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"That's right. My techniques are indeed tricks. However... it is always trickery that captures the hearts of the public."
— Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi
Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi (鳳橋 楼十郎, Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō), commonly referred to as Rose (ローズ, Rōzu), is a male Shinigami and a Visored. He serves as the reinstated Captain of the Third Division. His current Lieutenant is Teruo Akui.
Rōjūrō is a tall and slender man of a fair complexion. His medium-length, wavy blond hair is swept to one side, with a small fringe that normally obscures a part of his diamond-shaped face. He has got an aquiline nose. The colour of his eyes is wisteria purple.
He wears a standard Shinigami uniform with a frilled collared shirt underneath, and a sleeveless Captain's haori.
At first glance, Rose seems to be a somewhat effeminate, dandified man. Mellow, easy-going, and absent-minded, he rarely displays obvious concern. Usually, he remains composed no matter the situation at hand. Even though he seems slightly aloof, he is in truth an amiable person. He enjoys chatting with his friends, and establishes a close rapport with his subordinates. Somewhat of a team player, he evidently prefers to fight with colleagues at his side.
Nevertheless, he is also a Captain. Whenever he engages the enemy his personality does not undergo any drastic shift. Rather, under such circumstances a few unnverving aspects of his disposition are revealed. In spite of his penchant for histrionics and showiness, he is a ruthless, competent fighter. He calmly exploits any type of advantage he can gain over the enemy. In combat he plays rather than fights, sometimes with sadistic glee, and the price for his performance is death.
Master Swordsman: Rōjūrō is highly proficient in swordsmanship. He favours the elegant, precise and fluid moves of seimitsudō, although he prefers to wield his katana two-handed rather than employ the fencing-like style more characteristic of the form. Despite this being very different from his primary method of combat, he is confident enough in his skill to engage a feral Captain-class opponent with just his unreleased Zanpakutō.
Whip Mastery: In addition, he is extremely capable with his whip-like Shikai. Rose can easily control the flexible, extendable weapon with slight flicks of his wrist, confusing and overwhelming his enemies with swift and unpredictable attacks. In fact, he can wield the Zanpakutō in either his right or his left hand.
Shunpo Expert: Rose is nimble, fast enough to easily keep up with most other Captains.
Kidō Expert: Whilst he is quick to distinguish his Zanpakutō abilities from magic and considers art superior to the latter, Rose is actually a competent spellcaster. Many low- and mid-level spells feature in his vast arsenal, and might be efficiently cast at a moment's notice. In the rare event he deems that necessary, he is also fully capable of performing a high-level spell during a battle.
Eishōhaki (詠唱破棄, "Incantation Abandonment"): So surprisingly high is his proficiency in magic that he can launch a completely silent Sōkatsui, swift and strong enough to stun a Hollowfied Captain-class opponent. With little to no effort to boot.
Natural Abilities
Enhanced Durability: With neither the bulk nor combat focus to indicate this, he nonetheless displays above-average resistance to damage. Notably, he was not particularly injured by a direct hit to the head dealt by Hollowfied Mashiro Kuna, a Hakuda specialist, despite being completely blindsided.[2] He withstood several point-blank explosions of the Wolves deployed by Primera EspadaCoyote Starrk, who was in his Resurrección state at the time.[3] In addition, a single direct hit from empowered Mask De Masculine did not seem to have much effect on him.[4][5]
Enhanced Endurance: In spite of his unassuming, slim build, Rose maintained consciousness and attempted to move even though he had sustained a grave wound blasted through his torso. That prompted Mask De Masculine to call him "disgustingly resilient".[5] He can keep up with high-tier opponents for an extended period of time.
Great Spiritual Power: As is appropriate for a Shinigami of his rank, Rōjūrō boasts a great amount of innate spiritual energy. Owing to his Hollowfication, he can temporarily supplement and significantly increase his spiritual power when he dons his Hollow mask. The colour of his spiritual pressure is periwinkle. When exerted, the aura emits a soft, vibrating sound.
Kinshara (金沙羅, "Golden Sal Tree"): The sealed form of the Zanpakutō appears as a katana, the tsuba of which is diamond-shaped with curved concave edges. The hilt is wrapped in a piece of turquoise cloth.
Arpeggio (アルペジオ, Arupejio): This peculiar technique is a testament to Rose's proficiency in wielding his Zanpakutō, seeing as he is capable of employing some of its special ability even in the sealed state. At first, he arranges his sword and its sheath in a cross formation, then suspends them in the air in front of him. Subsequently, he pretends to play on a piano, a process which does indeed produce audible music. As he continues to play, a thin yet extremely strong wire manifests and wraps around a chosen target until it is crushed and ripped apart.
Kinshara unleashed.
Shikai: Activated by the command "Play" (奏でろ, kanadero). The blade of the Zanpakutō transforms into a segmented golden whip with a flower from its namesake at its tip. The whip is highly flexible, and capable of greatly extending its length. As a result, it can be used as a long-range weapon. The sound of piano keys playing accompanies its fluid movements whilst Rose lashes his opponents time and again, controlling the weapon easily with but minute flicks of his wrist. In addition, the whip's tip can pierce and swiftly tear apart an enemy.
Shikai Special Ability: Kinshara is a versatile Sound-type Zanpakutō with a musical theme.
