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This article, Kyoshiro Tohno, was added by GZero945 who determines its usage on this wiki.

"We hypothesize that the members who went along with the spiritual detection squad died before they were able to send data..."

This article has been marked as a stub and is awaiting expansion by its original author.
Kyoshiro Tohno
Bleach Trap
Name Kyoshiro Tohno
Race Shinigami
Birthday April 1st(No joke)
Age 50 (appears 12)
Gender Male
Height 5'1"
Weight 90LBS
Blood Type A-
Professional Status
Affiliation Soul Society

Gotei 13

11th Division

Previous Affiliation None
Occupation Shinigami
Previous Occupation None
Team TBA
Previous Team None
Partner TBA
Previous Partner None
Base of Operations Eleventh Division Barracks


Personal Status
Marital Status Single
Relatives None
Education Shino Academy
Status Alive
Shikai Funka
Bankai None

Kyoshiro Tohno is the 7th seat shinigami of the eleventh division. He is known to be one of the Soul Society's most attractive girls, despite of him being a boy. Known to be foul-mouthed and short-tempered, he isn't well liked among his brethren. Like certain others, he's a child prodigy, but due to his attitude, he isn't ranked as high. Also, he's part of the Shinigami Men's Association, but he had to prove that he was a man.


Kyoshiro is a very young, feminine looking male that has a petite and slender body type equalling that of a little girl. This usually causes many of the shinigami to treat him like a girl. He has soft, brown eyes eyes that tend to pop out even at night. He has short, soft, violet hair that he wears in a very messy fashion. He also has very fair skin that has many scars and cuts on his body.

Kyoshiro wears a modified version of the shinigami shikahusho. He has no sleeves on it and the hakama is only mid-thigh. In some of his appearances, he is shown to wear a witch hat and a cloak.


Kyoshiro is classified as a very rambuncious boy. He is very rude, easy to anger, and is very cocky. He tends to over-react when people call him a girl, usually attacking them, whether they are man or woman. He is also very stubborn, due to his young age.



Abilities and Powers[]
