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This article, Megami Nagareboshi is the property of Darkrai.
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"Gai Nagareboshi...a literal doll to add to my collection."
— Gōkan to Gai

Megami Nagareboshi
Goukan headshot
Name Megami Nagareboshi
Kanji 流れ星=メガミ
Romaji Nagareboshi Megami
Race Mototsu
Birthday Unknown
Age Unknown
Gender Female
Height 5'7"
Weight Unknown (Presumed Light weight)
Blood Type AB-
Professional Status
Affiliation Herself
Previous Affiliation unknown group
Occupation Wanderer
Previous Occupation Weapon of Mass Destruction
Team None
Previous Team none
Partner none
Previous Partner Masato Nagareboshi
Base of Operations Various
Personal Status
Marital Status Widowed
Relatives Gai Nagareboshi (son)
Kagirinai Nagareboshi (son)
Eimi Nagareboshi (daughter)
Education High-School
Status Active
Main Skill Summoning

Megami Nagareboshi (流れ星=メガミ, Nagareboshi Megami), also known as Gōkan (強姦 Goukan) is a spiritual being with unique summoning abilities. She makes frequent appearances in Second Rising, and while not appearing as much in Bleach: Rising Phoenix, it is revealed that she is pivotal to the plot of Part IV and V.

She is assumed to be a Plus, though she shows traits of both Shinigami and Arrancar. This isn't touched upon at all in her appearances and probably never will be.


Megami's figure is one of tremendous beauty; with long, flowing crimson hair which is splayed out in all directions at the ends, reaching down to her hips. Several large clumps of hair stick out, some curling away horizontally. Her bangs frame her face, though they have two 'layers', with the behind layers falling to rest upon her chest. There are a few locks of hair kept in the middle of her forehead, there is a slim curled forelock of hair at the top of her head. Her piercing emerald eyes glimmer in the sun. Megami is described as a "person who seems so gentle, yet rather scary at the same time."


Megami is a girl who enjoys watching life pass her by. She has no desire to take the initiative on anything unless it directly harms her in some way. She maintains a calm, pleasant demeanor, and treats everyone, sans the servants she summons, with respect, addressing each with proper honorifics.

Megami sees the servants she summons more like her pets than actual people, going as far as to keep collars on them when they're off her watch. When they are not being used in battle but she is not around to keep track of them, she keeps them locked in a circular room, locked in a trance so they cannot attempt to escape. In her free time, she uses the ones she likes best for sexual acts.

I will kill you, no questions asked

Megami's icy glare

While not easily angered, Megami's fury when triggered is said to be something to behold, as her soft facial expressions instantly change to sharper, icy daggers that strike fear into the weak hearted.



Powers & Abilities[]


Megami's Spiritual Energy

Immense Spiritual Power: Megami, despite being a soul instead of a Shinigami, possesses a large amount of spiritual power, enough to combat Captains on equal level. Her energy is the same colour as her hair, a deep red.

Monstrous Strength: Megami, despite her feminine build, possesses monstrous strength, able to shatter bones with her punches and completely rip limbs from their bodies. Her strength is such she can grind diamond to dust, which she, for some reason, sells.

Enhanced Speed: Seemingly a trait that runs in the family, Megami Nagareboshi is in possession of frightening speed. She is capable of moving around so fast it makes her a blur, and all that is visible is a glint of her red hair. Se is fond of using her speed to confound opponents, favoring in running them in circles until dizziness or exhaustion takes them over.

Enhanced Durability: Megami is also shown to be a very durable woman, which, considering the family she belongs to, and her resulting children, it is not at all surprising.

Kidō Master: Despite not being a Shinigami, Megami seems to be a case similar to Kūkaku Shiba, as she is not a Shinigami, but is well versed in various Kidō spells, and has created her own spells as well.

