This article, Kotsuru Kira, was added by Lecliss who determines its usage on this wiki. |
"Justice is the excuse shielding Judgement."
Kotsuru Kira (吉良小鶴, Kira Kotsuru) is a Soul Reaper from Squad 3 and is in charge of guarding Fubuki City. After rescuing Kūzen Endō from a Hollow, she grows curious about his powers despite him being a Human and infiltrates Kazahana Academy to keep an eye on him.

Kotsuru's Soul Reaper uniform, Kazahana Academy uniform, and casual outfit
While Kotsuru is an adult woman, she has the stature of a middle schooler and can blend in with children and young teens. She has fair skin, stern blue eyes, and short blonde hair with her bangs to the left of her face. As a Soul Reaper, she wears the standard shihakushō with her Zanpakutō on her left hip. While disguised as a Human, she wears a blue bow on the top of her head and Kazahana Academy's uniform with knee high black socks. Outside of the academy, she most often wears an orange button-up shirt with a white butterfly pattern on the left side, high-waisted jean shorts, black tights, and white and yellow tennis shoes.
As a child, Kotsuru had long hair and two short pigtails on the top of her head. She wore a short red kimono with a yellow sash tied in a large bow.
Fifteen months after Aizen's defeat, Kotsuru's hair is slightly longer and she wears a bigger blue bow on the right side of her head even as a Soul Reaper.
Twelve years after Yhwach's defeat, Kotsuru has cut her hair shorter than its previously been and her shihakushō has a red sash in place of the traditional white sash. She has moved her bow to the back of her head.
Kotsuru is a very dutiful and diligent woman, taking her job as a Soul Reaper seriously. As a noble raised by kind parents, she possesses a strong sense of duty to aid those beneath her, hence her desire to do her job to the best of her ability. Kotsuru deeply believes in justice and fairness, and tries her best to be impartial on most matters so she can make choices that benefit the most people or cause as little harm as possible if unavoidable.
She is understanding of Hollows as Souls in need of cleansing so they can move on instead of just mindless monsters to be eradicated. She is also easily made emotional when performing Konsō on Pluses as she feels deep empathy for Souls that died too young or in tragic ways. She gets defensive when Kūzen mocks her for this.
While Kotsuru is respectful and kind to others, she is instead brash towards Kūzen since he refuses to show her respect at all. She is capable of being stubborn and stooping to a child's level because of him and she is often disappointed in herself after realizing how rude she acted simply because Kūzen got on her nerves.
Kotsuru has a love for animals, especially dogs, and always wanted one as a child. When she sees any dog she gets distracted and starts gushing about how adorable it is. She sometimes gets embarrassed at this behavior as she finds it unlady-like of her. However, she is terrified of bugs, often screaming her head off at the sight of them, and can't fight well against Hollows that resemble bugs. She is often embarrassed about her height since people tend to assume Izuru is older than her and people in the World of the Living keep asking her where her parents are or if she's lost.
As a child, Kotsuru was incredibly energetic and often dragged Izuru around to play with her. However, she has since vastly calmed down.

Kotsuru and Izuru as children
Kotsuru was born into the lesser noble Kira family in Soul Society. By all accounts she had a perfectly happy and standard childhood with nearly everything she ever wanted. When her younger cousin Izuru's parents died, it was Kotsuru's parents who took him in, causing Kotsuru and Izuru to grow up somewhat like siblings as opposed to simply cousins. While he went on to attend Shin'o Academy before her, Kotsuru later enrolled as well despite her parents insisting she didn't need to become a Soul Reaper. Influenced by Izuru’s desire to do so, Kotsuru wanted to take on the responsibilities for herself as well, and so she ignored her parents’ concerns and became a Soul Reaper.
At the academy, Kotsuru became friends with her fellow classmate and nobleman, Tenko Furuga. Upon graduating from the academy, Tenko was assigned to Squad 12 and Kotsuru was placed in Squad 10. Many years later she was promoted to 18th Seat of Squad 3, where Izuru had been a member already. She became friends with another newly promoted Soul Reaper, Mona Reizei, and they were eventually joined by Tenko after he was promoted as well. She was overjoyed to be working under Izuru after he became Lieutenant of Squad 3, but noticed a stark difference in his personality compared to when they were younger. While she was never a fan of Captain Gin Ichimaru’s personality, she nevertheless respected him as her captain.
