban with no signs of damage at all. Additionally, Garm was shown to be capable of channeling ambient reishi, using it to fire potent blasts of energy as well as hardening around the edges of the weapon to give it an even greater attack power. When not in use, Ragna kept Garm in a personal dimensional pocket. When Ragna died during the Presas Rift, Garm disappeared from its owner's body, only to reappear centuries later in the hands of Wolf Rain.

Powers and Abilities[]


Ragna's Reiatsu

Immense Spiritual Energy: Being one of the oldest individuals amongsts the Presas, alongside Jean Regendorf and Romulus Fane, Ragna possessed an extravagant amount of Reiryoku at his disposal. It was his immense power and strength that allowed Ragna to defeat the other Alphas and assume the Grand Alpha title, who for all intents and purposes served as the leader of the entire Presas Race. He was easily capable of matching or surpassing the likes of Captain-class Shinigami and Espada-class Arrancar. It was widely believed by many that Ragna's power rivaled that of the infamous Thirteen Dracula and only paled in comparison to Katsumi Scarlet and Kain Daisuke. Katsumi Scarlet herself expressed great pride in Ragna, stating that out of all the Moon Children, he was one of the strongest among them. Ragna's reiatsu was regularly described as unsettling and overwhelming, and it was seemingly followed by an unnatural scent of blood. With just the mere exertion of his own reiatsu, Ragna was able to paralyze lesser Presas and Reikon Kyuuban and make them submit to his will and presence. Ragna's reiatsu was stated to be red and would erupt in violent cascades of energy before manifesting as a demonic beast behind him.

  • Energy Wave: With a mere exertion of his body, Ragna was capable of producing a powerful wave of spiritual energy that he can direct towards anyone he deemed a threat. The force of the energy wave was strong enough to destroy his surroundings and kill anyone caught in it

Expert Swordsmanship Specialist: While Ragna had no formal education with swordsmanship, he proved himself to be a capable wielder of the Great Sword called Garm. Ragna's monsterous brute strength allowed him to wield Garm with one hand, which caused the Grand Alpha to develop a unique style of combat. Due to the serrated nature of Garm, Ragna preferred to use the Great Sword in devastating slashing attacks to cause the maximum amount of pain and damage to the target. His prowess with Garm was seen during the Holy War and Blood War respectively, where Ragna demonstrated his skills by personally killing entire formations of Quincy and traitorous Reikon Kyuuban on the battlefield with each swing of his blade. Ragna was ambidextrous and was able to wield Garm in either hand with relative ease.

Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant:

Keen Intellect:

Physical Abilities[]

Immense Physicality: Although the Presas were renowned for their strength, the amount each of them wielded varied, which often played a role in selecting the Grand Alpha. As one of the first Presas to be created, Ragna grew stronger in terms of power and abilities as the centuries passed. His physicality ultimately allowed Ragna to become the first Grand Alpha, a position that he held for millenia until his defeat at the hands of Jean Regendorf during the Presas Rift. Due to being a long lived Grand Alpha, Ragna possessed a phenominal physical body that set him apart from his fellow Presas, of which included enhanced strength, speed, and musculature befitting of his status.

  • Monstrous Brute Strength: Ragna possessed an immense amount of physical strength that far surpassed the likes of an Alpha Presas. In battles against the Fushi Coven's enemies, Ragna was witnessed grabbing onto unforunate souls and crushing their skulls with his bare hands or ripping them in half with just the sheer strength of his arms. In combat, Ragna used his overwhelming strength to beat opponents into submission or simply outright kill them by breaking their bodies. At other times, Ranga could lay waste to entire formations of enemies single-handedly or throw Garm at them and impale multiple enemies at once with an extreme amount of force. Few individuals had ever matched the levels of Ragna's brute strength, such as Jean Regendorf, who despite their same level of strength only managed to defeat the Grand Alpha through refined skill and techniques.
  • Immense Durability: With centuries of hard fought battles and competition under his belt, Ragna developed a well-conditioned body befitting of his status as the Grand Alpha of the Presas. Ragna's bones and muscles were denser and harder than most Presas, which allowed him to survive numerous fights with other covetous Alphas and withstand attacks of considerable force relatively unscathed. His hardy resilience granted him a high degree of physical resistance to injury and pain to such an extent that only high-ranking beings such as Captain-class Shinigami, the Elders and the Thirteen Dracula had the capability of causing harm to Ragna. In several cases, Ragna had managed to withstand different types of energy blasts, brutal beatdowns, falls from great heights, and being thrown into several buildings at once without being knocked unconscious. When fighting Jean Regendorf during the Presas Rift, Ragna managed to shrug off the many attacks from his rival and former packmate despite the numerous injuries he received. However, Ragna would ultimately succumb to the various lethal attacks he sustained during the duel and die, proving that the nigh invincible body he took pride in had a limit.
  • Enhanced Speed and Agility: Ragna's massive frame belies his speed and reflexes, which he regularly used to his advantage to surprise the enemy. Although Ragna was not versed in the main movement technique that most Presas used, Jakuho, the Grand Alpha used the immense strength of his legs to run at a deceptively fast rate, so much so that he could match the speed of others. Additionally, Ragna would use his strength in his arms to propel himself forward and can move faster when using all four limbs.