  • Descorrer (解空 (デスコレール), Desukorēru; Japanese for "Loosed Void", Spanish for "Drawing Back/Opening"): Normally a technique exclusive to Arrancar and some Shinigami, Megami is shown to be able to use this technique, which summons a Garganta (黒腔; (ガルガンタ), Garuganta; Spanish for "Throat", Japanese for "Black Cavity"), which she can use to travel to and from Hueco Mundo.
  • Bonds Spell: Megami is capable of an spell that she says Nika showed her. It is ancient magic, different from Kidō. By creating a magic seal under her targets, she is able to gift them with designated "roles", choosing one as the hero and the others as sidekicks. With this, she grants the hero the ability to power up his teammates with a kiss, gifting them with enhanced durability, speed, and strength, as well as boosting their spiritual power and allowing them to take in reiatsu particles from the air, completely overriding even the limits of Mototsu's body.
  • Limit Remover: Megami created a unique spell to remove the limits (or some limit) on a target's potential power, greatly boosting their strength. The boost in power is such that she could raise Kachihi Amagase, who was of only seated level power at the time, to high Captain power in only one attempt. Apparently, she cannot release all of a target's potential if it is too much, as she said Kachihi had more power than what she'd unlocked.
  • Shining Onslaught (炯然躍進, "Keizen Yakushin"): An exceedingly overwhelming spiritual technique which resembles a 'X' spinning blast of light, unique to those of the Nagareboshi bloodline; the attack is always within their Zanpakutō's ability. Shining Onslaught is formed by condensing stray spiritual energy onto their weapon, adding their own power into the mix before releasing it. This attack is most useful when activated towards the end of a battle between high-level opponents, since the area will be saturated with excess energy from their attacks.
  • Incantation: The pendulum of fate swings once more, echoes of the dead resound in thy ears, as therein lies a new war. Thrust into the battle of life and death, a poor soldier wails, yet he stands till his last breath. As the sword pierces his chest, a valkryie spreads her wings, with a single touch and they are put to rest. Yet Ragnarok lies near the end, cries of the abyss tear through the skies, crowned from the ash once more, the judgement of the Rising Phoenix...descend! (運命のむらの振り子再び、耳の中に死んで響きのエコーとして、そこに新たな戦争に位置しています。まだ生と死の戦い、貧しい兵士の泣き叫ぶ声、突っ込む、彼は彼の最後の息まで立っている。剣は彼の胸を貫くように、ワルキューレは、それらが他の部分に置かれるようにワンタッチで、彼女の翼を広げます。まだラグナロクは、エンドの近くにある, もう一度灰から戴冠空を深淵の涙の叫び、上昇火の鳥の判断下る...)
Megami erasure

Megami's "Erasure" spell

  • Erasure: A complete annihilation spell that utilizes crimson orbs of extremely dense reishi. The principle of the spell is the same as the blue fire used by the Vandenreich, which are dense enough to set aflame the rocks and sand of Hueco Mundo, which usually can't burn. However, the density of the Erasure technique is a good 500 times that of the Blue Flames, and, when ti makes contact with a spirit being, or anything make of reishi, disintegrates on the point of contact, and then spreads, returning the target to their base spiritron form. The spell has the additional effect of negating all regenerative properties, making it impossible to stop the corrosion.
  • Incantion: Born from the pyre of ashes, rend asunder unto the world your judgement. Spread your wings far and wide, let the scorch of your wrath, turn all unto nothing! (灰の火葬から生まれた、世界わたしバラバラにあなたの判断を引き裂く。ずっとあなたの翼を広げ、広い、あなたの怒りのスコーチしてみましょう、すべてのわたしは何も切らないで!)

Special Abilities[]

Seirei (性奴隷 Sex Slave) is the name of Megami's power, which, to the various reactions of others, has nothing to do with the name she chose. This special ability is a strange one, as it allows for the control and summoning of overly feminine males. To those like Gai Nagareboshi or Fumiko Orikasa, this technique is like Hell in a handbasket.

  • Mind Control: Megami's first ability revolves around controlling the minds of over effiminate males, and it has been stated this ability works on no one else. While the exact mechanics behind this ability aren't known, it works through a kiss. Upon receiving the kiss, the target will fall under the control of Megami. This control, while resistance is possible at the moment of activation, is completely inescapable if it fully takes over. When under the control, the victims, according to Megami, are completely aware the fact that they are being controlled, but cannot do anything to resist. They cannot move or speak without orders from Megami, with the except of things like reflexes and bodily functions, the latter of which she "sets" reactions for.
  • Summoning: Through summoning, she creates a magical seal that appears on the ground, and summons any of her available summonings. With this spell, her call is utmost law, no summoning can defy it, and no type of magic can prevent it. Even the summonee cannot resist.


  • Her initiating of the Mind Control spell is similar to Winging a Sekirei from the titular Sekirei series, as well as Pactios' from the Mahou Sensei Negima! series.