Eventually Kotsuru was chosen to guard a city in the World of the Living, being assigned to Fubuki City in Hokkaido, Japan. She had been stationed there for several months before finally encountering Kūzen Endo.
Welcome to Fubuki City Arc[]
Kotsuru first appears when she saves Kūzen Endō from a Hollow he is trying to fight on his own. She dispatches the Hollow quickly and proceeds to walk away, but is surprised by Kūzen’s attempt to stop her and his ability to see her. She reprimands him for being so reckless as to try to fight a Hollow despite being Human, but she is shocked when he reveals his Fullbring and that he's defeated Hollows before. When Kūzen questions who she even is, Kotsuru briefly explains what a Soul Reaper is and what her duties are before trying to leave again. A frustrated Kūzen storms off, but Kotsuru secretly stays behind and decides Kūzen needs to be monitored since his powers remind her too closely of a Hollow.
The next day at Kazahana Academy, Kūzen is surprised by Kotsuru being introduced as a new student in his class. During their break time, Kotsuru corners Kūzen and demands to know more about his powers. While Kūzen is unable to explain much since he barely understands his own powers, Kotsuru admits to finding him suspicious and declares she'll be keeping a close eye on him from now on.
Initially not taking her seriously, Kūzen is unnerved to find her stalking him on his way home. Kūzen's friend, Wakana Tomie, greets Kotsuru and invites her to hang out with them. Kotsuru happily agrees and plays the part of a regular friendly girl while watching Kūzen.
Upon learning that Kūzen and Kotsuru are not in after-school clubs yet, Wakana invites both of them to the music club, to which Kūzen refuses and Kotsuru claims she has no musical talent. Despite their protests, Wakana forces them both to join the music club. Kotsuru is unable to decide on what instrument to try, so Wakana suggests she try singing. Despite assuming she would sound terrible, Kotsuru follows Wakana's vocal test and Wakana tells her she has a wonderful voice. With her newfound confidence, Kotsuru decides to pursue singing for music club.
After Kotsuru and Kūzen rescue fellow classmate, Ino Kuishi, from an attempted Hollow possession Wakana asks him to join the music club with them upon learning he can play the drums. Together, they form a band that Wakana names "vive▪︎le▪︎vide".
Mother Arc[]
Kotsuru is visited by a Jigokuchō sent by her lieutenant and orders her to return to Soul Society. Assuming it was an urgent matter, Kotsuru informs Kūzen that she'll be returning home for a bit and to lie to the academy that she is currently sick. Once back in Soul Society, she rushes to her squad’s barracks and asks where the lieutenant is, being told he's in the captain's office. She barges into the room to reveal Izuru and asks him if he's okay. While confirming he is indeed fine, Izuru catches Kotsuru up on the events of the Ryoka Invasion and subsequent betrayal of Sōsuke Aizen, Kaname Tōsen, and their own captain, Gin Ichimaru. Devastated by the news, Kotsuru offers to stay in Soul Society to aid her cousin in anything he needs, but he insists he just wanted to inform her in person and she should return to her duties in the World of the Living. Kotsuru then reports the existence of The Guard as Humans using unknown means to fight Hollows to Izuru, who orders Kotsuru to keep a close eye on them. He says to report back immediately if they take action beyond their normal activities. Kotsuru requests they catch up sometime outside work before leaving.
Kotsuru is approached by Tenko and Mona, who are excited and surprised to see her at the barracks. She tells them she knows about what she missed and what she has experienced in the World of the Living.
Kotsuru helps Kūzen and his siblings defeat the Hollow, Mother, but are unable to prevent the death of Mikado, their father. Shortly after, the news reaches The Guard and they announce to the city they are taking full control of it for everyone's own good.
The Guard Arc[]
Upon reporting the current situation back to Izuru, Tenko with Chūji, Mona, and Ritsu are assigned to join Kotsuru in the World of the Living to put a stop to The Guard. Just like Kotsuru, they also disguise themselves as Kazahana Academy students.
A public battle results in Cynthia's arrest and Yorito coming to Kūzen, Kotsuru, and the others for assistance in saving her. They arrive at the police station with the intention of having Kotsuru and her squadmates doing all the work since no one else would be able to see them. However, their rescue attempt is halted by The Guard appearing to get Cynthia back themselves.
