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This article, Kotoamatsukami, is property of Ten Tailed Fox

Kotoamatsukami Hollow
Race Hollow
Gender Male
Professional Status
Affiliation None
Team Impero Nascosto
Personal Status
Relatives None
First Appearance
Manga Rebelling Against God

Kotoamatsukami (別天神, Kotoamatsukami) is a massive Hollow. According to Sōsuke Aizen, he is the original Hollow.[1]



Kotoamatsukami towering over Seireitei.

Kotoamatsukami is an enormous Hollow, dwarfing even most Gillian in size. He resembles an Asura in appearance — possessing six arms, each with a golden armband, several necklaces around its neck and upper torso, an elaborate white cloth which hangs around its left side, which obscures his Hollow hole, and a large hakama around its waist. Additionally, he possesses three faces, one on each side of his head, and whit hair which is pinned up in a bun. Unlike most Hollows, he has two skull-like masks, which, instead of covering his face, covers his breast on his upper torso. It also bears a halo, seemingly made of flaming reiryoku.


According to Aizen, Kotoamatsukami appeared 4,000 years before the start of the series, as the first Hollow to have appeared in Soul Society. He was then sealed away by a young Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto.[1]

Powers & Abilities[]

Enhanced Durability: Kotoamatsukami has shown the impressive feat of resisting a point-blank attack from Suì-Fēng's Bankai, showing almost no reaction to it beyond an annoyed roar, and a small stagger.[2]

Hōgyoku Transformations[]

Kyuubi Hollow

The result of the Hōgyoku's influence.

Kyūbi Transformation: After being struck by Suì-Fēng's Bankai, Kotoamatsukami's will is finally felt by Aizen's Hōgyoku, resulting in a transformation. In this new form, Kotoamatsukami gains nine tails, four forelimbs, and a canine-like head; causing it to resemble a nine-tailed fox. Its size is no less impressive than it was before the transformation, as it still dwarfs the Seireitei and its inhabitants by many times.[2]

  • Enhanced Spiritual Power: In this new form, Shinji Hirako comments that its spiritual energy is extraordinarily hard to sense, much like Aizen after his own Hōgyoku-induced transformation. Akujin also indicates that Kotoamatsukami already possesses enough power to destroy Soul Society while in this form.[2]
  • Nueve Colas (妖怪狐ばた脚 (九尾), nueve cōras; Spanish for "Nine Tails", Japanese for "Demon Fox Thrashing"): Kotoamatsukami displays this technique shortly after transforming, using its nine tails to completely demolish all nearby structures.[2]
Kotoamatsukami Cero

Kotoamatsukami unleashing its black Cero.

  • Cero Oscuras (黒虚閃 (セロ・オスキュラス), sero osukyurasu; Spanish for "Dark Zero," Japanese for "Black Hollow Flash"): An attack also unleashed shortly after the Hollow transforms. Opening its mouth, Kotoamatsukami will gather a sphere of black spiritual energy, releasing it as a dense, yet vast, Cero wave — causing widespread devastation. This attack was powerful enough to kill, without effort, Tōshirō Hitsugaya.[2] Previously, this attack was thought to be reserved to the Espada, though, due to Aizen's machinations and manipulation of the Hōgyoku, Kotoamatsukami gained this rare ability upon its transformation.


Kotoamatsukami (別天神), in Japanese mythology, is the name for the first kami to have appeared collectively. Additionally, an "Asura" (阿修羅, Ashura) is one of the lowest ranks of demigods in Buddhism.


  • A being like this is referenced by Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto in the manga, during a flashback shortly before his death, though it is unknown what he was actually referring to. In Second Act, he is, in fact, referring to this Hollow.