Heightened Senses: Due to being an aged Presas, Ragna's natural vision and hearing had been significantly enhanced, up to the point where he can easily see and detect targets miles away with a mere glance. Ragna was more than able to see beyond the visible spectrum of light and had been known to use the infrared and ultraviolet spectrums to hunt biological targets. By changing the filaments in his eyes, Ragna also used a Reiryoku Vision Detector to easily sense and see the Spiritual Races such as Shinigami, Hollow, and Arrancar. By extension, the heightened sense granted Ragna an increase of spatial awareness, as he was able to seemingly "slow" the environment around him, giving the Presas the capability to react instantly and accordingly to whatever situation that presented itself. Ragna's Presas Ears had been fine tuned to a degree where he can hear every known frequencies, even ones outside normal range. His hearing could pick up every sound, and can decipher layer upon layer of different sounds and conversations, even focus on specific thing if need be. If required, Ragna was able to focus on an area and filter out any unneeded sound.

  • Lúavista (月子の空想 (ラビスタ) Rabisuta; Gallic for Moon Sight, Japanese for Vision of the Moon Children):
  • Caza (猟中月(カザ) Kaza; Gallic for Hunt, Japanese for Hunting Among the Moon):

Natural Weaponry:

  • Enhanced Bite: During a Presas's Transformed State, they gained possession of a mouth capable of producing an extremely powerful bite force with their jaws and fangs. They were able to unhinge or extend their jaws to create a larger mouth. The fangs were razor-sharp, able to easily slash and rip through anything. The most savage among the Presas were often seen tearing their prey's head off their body with relative ease. It was also noted as quite durable, up to the extent that a Presas could rip apart armour, catch a Zanpakuto with no effort and may even break it with a slight jerk.
  • Enhanced Claws: During a Presas's Transformed State, they gained possession of a prominent set of retractable claws. Presas had been noted to easily cut and rip through flesh with savage and brutal efficiently, lacerating anything it came into contact with. While a Presas was more than capable of handling a weapon during their Transformed State, most prefer to utilize their claws.
  • RagnaBM8
    Tsumeshasen (爪斜線, Claw Slasher): Tsumeshasen was an ability used by a Presas when close quarters combat was deemed too inefficient to use against an enemy. It was primarily used for medium to long-range battles. When using the ability, Ragna's claws would glow a deep crimson red. Using his claws as a form of outlet, Ragna would create blades of reishi whenever he made a slashing motion. The blades of reishi produced by Tsumeshasen were hurled with a great amount of force and could easily bring down a building. In additionally, Tsumeshasen was deceptively fast and could easily bisect an unaware individual without them realizing what happened. The power behind each Tsumeshasen was so great that it required an equal or greater amount of force to completely nullify the attack, otherwise the best course of action was to evade. Unlike most Presas, Ragna preferred to overlay Tsumeshasen with his Enhanced Claws, which further enhanced its length and penetrating power to a significant degree. Ranga also used Tsumeshasen in close quarters combat to catch his opponents by surprise, using it to painfully mutilate them before dealing the killing blow. The size and power behind Tsumeshasen was supposedly determined by a Presas's age. Ragna, who was Grand Alpha and was considered to be one of the oldest Presas, could potentially create a Tsumeshasen as large as a skyscraper if he so chooses.

Presas Abilities[]

Immortality: As a Presas, Ragna was biologically immortal and his body stopped aging upon reaching maturity. Although a Presas cannot die through natural causes, they could be killed through physical injury, extreme trauma, and severe mutilation to their body. Ragna's immortality provided him with a supernatural body that ultimately kept him in peak condition at all times.

Enhanced Healing Factor: As an extension of their immortality, a Presas were able to survive from injuries that were lethal to Humans and Shinigami. They were able to heal from any wound almost instantly. It can be surmised that any limb or organ can be healed given enough time as long as they had energy and spiritual power to supply the regeneration. Their healing factor was often stated to be far superior to the Reikon Kyuuban's own recovery ability.

