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This article, Mizuki Kuusou is the property of Darkrai.
It may not be used by anyone but the author or the co-author's in question.
Mizuki Kuusou
Name Mizuki Kuusou
Kanji 広場武し
Romaji Kuusou Mizuki
Race Shinigami
Birthday February 2nd
Age Unknown
Gender Female
Height ??
Weight ??
Blood Type AB
Professional Status
Affiliation Gotei 13, Division 7
Previous Affiliation Soul Society, Gotei 13
Occupation Lieutenant of the Seventh Division
Team none
Previous Team None
Partner Takeshi Hiroba
Previous Partner None
Base of Operations various
Personal Status
Marital Status Single
Relatives None known
Status Active
Shikai ??
Bankai ??

Mizuki Kuusou (空想水木, "Kuusou Mizuki", lit. Springwood Fantasy) is the lieutenant of the 7th Division, serving under Captain Takeshi Hiroba.


In terms of appearance, Mizuki takes the form of a young, petite girl with long, wavy light blonde hair, bordering on white. She possesses fair skin, and wide, red eyes. When on duty as a Gotei 13 member, she wears the standard Shihakushō with a Lieutenants badge on her upper arm. When having leisure time, she wears a frilly pink gown that only compliments her cute demeanor.

Personality and Traits[]



Powers and Abilities[]



