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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki

This article, Hell Corp, was added by Ronnoc1 who determines its usage on this wiki.

Hell Corp Symbol

The Ten Kanji, symbol of the Hell Corp

"We are the fury of Hell, we are Judgement!"

The Hell Corp is a group of powerful spritiual beings comprised of ex-Shinigami, Arrancar and other spiritual beings residing in Hell. The group was founded and is lead by Kirrin Renado.


Even before Kirrin fought in Fake Karakura Town, the Ex-Shinigami knew that he alone could not hope to defeat the Gotei 13 and Aizen's Arrancar army. However he rememberred that hell is full of vengeful Spiritual beings that longed to be free of their infernal confines. Gathering the strongest together, Kirrin formed the Hell Corp as a means to counter both the Arrancar army and the Gotei 13.


The Hell Corp is officially comprised of ten divisions, though Kirrin also created three other special divisions for Science, Recon and his personal retinue. Though official rank is set out via Kirrin's basis of the Gotei 13, with a Captain leading each division and a Lieutenant serving as their right hand, each division is free to sort out its remaining Hiearchy on its own. Additionally, each division's Captain is determined by power, with the position of Captain only being reliquished when the Captain can no longer perfom their duty or are killed. Though divisions 2-9 are all considered Equals, Divison 1 is held in the highest regard while Division 10 is considered the lowest amongst them and the weakest.

Division One[]

  • Captain: To be revealed
  • Lieutenant: To be revealed

Division Two[]

Division Three[]

  • Captain: To be revealed
  • Lieutenant: To be revealed

Division Four[]

  • Captain: To be revealed
  • Lieutenant: To be revealed

Division Five[]

  • Captain: To be revealed
  • Lieutenant: To be revealed

Division Six[]

  • Captain: To be revealed
  • Lieutenant: To be revealed

Divison Seven[]

  • Captain: To be revealed
  • Lieutenant: To be revealed

Division Eight[]

Division Nine[]

  • Captain: To be revealed
  • Lieutenant: To be revealed

Division Ten[]

  • Captain: Redora Aren
  • Lieutenant: To be revealed

Division Eleven (Science)[]

  • Captain: Melissa Carmina
  • Lieutenant: Shika Furuno

Division Twelve (Recon)[]

  • Captain: To be revealed
  • Lieutenant: To be revealed

Division Zero (Elite Corp)[]

Notable Equipment[]

Jigoku no Zanpakuto[]

Main Article: Jigoku no Zanpakuto

A form of weapon created by Melissa Carmina to emulate the Zanpakuto utilised by Shinigami. The process of creating one is similar to the process of greating a Menos-Class hollow, though artificially induced, sped-up and forced into the form of a Sword. These are issued to every member of the Hell corp, excluding Kirrin Renado as he already possesses a genuine Zanpakuto.

Hell Corp Cloak[]

A yellow cloak created by Melissa Carmina from her analysis of Kirrin's distorted Reiatsu. It grants individual members of the Corp safe, free passage to and from Hell and also serves as the Hell Corp's uniform. One was stolen by Saito Kusanagi to make his return after his defeat and death at the hands of Kona Renado and Alfi Bluebird.
