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This article, Hanamaru Hisagi, was added by CuppyCake123 who determines its usage on this wiki.

Hanamaru Hisagi
Name Hanamaru Hisagi
Kanji 檜佐木花丸
Romaji Hisagi Hanamaru
Race Soul
Birthday May 4
Gender Male
Height 6'0"
Weight 150
Professional Status
Affiliation Gotei 13, Soul Society
Occupation Shinigami, 4th seat of the 3rd Division
Previous Occupation 7th seat of the 3rd Division
Team 3rd Division
Partner Izuru Kira
Base of Operations Seireitei, Soul Society
Personal Status
Marital Status Single
Relatives Shūhei Hisagi (younger brother)
Education Shin'ō Academy
Status Active
Shikai Not yet revealed
Bankai Not yet achieved

Hanamaru Hisagi (檜佐木花丸 Hisagi Hanamaru)(also referred to as "Kakuma") is the current 4th seat of the 3rd Division under Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi. He is also the older brother of Shūhei Hisagi .


Hanamaru Hisagi is a tall man with light tan skin. He has short black hair that falls slightly above his right eye. His eyes are medium grey. As a Shinigami of the Gotei 13, Hanamaru wears a standard Shihakushō. He also wears black half-gloves on both hands.


He is usually more carefree than most Shinigami. Hanamaru always tries to look on the bright side of things to cheer others up. He thinks that the name "Hanamaru" sounds too girly because of "hana", so he made his nickname different. This shows that he dislikes things that do not sound very manly. He also tries to be a responsible older brother, despite the fact that he and his brother are much older now.


Several years before the timeline, Hanamaru arrived in the Soul Society with Shūhei Hisagi. He was upset that he came there with only his brother because they were both still young. Even though he did not like taking of children, he managed to live with it.

Powers & Abilities[]

Expert SwordsmanHanamaru is highly skilled in using his sword.

ShunpoThough Hanamaru is pretty good at Shunpo, he prefers walking and running. He has trained enough to become somewhat fast without the use of Shunpo.

Kidō MasterWhile he is about average in most areas, Kidō is what he is most skilled at.

High Spiritual Energy: As a "one-digit" seated officer, he has high spiritual energy. His reiatsu is blue.


Komakusa (コマクサBleeding Heart): In its sealed form, Komakusa takes the form of a standard katana. The tsuba is circular shaped and has small vine designs on the edges.

  • Shikai: The command for its release is "Attract and kill" (潤うと殺す Uruou to korosu). While in its Shikai state, Komakusa resembles a typical Hook Sword, but with a long red ribbon streaming out from the bottom of the handle. It is a poison type.
    • Special Shikai Ability: With each strike of Komakusa, a certain amount of poison is shot into the opponent. The red ribbon is supposed to show how much poison is given. As poison is given to the enemy, the ribbon loses some red color. When all red is gone and it is completely white, that means all poison has been given to the enemy.
  • Bankai: Not yet Achieved