While Kūzen battles Bia Gomasaki, Kotsuru fights Anosuke Delgado after he flees from Ritsu. Kotsuru manages to nearly defeat him, but accepting that he won't be able to beat her, Kotsuru confiscates his RVC and Anosuke flees. Kotsuru runs into Mona while she was pursuing him.
With Bia being arrested and the others coming together, Yorito escapes with Cynthia. Shuya Yoruhisa then reveals himself. Despite being told Cynthia is gone now and he's all by himself, Shuya still intends to fight. Many Hollows suddenly attack the station and Shuya implies it was his doing. While everyone else fends off the Hollows, Kotsuru and Kūzen battle Shuya together. Their battle results in Shuya being inadvertently sent to Hueco Mundo thanks to Kūzen's Fullbring.
The New Captain Shūsuke Amagai Arc[]
Kotsuru briefly returns to Soul Society to join in welcoming Shūsuke Amagai as Squad 3's new captain. Izuru voices his concerns about the new 3rd seat, Makoto Kibune, to her, but thanks to Kotsuru being infatuated with Kibune, she doesn't seem to take him seriously. Kotsuru stops by Squad 12 to drop off Anosuke's RVC and ask that the item be analyzed. She then returns to her duties in the World of the Living before Izuru confronts Kibune.
Tsuneo's Decision Arc[]
A couple weeks later, Kotsuru receives news on Squad 12's analysis of Anosuke's RVC. Mayuri Kurotsuchi notes that the technology is reminiscent of previous work done by the squad's former captain, Kisuke Urahara.
After Tsuneo discovers that Itsuki is their younger half-brother and subsequently snaps, he is goaded into taking action by Shuya. After Tsuneo kidnaps Itsuki and Shuya reveals he has returned from Hueco Mundo with the Arrancar, Hojan Unomunna, under his command, Kūzen, Kotsuru, and the others attempt to defeat the trio.
Shuya and Hojan Arc[]
With Tsuneo subdued and Itsuki rescued, Kotsuru plays a large role in preventing Hojan from destroying all of Fubuki City after Shuya admitted he was only being used as a tool.
Tenko is ultimately killed by Hojan and Izuru arrives with Momo Hinamori and Shūhei Hisagi to assist them in the battle.
Zanpakutō Unknown Tales Arc[]
Beast Swords Arc[]
Hunger Arc[]
Fifteen months later, when Kūzen is Hollowfied by absorbing too many Hollows, Kotsuru reluctantly accepts that he might have to be killed. She manages to save him by stabbing him with her Zanpakutō, but he loses his Fullbring in the process.
The Thousand-Year Blood War Arc[]
When the war ends, Kotsuru returns to Soul Society and takes leave from her guardianship to help aid in repairs. When she learns of what happened to Izuru, she grieves for what he's become, but is relieved he's still with them regardless.
The Kira Family Arc[]
The Kira family head, Kotsuru's grandfather, suddenly passes away. Kotsuru, Izuru, and their other cousins, Homaru and Izumo, are gathered together at his home for the funeral. Kotsuru's father, Kiyofumi, and aunt, Fumiko, reveal that they've agreed to skip their generation in favor of choosing one of the four of them as the new family head. Izuru immediately excludes himself, both because he doesn't feel cut out for the position and because the previous head was his grand uncle, so it should go to one of his actual grandchildren. Kotsuru doesn't think the position is right for her either, but Homaru argues it should be him because his twin, Izumo, would run the family into ruin. While Kiyofumi and Fumiko eye Izumo as the best choice, Kotsuru and Izuru work with Homaru to make him look like the better choice over Izumo.
Echoing Jaws of Hell Arc[]
Kotsuru has since retired from her guardianship over Fubuki City, passing on the position to someone else so she can return to Soul Society. She has also been promoted to 4th seat of Squad 3. When the Beasts of Hell attack, Kotsuru witnesses some of the chaos from the Squad 3 barracks alongside Ritsu.

Kotsuru's Soul Pager
Soul Pager: As a Soul Reaper stationed in the World of the Living, Kotsuru is in possession of a Soul Pager, allowing her to track Hollows. Kotsuru's Soul Pager is light pink and has a blue butterfly charm attached to it. It is designed after the Sanyo J-SA03. Kūzen's proximity to her causes it to detect him as a Hollow on occasion, which can interfere with the tracking of actual Hollows.
