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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki
Karlest Yates
Karlest Yates
Name Karlest Yates
Kanji カルレス・ウエツ
Romaji Karuresu Uetsu
Race Shinigami
Birthday October 11
Gender Male
Height 6ft
Weight 141lbs
Eyes Green
Blood Type B
Professional Status
Affiliation Soul Society of Britannia
Occupation Lord
Team Guard Division
Partner William Aemilius Lepidus
Base of Operations Neuschwanstein, Britannia
Personal Status
Marital Status Single
Education The Academy
Status Active
Soul Blade
Released Form Not yet revealed
Final Form Not yet revealed

Karlest Yates (カルレス・ウエツ; Karuresu Uetsu) was the lord of the Guard Division and the top subordinate to Chancellor William Aemilius Lepidus. He was in charge of the division since its founding in the aftermath of the Twelfth Division Rebellion.


Little is currently known about Karlest, though it has been stated that he was the first lord of the Guard Division, implying that he was with the unit since its creation after the Twelfth Division Rebellion.

Personality and traits[]

Karlest has been seen as a quiet type who did not interact with many individuals. This impression alienated many individuals due to him also in charge of policing the other divisions. Nevertheless, he was loyal to causes that he dedicated himself to, having supposedly apprehended over one hundred shinigami that were strongly believed to be planning to incite rebellion against the Chancellor.
