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This article, Hiroko Abarai, was added by Miraikosu who determines its usage on this wiki.

Hiroko Abarai
Arashi minori asakura fullbring hair
Name Hiroko Abarai
Kanji 阿散井 寛己
Romaji Abarai Hirōkō
Race Shinigami
Birthday May 24th
Age 17
Gender Female
Height 170 cm (5'6")
Weight 53.5 kg (118 lbs.)
Blood Type O
Professional Status
Affiliation Soul Society
Previous Affiliation Sixth Division
Ninth Division
Occupation Kidō Corps member
Previous Occupation Sixth Division, Seventh Seat
Ninth Division, Third Seat
Team Kidō Corps
Previous Team Sixth Division
Ninth Division
Partner Byakuya Kuchiki
Renji Abarai
Previous Partner Shūhei Hisagi
Kaname Tōsen
Base of Operations Kidō Corps Headquarters
Personal Status
Marital Status Single
Relatives Renji Abarai (cousin)
Education Shin'o Academy
Status Alive
Shikai Hi
Bankai Sayuribi

Hiroko Abarai (阿散井 寛己) is a Shinigami in the 6th Division, and previous 6th Seat in the 9th Division. She is the younger cousin of Renji Abarai. She later goes into the Kidō Corps after training.


She shares faint resemblance to Renji, although if someone were told by one of them they were related, it'd be believable with her orangeish-brown eyes and tanned skin.

Before transferring to the Sixth Division, she wore her desire-red hair in a low bun that shows a few curled strands of hair that stop at her shoulders on the left side. It's now in a low and loose ponytail held by a yellow ribbon.


Hiroko's first impression on people is that she is a mature young lady due to the fact she doesn't speak much if she doesn't know a person. However, upon befriending her, she is in fact somewhat lazy.

As a procrastinator, she will constantly attempt to reason with herself, although it will rarely work out for the better. She thoroughly understands the stress of being overwhelmed, and has developed many traits of Ponophobia—the fear of overworking oneself to the point of exhaustion.

She is unbelievably apathetic for the most part, and is very neutral when it comes to decisions.


Byakuya Kuchiki[]

He strongly dislikes her procrastination, but does respect how hard she trains to further her kidō ability. She looks up to him for his diligence, and at times where she finds it fitting will ask him to assist her in practice. The two share an acquaintance, but it develops into friendship and loyalty on Hiroko’s part.



Furaibi (whose alternate name is Sayuribi) is her Zanpaku-tō. It's sealed form is a gold 18-inch Wakizashi.


Hiroko excels in above and underwater swimming, and also many water sports. The majority of her physical ability development comes from her practice.


(On a scale of 1-100; 1 being terrible and 100 being the best)

Hand-to-Hand Combat: /100

Mobility: /100

Intellect: /100

Offense: /100

Defense: /100

People Skills: 62/100

Stamina: /100

Total: /700


  • (To Byakuya) "In that moment, I had to make a decision. Whether to live or die, but I a way...I did both. I just need to know that I'll live on through your memories in me. Please promise me."


  • She spends her days off photographing butterflies and sketching out buildings