This article, Jiretto Ekuseru, is currently under active construction by the author(s) of whom this article's property falls under. |
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- "I can control my destiny, but not my fate. Destiny means there are opportunities to turn right or left, but fate is a one-way street. I believe we all have the choice as to whether we fulfill our destiny, but our fate is sealed."
- —Jiretto Ekuseru
Race | Arrancar |
Birthdate | September 11 |
Gender | Male |
Height | 188 cm (6'2") |
Weight | 93 kg (205 lbs.) |
Previous Affiliation | Aizen's Arrancar Army |
Base of Operations | Las Noches, Hueco Mundo |
Resurrección | Quemadura |
Jiretto Ekuseru (ジレットエクセル) in an Arrancar residing within Hueco Mundo.
- Caja Negación (反膜の匪 (カハ・ネガシオン), Kaha Negashion; Spanish for "Negation Box", Japanese for "Anti-Membrane of Negation"):
Powers & Abilities[]
Master Swordsman:
Bala (虚弾 (バラ), Bara; Spanish for "Bullet", Japanese for "Hollow Bullet"):
Cero (虚閃 (セロ), Sero; Spanish for "Zero", Japanese for "Hollow Flash"; "Doom Blast" in the Viz translation):
- Gran Rey Cero (王虚の閃光 (グラン・レイ・セロ), Guran Rei Sero; Spanish for "Grand King Zero", Japanese for "Royal Hollow Flash"):
- Cero Distorsión (虚閃屈折 (セロくっせつ) Sero Deisutoushon Spanish for "Time Roar Zero", Japanese for "Distorted Hollow Flash")
Descorrer (解空(デスコレール), Desukorēru; Japanese for "Loosed Void", Spanish for "Drawing Back/Opening"):
Enhanced Hierro: (鋼皮 (イエロ), Iero; Spanish for "Iron", Japanese for "Steel Skin"):
Immense Spiritual Pressure:
Enhanced Strength:
Pesquisa (探査回路 (ペスキサ), Pesukisa; Spanish for "Inquiry", Japanese for "Probe Circuit"):
Quemadura (焼け焦げ (やけこげ), Quemadura; Spanish for "Burn", Japanese for "Scorching Sun"):
- Resurrección (帰刃 (レスレクシオン), Resurekushion; Spanish for "Resurrection", Japanese for "Returning Blade"): It's release command is Devastate (荒らす, Arasu).
Resurrección Special Ability:
- His name is derived from a men's safety razors brand.