Adaptation Dye-Job: Actually inverted. This Ichigo takes his colour scheme from the original manga information. As such, his eyes are a very light brown, and his hair is honey-blonde, not the shock of bright orange the anime showed. This extends to Ichigo's reiatsu as well, which is golden as it was portrayed against Byakuya, and not blue, and the reiatsu associated with his Hollow powers is pure black.
All-Loving Hero: Ichigo once made a vow to himself to never let anyone suffer a sad face the way he did when his mother died. As a result, he'll protect anyone who needs protecting, no matter how well he knows them or even if they're supposed to be on the enemy's side. The need to protect is the main driving force for his resolve.
Attack! Attack! Attack!: Ichigo will fight until he collapses. Then he gets up and does it again.
Berserk Button: It's an older sibling's duty to protect their younger siblings. Don't threaten his younger siblings and don't be an older sibling that threatens your own younger siblings.
Big Brother Instinct: Older siblings mistreating younger siblings is a major Berserk Button. He will even consider killing someone who's threatening his own family.
Broken Streak: Every fanon version fo Ichigo prior to this one has more than likely been a variation of Ichigo as a Shinigami, exploring different routes he could take with his past and choices he'd make as a Shinigami. Darkrai took a different route, focusing on Ichigo as a human and his Fullbringer powers, which didn't recieve much focus at all before.
Shout-Out: Two, in fact. Ichigo's Fullbring gets its name from a song from the album "Teaser and the Firecat", released by Cat Stevens. His Fullbring attack was given the name of a Buddhist temple.
Signature Move: Unlike the canon version of Ichigo, who uses the Getsuga Tenshō to the point of being boring, this incarnation of Ichigo uses the Tsukinowa (月輪 Moon Wheel), the spinning disc from his Fullbring. It is also compared to the Heilig Pfeil, not the Getsuga Tenshō. In fact, there is no mention of the Getsuga Tenshō on Ichigo's page.