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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki
This article Javier Palacio, is the sole property of Ashy and as such, please do not edit this article without my permission.
"Only entropy comes easy."
Anton Chekhov
Javier Palacio
Name Javier Palacio
Kanji ハビエルパラシオ
Romanji Habieru Parashio
Race Arrancar
Birthday 2 January
Age Unknown
Gender Male
Height 185cm
Weight Unknown
Eyes Gold
Hair White
Professional Status
Affiliation Privaron Espada
Occupation Arrancar #108
Previous Occupation 8th Espada
Base of Operations Las Noches
Personal Status
Marital Status Single
Education Self-Taught
Status Active
Resurrección Jagua

Javier Palacio (ハビエルパラシオ, Habieru Parashio) is a member of the Privaron Espada with the designation of 108. He was formerly a member of the original generation of Espada underneath Sōsuke Aizen as the 8th Espada. He took part in the assault on Kagamino City and was killed on the endeavor.



Javier was, unique among his brethren, a rather scientific and intelligent Arrancar who delves in various mortal pleasures. His fascination with science seemingly stemmed from Sōsuke Aizen's own exceptional intelligence. However, he was never truly capable of performing experiments and inventions in the same way that Szayelaporro Granz. Ultimately, however, his intelligence vastly boosted his innate capabilities and enabled him to become a greater combatant. Accordingly, he was rather prideful and generally looked down on others as inferior in both intelligence and power. This would lead him to make careless mistakes within battle as he continued to seize an advantage in battle, prompting him to use less and less effort until the tables were turned, as displayed in Kagamino City.



Powers and Abilities[]

Great Spiritual Power: As a formerly Espada-class Arrancar, Javier possesses a considerable amount of spiritual power. He was capable of fighting Nerine Amamine for a significant period of time during the Privaron Espada's raid on Kagamino City. His control over his exerted reiatsu, however, is so profound that he has managed to make fundamental changes to several of his base abilities, forcing many to be bewildered by the nature of his combat form.

High Intelligence: Javier was most noted for his exceptional intelligence. He was rather crafty and had modified his Arrancar abilities and physiology extensively in order to suit virtually any situation. However, his own arrogance caused him to diminish the weaknesses of his abilities as negligible, hence why his combat presence wasn't nearly as intimidating as it could have been. Joel remarks that this is the reason why he was one of the earliest to be removed out of the ranks of the Espada.

Enhanced Hierro: Javier possesses a considerably pronounced Hierro, consistently cycling his reiatsu through it in order to enhance its strength. Notably, Javier has the ability to control the distribution of his iron skin across his body, strengthening some areas while weakening other areas for the purposes of avoiding unneeded damage; one of his several advancements in his abilities. Javier has also managed to fundamentally alter his Hierro to the point where, should he will it, his skin becomes elastic rather than iron. At this point he can bounce off most spiritual abilities with little effort and make "hard" attacks useless.



Enhanced Pesquisa:


Expert Swordsman:



Behind the Scenes[]
