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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki

This article, Kurosawa Tadayoshi, is property of Stylx

"Fear is necessary for evolution. The fear that one could be destroyed at any moment. Thank you, Gin. Thanks to your efforts, I have finally risen to an existence that surpasses both Shinigami and Hollow."

This article, Kurosawa Tadayoshi, is currently under active construction by the author(s) of whom this article's property falls under.
Kurosawa Tadayoshi
Race Visored
Birthday June 6th
Age 23 (Physical)
Gender Male
Height 179cm (5'10)
Weight 71kg (156 lbs)
Blood Type A
Professional Status
Previous Affiliation Gotei 13
Profession Shinigami
Previous Division Kidō Corps
Base of Operations Seireitei
Personal Status
Education Shin'ō Academy
Shikai Ookami no Tenbatsu
Bankai Tenbatsu no Mikoto
First Appearance
Story Debut Balance of Souls: Relapse

Kurosawa Tadayoshi (黒沢忠吉, Black Swamp) is a Visored and a former member of the Kidō Corps of the Gotei 13.


Kurosawa appears as a man of Japanese decent, with him looking much older than his actual physical age due to his rugged look and his battle injuries, however some of his youthful appearance is still apparently in his face, which on his left side has been burnt heavily by what seems to be some sort of projectile, seemingly either injuring his eye beyond repair or destroying it, as he has a frayed bandage wrapped around it. He physically appears under the weather, looking quite ashen in skin complexion but otherwise being physically fit looking.

He wears an extremely worn and rugged Shinigami Shihakushō which has been burnt and frayed in some places along with a black hooded cloak worn over it.


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Powers and Abilities[]

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  • Kurosawa is a "darker" alternate iteration of the character Kurokawa Tadayoshi, the names, Kurokawa and Kurosawa have very similar meanings, with Kurokawa meaning Black River and Kurosawa meaning Black Swamp, with the less graceful name of Kurosawa indicating the character's fall from grace.
  • While Kurosawa is technically a dark version of the Kurokawa Tadayoshi from the Bleach: Dark and Light continuity, his main traits, both physical and personality wise, derive from his original iteration in a Pseudo-Canon continuity, his current standing being the result of an event from an alternate version of that continuity.


Bleach: Equilibrium[]

The Balance of Souls Arc[]

