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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki
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"We hypothesize that the members who went along with the spiritual detection squad died before they were able to send data..."

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Kaede Hanasako
Kaede Hanasako Pro
Name Kaede Hanasako
Kanji 花佐古楓
Romaji Hanasako Kaede
Race Moon Rabbit
Birthday Unknown
Age 1000+
Gender Female
Height 5'1" (155 cm)
Weight 155 lbs (44 kg)
Blood Type A+
Professional Status
Affiliation Arakami Troupe
Previous Affiliation Tsukuyomi's Harem
Dark Side of the Moon
Occupation Mercenary
Previous Occupation One of Tsukuyomi's Wives
Team Arakami Troupe
Previous Team None
Partner Danzo Murajinka
Ryōma Yatsunishi
Lihua Chen
Ulysses Nightwalker
Gōken Jugōmatsu
Sakurame Imadabashi
Seijūrō Arakami
Zaishōmon Tachibana
Bianca Olivier
Previous Partner None
Base of Operations Reikai (Various Parts)
Human World (Loosely)
Shambhala (Main)
Personal Status
Marital Status Married (Heterosexual)
Relatives Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto (Consort)
Education Innate Worldly Knowledge
Status Active
Shikai Meikyō Shisui
Bankai Shikisokuzekū Kūsokuzeshiki
"White flowers blooming ever-so-beautifully in the silvery moonlight."
Lord Arceus

Kaede Hanasako (花佐古楓, Hanasako Kaede) is a Moon Rabbit — considered to be abnormally powerful for her kind, and one of the many consorts of the Kami, Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto, given his divine blessing upon marriage — leading to the birth of her divinations; having lived in the shadows of society for over nine hundred years, she decides to come out of seclusion in her personal dimension on the darker side of the moon — taking an interests in the progression of not only humanity, but spiritual kind. Through the interactions of others and the assimilation of various skills and techniques, she started to become more enlightened towards the nature of the universe and appreciate her role in the grand scheme of things.

Through a series of events, she meets Seijūrō Arakami and becomes a part of the Arakami Troupe — being one of its more powerful members, all for the sake of combating the threat made against her life while continually exploring the world around her. Due to her elegant and swift swordsmanship that's combined with her beautiful white appearance, she bears the epithet "White Night Rabbit of the Severing Moon Blossom" (斬月花の白夜兎, Zangetsubana no Byakuyatō).





Powers & Abilities[]




  • This character is wholly based off of Tsukuyo Inaba from the anime series, Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism; however, her role is similar to that of Darkrai's rendition of Wendy Marvell in his and Per's co-authored story, Fairy Tail: Dawn — one of the most popular fanfictions in the FT fandom. This is a role she shares with Bianca Olivier.
  • The head quote is a modified version of Aristotle's perception of good and evil; it's rather fitting, alluding to the girl's age despite her physical appearance and her collection of knowledge and insight into perception.