Kinshara Sōkyoku Dai Ichiban - Tsukimisō (金沙羅奏曲第一番・月見草, "Golden Sal Tree Sonata Number One - Evening Primrose"): Kinshara directs its flower-like tip at whatever Rose considers the target. Then, he grabs the base of the whip and presses his fingers against it. In consequence, the Zanpakutō produces a loud, booming sound like that of a tuba. The more tangible effect is a powerful impulse that eradicates whatever Kinshara is pointed at in a spherical explosion of sound.
Kinshara Sōkyoku Dai Shiban - Yamabuki (金沙羅奏曲第四番・山吹, "Golden Sal Tree Sonata Number Four - Wild Yellow Rose"): First, the whip twists and coils to wrap tighly around the enemy and bind them in place. Rose slides his fingers along the base of the whip, which emits a low, droning sound like a bass riff. Powerful vibrations reverberate through the target's body. Their ears are ruptured, the eyeballs burst and internal organs are reduced to a bloody pulp.
Kinshara Sōkyoku Dai Hachiban - Hamanashi (金沙羅奏曲第八番・浜梨, "Golden Sal Tree Sonata Number Eight - Rugosa Rose"): Kinshara twists and coils like a frenzied snake. Meanwhile, Rose snaps his fingers at it. With each snap the Zanpakutō emits a piercing shrill sound that severely distorts perception of everyone within the hearing distance. The effect lingers for a while before it wears off, so that he can exploit the confusion to strike.
Kinshara Sōkyoku Dai Kyūban - Mukuge (金沙羅奏曲第九番・木槿, "Golden Sal Tree Sonata Number Nine - Rose of Sharon"): Rose swings Kinshara upward until the whip outstretches straight toward the vault of heaven and towers over the area. Then, he pats the base of the whip. The Zanpakutō emits a loud, discordant sound not unlike someone bashing a piano keyboard, which stuns everyone within the Captain's vicinity.
Kinshara Sōkyoku Dai Jūichiban - Izayoi Bara (金沙羅奏曲第十一番・十六夜薔薇, "Golden Sal Tree Sonata Number Eleven - Sixteen Day-Old Moon Rose"): The flower at Kinshara's tip impales the enemy. Rose taps the whip with his fingers aferward, which causes the sound of strummed guitar strings to travel the length of the Zanpakutō. Consequently, a potent soundwave erupts from the flower. The blast obliterates targets within a sizeable disc-shaped radius.
Kinshara Butōdan.
Bankai: Kinshara Butōdan (金沙羅舞踏団, "Golden Sal Tree Dancing Troupe"): When released, the Zanpakutō forms not only two giant, floating hands one of which wields an appropriately sized conducting baton, but also a troupe of mostly featureless, slender humanoid entities with flower-like objects attached to their otherwise blank faces. Rōjūrō calls the troupe "Dancers of Death" (死の舞踏団, shi no butōdan). He can control them with a conducting baton of his own.
Bankai Special Ability: The music played by Kinshara Butōdan captures the enemy's heart and mesmerises them with highly convincing illusions. So convincing, in fact, that whatever delusive effects are produced by the Bankai are experienced with all the severity of the real thing.
Sea Drift (海流 (シードリフト), shī dorifuto, Japanese for "Sea Drift"): The troupe surrounds Rose's target and swirl around them at great speed. This produces a powerful whirlpool to flood the opponent. Owing to the power of Kinshara Butōdan, the target believes they are indeed suppressed and drowned.
Prometheus (火山の使者 (プロメテウス), purometeusu, Japanese for "Envoy of the Volcano"): The troupe lift their hands as they prepare a volley of fireballs. Then, they engulf the target in a fiery inferno. Owing to the power of Kinshara Butōdan, the target believes they are indeed burnt.
Eine kleine Nachtmusik (小さな夜の音楽 (アイネ・クライネ・ナハトムジーク), iine kuraine nahatomujīku, German for "A Little Serenade", Japanese for "Little Night Music"): The troupe proceed to cover their non-existing eyes. As a result, impenetrable darkness falls upon the target. Owing to the power of Kinshara Butōdan, the target's brain is tricked into momentarily shutting itself off from all visual and spiritual stimuli.
Ein Heldenleben (英雄の生涯 (アインヘルデンレーベン), ain herudenrēben, German for "A Hero's Life", Japanese for "Hero's Life"): One of the most powerful techniques at Rose's disposal, its execution is divided between three stages. At first, one of the entities assumes a position in the middle of their formation with a swift illusion turn. It lifts one of its hands to apparently cover its non-existing mouth, whilst the other one is waved nonchalantly at the target. This has the effect of unleashing a strong gust of wind. In the meantime, most of the remaining entities rotate in constant pirouettes, enveloped by swirling air. Suddenly, they jut out their arms at the target to engulf it with a vicious tempest. The last stage consists of two entities who charge at the opponent from opposite directions to slash it with thin air blades. The technique is strong enough to knock out a Hollowfied Captain-class enemy[6].
Rose's Hollow mask.
Hollowfication: Rōjūrō possesses a distinct Hollow mask that resembles the hooked beak of a big bird, or perhaps the mask of a medieval plague doctor. Whenever summoned, the mask supplements his natural power with that of a Hollow, which significantly enhances his performance in battle. Unfortunately, he can currently maintain that power boost for only about five minutes. In order to conserve energy, he frequently discards and summons the mask back as needed.
Cero: Like the other Visored, Rose can fire a Cero. His is usually launched from the tip of his Zanpakutō, distinct in that it is a wider than average, sustained beam that emanates in several pulses. This slightly reduces the technique's effective range and destructive potential, although grants is higher power at a small distance and renders it more difficult to successfully evade, block or deflect. The Cero is of periwinkle colour.