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This article, Kiyoko Itō, is property of Stylx

Kiyoko Itō
Name Kiyoko Itō
Romanji Itō Kiyoko
General Information
Race Shinigami
Age 25 (Physical)
Gender Female
Height 1.62 metres
Weight 56 kg
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Black
Professional Information
Affiliation Gotei 13
Occupation Lieutenant
Team 10th Division
Partner Shin Noguchi
Base of Operations Seireitei
Personal Information
Marital Status Single
Education Shinō Academy
Status Alive
Shikai Not Yet Revealed
Bankai Not Yet Achieved

Kiyoko Itō is a Shinigami and the Lieutenant of the 10th Division of the Gotei 13. She serves under Shin Noguchi.


Kiyoko appears as an attractive young women of average height and build in her mid 20's, she has sleek, long black hair and light brown eyes, her eyes are sharply angled and she has rather sharp facial features, having a sharp jawline along with a small nose.

Kiyoko wears the standard Shinigami uniform of a Shihakushō with no notable modifications made to it.


Kiyoko is a caring and often kind individual, she is generally level headed in most situations and is generally the voice of reason whenever there is an dispute she is in, usually trying he hardest to get others to come to a agreed upon conclusion. Kiyoko normally doesn't get very angry, and in most situations is able to portray a optimistic outlook, even if she herself feels that the situation is helpless.

In social situations, Kiyoko comes of as rather rude, albeit unknowingly, this is because of her bad habit of spacing out during conversations, often staring out into space blankly while only taking in some points of a conversation, oddly Kiyoko is oblivious to her spacing out and will often deny her blatant inattentiveness when it is brought up.

In battle Kiyoko doesn't change much in terms of temperament, she still is caring and often concerned for her peers, however she is more quiet and reserved towards her opponents, tending not to speak while fighting. In a team Kiyoko is able to work well with just about anyone apart from individuals who are unable to work in a team.

Powers and Abilities[]

Expert Swordsmanship Specialist: Kiyoko is an extremely skilled Zanjutsu user, being able to fight on par with her peers with her Zanjutsu skills and other Lieutenant level opponents with just her Zanpakutō. Kiyoko's main fighting style with Zanjutsu consists of swift, but sufficiently powerful slashes.

Kidō Expert: Kiyoko has a great deal of expertise in the art of Kidō, being able to use it to compliment her Zanjutsu skills to great effect. She is able to use low level and mid level Kidō without incantations and is even capable of using higher level Kidō with their incantations. Shunpo Expert: Kiyoko's skill in Shunpo is equal to that of a Lieutenant level Shinigami's skill in Shunpo, she is able to use the high speed movement technique to maneuver across large distances in an extremely quick amount of time without getting too fatigued.

High Spiritual Power: As a Lieutenant of the Gotei 13, Kiyoko boasts of a large amount of Spiritual Power equal to that of a typical Shinigami Lieutenant. The colour of Kiyoko's Reiatsu is purple.


As of this point in time, Kiyoko's Zanpakutō has not been revealed.

Shikai: Not Yet Revealed.




Rescue of the Fullbringer Arc[]
