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This article, Lilith (Tenshi), is the property of Another Poetic Spartan

"Fear is necessary for evolution. The fear that one could be destroyed at any moment. Thank you, Gin. Thanks to your efforts, I have finally risen to an existence that surpasses both Shinigami and Hollow."

This article, Lilith (Tenshi), is currently under active construction by the author(s) of whom this article's property falls under.
Lilith (Tenshi)
Shiawase Dian1
Title Lucifer's Concubine
Name Lilith
Kanji リリス
Romanji Ririsu
Race Tenshi
Age Ageless
Gender Female
Height 5'8
Weight 111 lbs
Eyes Dark Purple
Hair Midnight Black
Professional Status
Affiliation Lucifer
Personal Status
Marital Status Single
Education Self-Taught
Family Lucifer (Lover)

Shiawase Kōhai (Daughter)

Status Active
Ultima Aditum
Release Name Not Yet Revealed

Lilith (リリス, Ririsu) was a Tenshi of Tougenkyou and the lover of Fallen Tenshi God-King Lucifer, serving as his only concubine in the Tenshi Court. With Lucifer, Lilith secretly gave birth to one daughter named Shiawase. Unknown to everyone, Lilith was one of many false identities used by the evil Tenjin The Outsider in his quest to destroy to Tougenkyou, and in actuality served as his female form in and outside of the Amenokai.

Lilith was infamously known in Tougenkyou History as the individual partially responsible for Lucifer's fall from grace and was typically cited as the de-facto perpetrator of the disastrous Tougenkyou War. Despite being one of the most wanted individuals in Tougenkyou, Lilith consistently evaded capture and escaped to parts unknown. Unbeknownst to Michael and Yuu Hoshiko, Lilith "killed" her identity and resumed life as The Outsider.







Powers and Abilities[]

Immense Wisdom Power: Lilith's Tenryoku Level purportedly rivaled that of the Twin Tenshi God-Kings, Michael and Lucifer. Her true power remained to be seen since Lilith never fully revealed the true extent of her power and abilities.

  • Masterful Tenryoku Control:

Memoria Inbuo (貰い物記憶 (メモリア インブオ); Memoria Inbuo; Latin for "Memory Inculcate", Japanese for "Gifted Memory"): As a Tenshi, Lilith possessed the ability to manipulate an individual's memory and possibly dominate weaker-willed beings to do her bidding.

  • Pergitis Obtinendam (領土 (パエルジティス オブティネンダム); Latin and Japanese for "Possession"): an advancement of Memoria Inbuo which deals with the complete control of weaker-willed individuals through subtle manipulation or seduction, often-times over days, weeks, months or even years. Lilith utilized this advanced technique of Memoria Inbuo to subtly convince Lucifer to betray Michael and his mother, The One, by bringing out his innate desires. It was widely believed that her immense skill with Pergitis Obtinendam was what caused half of the Heavenly Host to defect to Lucifer.

High Intellect: Other than her vast Tenryoku reserves, Lilith's most prominent trait was her high intellect. Lilith considered her intellect to be as dangerous as a weapon, and regularly used it to bring opponents down to their knees without lifting a finger.

  • Master Manipulator: Lilith had revealed herself to be extremely cunning and crafty since her seduction of the Tenshi God-King Lucifer. Aware of her immense beauty, Lilith used it to her advantage to gain favors and prestige. In addition, she deceived many onlookers by appearing relatively frail and non-threatening despite being incredibly dangerous. Oftentimes, she used her beauty and intelligence to convince others to do her bidding and to obtain confidential information regarding the highest political echelons of Tougenkyou. Despite Lilith's status as a mere concubine, she wielded a considerable amount of influence in Tougenkyou, especially within the Tenshi Homeland of Skyfel as she was the Matron of numerous organizations. She commanded the loyalty of hundreds of fanatical followers, having brainwashed them to be completely subservient to her whims. Her skill as a manipulator was evident when she managed to convince Lucifer to rebel against The One and his brother Michael in a bid to usurp the throne of Tougenkyou and become a "True God".

Enhanced Strength: Underneath Lilith's seemingly frail exterior, was a woman with immense strength. She was able to easily subdue and kill a squad of Michael's Tenshi Honour Guard during the Tougenkyou War.

Enhanced Durability:



  • Lilith's daughter, Shiawase, looked almost exactly like her. As a result, Shiawase was often mistaken as Lilith upon reaching adulthood.

Behind the Scenes[]



Literature References[]
