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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki

This article, Naishō's Petrification Gauntlet, was added by Koukishi who determines its usage on this wiki.

"This ol' thing? Oh, this is just my gauntlet. I put my blood and tears into this creation, and I'm most proud of it!"
Naishō Kawahiru

Naishō's Petrification Gauntlet is an invention created by Naishō himself. Its one and only use is to petrify spiritual energy, turning it to a brittle stone that is ease to destroy. Once something that has been petrified by said gauntlet is smashed, it is impossible to replace it, even with forbidden/medical kidō.

Enraged mode[]

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The gauntlet while in enraged mode.

After a certain period of time, the gauntlet will become upset by a lack of spiritual energy, causing it to drastically change appearance. Instead of being black with an orange-coloured eye on the back of the hand, the gauntlet itself is pink, while the eye is midnight-purple. If this mode is reached, the rate in which spiritual energy is petrified is increased ten-fold, basically encasing anything in stone in mere seconds.
