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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki

This article, Nadie Drøm, was added by SereneDreams who determines its usage on this wiki.

Nadie Drøm
Nadie Drøm
Name Nadie Drøm
Kanji ナディ夢
Romaji Nadi Drom
Race Arrancar
Birthday January 5
Age Unknown
Gender Female
Height 167 cm (5'4")
Weight 55 kg (121.3 lbs)
Blood Type AB-
Professional Status
Affiliation Bandera Roja
Previous Affiliation N/A
Occupation Delta
Previous Occupation N/A
Team Mitkee Ninko, Vondu Deya and Ningú Nichto
Previous Team N/A
Partner Mitkee Ninko
Previous Partner N/A
Base of Operations Las Noches, Hueco Mundo
Personal Status
Marital Status Single
Relatives N/A
Education N/A
Status Active
Resurrección Duales
"If there are any insane persons here in Las Noches? Nadie Drøm. If you try to converse with her, she'll most likely chop off your head and wear you are a sweater. None of us understand why. And I don't think we want to know, either."
Mitkee Ninko

Nadie Drøm (ナディ夢, Nadi Drom) is an Arrancar and a member of the Bandera Roja where she holds the rank of Delta. At the first glance Nadie may seem like a quiet, insecure woman who rarely speaks, but this is just one side of her. In reality, she has a split personality and suffers from mental breakdowns, depressions and rapid change in mood. Her other "half", whom refers to herself as "Adele" (アデル, Aderu), is an impulsive, delusional and downright sadistic persona. Because it is difficult to distinguish between the two personalities, she is perhaps the most dangerous of the generals to be around.





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