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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki

This article, Jagdarmee, is property of Ten Tailed Fox

Kanji 狩猟部隊 (ヤークトアルメー)
English Hunt(ing) Army
Romaji yākutoarumē
Headquarters Sealed King Palace, Nakayo
Leader(s)  Fèng-Huáng
Senior Member(s) Franz Benttino
Affiliation Wandenreich
Purpose Special Forces

The Jagdarmee (狩猟部隊 (ヤークトアルメー), yākutoarumē; German for "Hunt(ing) Army", Japanese for "Hunting Corps") serve as a primary means of invading enemy territory and as an occupational force when said enemy is conquered.


The divisions of the Jagdarmee are numbered, much like that of the Gotei 13, though there seem to be more divisions of the Jagdarmee than of the Gotei 13. Whether these divisions have different duties is currently unknown, though they are seemingly all lead by members of the Sternritter. The Jagdarmee are thought to be the special forces of the Wandenreich military. Each member, aside from the captains, are said to be close to a lieutenant Shinigami in terms of power. They are lead by the Executive Hunting Captain.

Known Members[]

Jagdarmee Members
Rank Name Company Species
Executive Hunting Captain Fèng-Huáng 1st Jagdarmee Quincy
Captain Franz Benttino 3rd Jagdarmee Quincy


  • Previously, the Jagdarmee was only assigned to Hueco Mundo. This changed after Yhwach's revival.

