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This article, Hell (SCB)/Layers of Hell, can be used freely on this wiki without the creators explicit permission.

Layers of Hell

Hell skeleton

The massive remains of an ancient, skeletal sentinel located in the second layer.

Hell is comprised of five layers, each of which is characterized by a "root sin" (煩悩, bonnō). While condemned souls can easily travel downwards, it is significantly more difficult to move up through the layers.

During the era of chaos before the Three Worlds were created, the Kushanāda manifested by Hell's Will served as counterparts to the nascent Hollows. As Hollows embodied instinct without will, Kushanāda embodied will without instinct. Since the Hollows and Kushanāda were mutually attracted to and destructive to each other, this contributed to the continuing stagnation of reality. Hell at last became stabilized when Ichibē Hyōsube named its five layers. However, he could not completely overcome the will of Hell. Thus, the founders of the Five Great Noble Houses deemed it necessary to seal Hell off as a dimension separate from the cycle of souls, which they accomplished with the creation of the Soul King.[1]

Five Layers of Hell[]

Five Layers of Hell
Appearance Layer Order Description Root of Sin
Hell First Layer First Layer
(第一階層, Dai Ichi Kaisō)[2]
Hengokugake (辺獄崖, lit. "Limbo Precipice"): This is the first layer that those who have fallen into Hell reach. It is characterized by lines of inorganic floating cubes. Ignorance
Hell Second Layer Second Layer
(第二階層, Dai Ni Kaisō)[2]
Rirengedai (離蓮華台, lit. "Detached Lotus Seat"): In this layer, huge stone water lilies float on the surface of an expanse of water. A giant skeleton pierced by a single massive blade rises from the center of each lotus. Attachment
Hell Third Level Third Layer
(第三階層, Dai San Kaisō)[2]
Hokōsen (汚黄泉, lit. "Polluted Yellow Spring of Yomi"): This layer is filled with a series of volcanic mountains filled at their flattened peaks with poisonous sulfuric lakes. A Torii-lined road, known as the Hōzuki Path, leads from the clouds to reach the fourth layer. Hatred
Hell Fourth Layer Fourth Layer
(第四階層, Dai Shi Kaisō)
Ikotsu no Shumize (遺骨荒土, lit. "Ash Seat Wasteland") Doubt
Hell Fifth Layer Fifth Layer
(第五階層, Dai Go Kaisō)
Manjushagekyū (曼珠沙華宮, lit. "Crismon Spider Lily Palace") Pride

Hōzuki Path[]

Demons path hell

Kokutō travels down the Demon's Lantern Path.

The Hōzuki Path (鬼灯道, Hōzuki-dō, lit. "Demon's Lantern Path") is a pathway that connects Hokōsen, the Third Layer of Hell to Ikotsukōdo, the Fourth Layer. It appears as a steep flight of moss-covered stairs framed by red archways that resemble torii gates. Hundreds of stone lanterns illuminate the path on either side. The path can change locations on its own, and when it does the lanterns' flames turn blue. When this occurs, Togabito can use the Hōzuki Path in a fashion similar to the Dangai in order to open a Garganta-type portal that allows them temporary access to the Human World. Because the path is so difficult to locate, only a few Togabito know of its existence.


Layers of hell rough design

Original Hell Verse Promotional design by Masashi Kudō

  • The sins (煩悩, bonnō) which characterize each layer of Hell are meant to represent the kleshas, which in Buddhism refer to innate afflictions or character flaws that stem from craving and trap the soul within the cycle of reincarnation. Also known as "poisons," they are described as the root of all other defiling desires. (Some traditions describe five root poisons).
  • The layout of Hell provided for the promotional book, which provides detail on the first three layers, was designed by Masashi Kudō.
  • Since the layers of Hell were not originally designed by Bleach series creator, Tite Kubo, the author of this article has opted not to use the layers of Hell in their own fan rendition of Hell and has thus marked this article as free use.


  1. Bleach novel; Can't Fear Your Own World; Volume III; chapter 22; pages 143-144
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Bleach: Official Invitation Book The Hell Verse, Panoramic Spread of Hell