Brilliant but Lazy: Layla is highly talented in many areas, but also highly unmotivated. If it's not work, dance, or sex she really could care less.
Blunt Metaphors Trauma: Layla never quite got over the language barrier, and she butchers metaphors and euphemisms like they're McDonald's brand cattle
Dance Battler: Layla's a dancer to her core, and her fighting style reflects it to the point where people don't think she takes battles seriously. (Most of the time, she doesn't)
Even the Girls Want Her: Admit it, you'd want to bang Layla if you could. Subverted in that Layla is pansexual, so she would want the girls (and boys... and androgynous peeps) right back.
Good Bad Girl: Layla likes sex, plain and simple, and she doesn't give a shit if you think that's slutty. In fact, she thinks the stigma on sex is the silliest thing she's ever heard.
The Lancer: To Jo's hero, Layla is her foil in many ways: promiscuous to Jo's awkwardness, realistic to Jo's raging optimism, ect ect.