Telepathy: Every Presas possessed a degree of telepathy that allowed them to communicate with each other over vast distances and hear the thoughts of others. However, a Presas' telepathy was strictly limited to their packmates and only when they were in their Lōcuria or Vociferante forms. As the Grand Alpha of the Presas, Ragna possessed a far more developed version of telepathy that allowed him to access the thoughts of every Presas and also communicate with everyone.

  • Alpha Howl: An Alpha Presas was able to use their strong telepathic link over their packmates and force them to obey orders, even against their will. The effect was instantaneous and the packmates were unable to disobey the command. Any effort to reject the orders of an Alpha would subject a Presas to immense and excruciating pain until they complied to the command. Those who severed their link to the pack were immune to the effects of the Alpha Howl.

Ragna activating Frenético

Frenético (激昂夜 (フレンチコ) Furentiko; Gallic for Frantic, Japanese for Nighttime Wrath): A more bestial expression of their latent abilities and one tied to their animal instincts. The greater the bloodlust, the greater the strength of a Presas grows, with no set ceiling. The level appears to vary between Presas, and even between generations. The effect of Frenético can be enhanced whenever Lōcuria or Vociferante was invoked.


Ragna activating Lōcuria

Lōcuria (無援月光の暴行 (ルクリャ) Rukuria; Gallic for Lunacy, Japanese for Helpless Moonlight's Outrage): Lōcuria was an ability developed by the early Presas in response to the berserker-like tendencies imposed onto them by the Vociferante. By using their spiritual power as a form of catalyst, a Presas was able to transform into a partial beast form to enhance their combat potential without having to rely on their Vociferante. To many, a Presas's Lōcuria state appeared to be that reminiscent of a humanoid-beast hybrid. As a first generation Presas, Ragna was artificially given the ability by its creator, Romulus Fane. Unlike many of the other Presas, Ragna had mastered the Lōcuria, which allowed him to manipulate the speed and level of his transformation to such an extent that he could shift his body and limbs instantaneously. In addition, the transformation serves as a means to condense a Presas' spiritual and physical power into a more compact form in a manner similar to that of a Clad-type Fullbring. During Lōcuria, Ragna assumed a multidude of wolf-like features, such as pronounced canines, claws, snow white fur, and enhanced musculature.



Ourou (王狼, King of Wolves) was the name given to Ragna's Vociferante and also served as his True Form. It was purportedly the strongest Vociferante amongst the Presas, only rivaled by that of Jean Regendorf's Vociferante. It was widely feared by Presas and Reikon Kyuuban alike for its sheer unpredictability and blood lust, which often sent Ragna on an uncontrollable blood frenzy where he attacked both friend and foe alike. However, after centuries of training, Ragna had managed to master his Vociferante to such an extent that he was able to retain his personality when in his released state.

Upon activation of his Vociferante, Ragna is enveloped in a black miasma as he undergoes the transformation process of becoming a true werewolf. Ragna's already large body grows even bigger and taller as he assumes a beastial werewolf form that truly befits his status as King of the Presas.

Vociferante Special Ability: In his Werewolf form, Ragna's natural abilities were greatly enhanced to a frightening degree.

  • Overwhelming Reiatsu: Upon activating Vociferante, Ragna's already immense spiritual pressure becomes even stronger.
  • Enhanced Physicality: The release of Ragna's Vociferante greatly increased Ragna's already immense physicality, placing his strength, speed, and musculature to an overwhelming degree.
  • Gigantification:





  • Ragna's death at the hands of Jean Regendorf meant that the latter had the right to succeed him as Grand Alpha of the Presas.

Behind the Scenes[]

  • Following the naming conventions and themes undertaken by Another Poetic Spartan, Ragna Garmr was named after Famous Individuals and/or Puns. In this case, Ragna Garmr was taken from a word and a mythical creature.
  • Ragna's given name was derived from Norse term, Ragnarök, which was a series of events that culminated in the deaths of various great figures and the rebirth of the world. It was often regarded as one of the most important event in Norse Mythology. It served as a reference to Ragna's hand in the Presas Rift, which resulted in the death of numerous Presas.
  • Ragna's surname, Garmr, is a reference to Garmr, a wolf or dog that come to be associated with both Hel and Ragnarök. Garmr was often described as a blood-stained guardian of Hel's gate, in a manner similar to Cerberus from Greek Mythology.
  • Ragna Garmr's Character Image and several abilities were based on that of the Beast Monarch, a character found in the web/light novel and manhwa series, Solo Leveling.


Literature References[]