Substitute Soul Pills: Kotsuru uses these pills to eject herself from her Gigai. The variation she uses is Diana, who has a refined and lady-like personality and tends to end sentences with "desu wa". ("Darling" in the English version.)
Powers & Abilities[]
Expert Swordsman: Kotsuru is highly proficient in wielding her Zanpakutō. She is able to dispatch Hollows with precision strikes and swift movement.
Kidō Expert: Similarly to Izuru, Kotsuru has a talent for Kidō and was one of the best in her class at Shin'ō Academy. She has also received further training from Izuru himself. After much practice, she has just begun to try using Kidō without the need for incantations.
Shunpo Practitioner: Kotsuru is proficient in the use of Shunpo, allowing her to keep up with other Soul Reapers and opponents. She most oftens startles Kūzen with the use of it.
Average Spiritual Power: Kotsuru has enough spiritual power to serve as a seated officer. It is also strong enough to scare Kūzen, a Fullbringer, into being obedient just by Kotsuru exerting it. Her Reiatsu color is orange.

Suzaku's Sealed Form
Suzaku (スザク, Vermilion Bird): In its sealed state, Suzaku is a wakizashi with a red hilt and a round tsuba with flames engraved on it.
- Shikai: Its Shikai command is “Fan the flames” (炎を煽る, Honō o aoru). Suzaku is engulfed in flames and takes the shape of a large red gunbai with two feather symbols on the top side. It also has two red tassels attached to the end of the handle and gold accents around the edges. The gunbai stands at 130 cm/4'3 ft, almost as tall as Kotsuru.
Suzaku's Shikai Form
- Shikai Special Ability: Suzaku is a fire-type Zanpakutō. By being swung, it can create waves of flames. The stronger the swing the stronger the flame and fanning already existing flames will make them burn hotter and spread farther.
- Feathers of Judgement (審判の羽, Shinpan no Hane): As Kotsuru calls out the name, feathers made of flames form in front of Suzaku. When she swings Suzaku, the feathers are launched forward and cause fiery explosions on impact.
- Shikai Special Ability: Suzaku is a fire-type Zanpakutō. By being swung, it can create waves of flames. The stronger the swing the stronger the flame and fanning already existing flames will make them burn hotter and spread farther.
- Bankai: Not Yet Achieved
- Kotsuru's small frame makes her lightweight and easy to be knocked around by much larger foes, requiring her to maintain distance at times.
- Kotsuru's fear of bugs renders her unable to focus and she becomes panicked, which makes it hard for her to fight Hollows that resemble bugs or if there is an actual bug near her during a battle.
- Due to Suzaku being a fire-type Zanpakutō, her flames are easily quelled by water-based abilities.
- Kotsuru is voiced by Eri Kitamura in Japanese and Abby Trott in English.
- In Japanese, Kotsuru refers to herself as “watakushi” and refers to Kūzen as “anta”. She refers to him as “brat” in English.
- Kotsuru is four years older than Izuru.
- Kotsuru's inner world appears as an island beach with a volcano in the distance.
- Suzaku's form in Kotsuru's inner world is that of a giant red phoenix with rainbow tail feathers and flaming tips.
- Suzaku's form outside Kotsuru's inner world is that of a tall man with wild red hair, a regal kimono, and a cape made of rainbow feathers.
- Kotsuru is represented in a tarot deck by Justice.
- Kotsuru was originally created with no relation to Izuru, but this was changed as a means to flesh out both Kotsuru and Izuru's backstories at once.
- Kotsuru's design is based on Nicole Saito from 22/7.
- (To each Hollow slain) “May this cleanse bring you peace.”
- (To Kūzen) “Just know that I'm always watching you. When you're in class, I'll be there. When you're walking home, I'll be there. When you're having dinner with your family, I'll be there. When you're sleeping soundly in your bed, guess what? I'll be there! And don't think I'll give you a pass to go to the bathroom alone, ‘cause I'll be there too!”
- (To Izuru, about Aizen, Tōsen, and Gin) “They have to be brought to justice! Isn't anyone going to do anything?! They're traitors! Our… Our own captain… A traitor…”
- (To Shuya) “I am Kotsuru Kira, eighteenth seated officer of Squad 3 of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads of the Soul Society! As the one assigned to protect Fubuki City, I will do everything in my power to cut you down!”