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This article, Great House of the Reikon Kyuuban, is the property of Another Poetic Spartan

The Great House of the Reikon Kyuuban was a term used to refer to a large community of Reikon Kyuuban. These groups were primarily led by an Elder-class Reikon Kyuuban and the members of each Great House were generally related to each other through the Rule of Blood.

Each of the Great Houses only answered to the First and Greatest Reikon Kyuuban of them all, Katsumi Scarlet. The Elders of the greatest Houses were regularly chosen by Katsumi Scarlet to serve in the Fushi Coven's Elder Ruling Body. Following the dissolution of the Dark Council in the Modern Era, government of the Fushi Coven reverted to the Elder Ruling Body and by extension, the Great Houses.



Each of the Great Houses can trace their origins to their progenitor, Katsumi Scarlet. A being who escaped into the World of the Living, Katsumi Scarlet created the Reikon Kyuuban and Presas to serve as her familiars as well as a means to placate her loneliness. The first wave of Reikon Kyuuban that Katsumi Scarlet created came to be known as the Elders.

Scarlet Era[]

Council Era[]

During the Council Era, the political power of the Great Houses were severely hindered by the actions of the Dark Council.

Modern Era[]

For their incompentence in handling the Fushi Coven's affairs, Katsumi Scarlet dissolved the Dark Council and demoted the status of their Great Houses to that of a Minor House. In addition, Katsumi Scarlet reestablished the Elder Ruling Body, allowing the Great Houses to help run the Fushi Coven's state affairs.

The Great Houses[]

Present Houses[]

  • House Scarlet: The first of the Great Houses, it can be said that all other Great Houses could trace their roots back to House Scarlet. Originally, all the Elder Reikon Kyuuban were a part of House Scarlet until Katsumi let them go to make communities of their own. House Daisuke, House Isshuku, House Corvinus, and House Jiangshi have all pledged themselves to House Scarlet.
  • House Daisuke: The second oldest Great House in existence, it was considered to be a cadet branch of House Scarlet, as Elder Kain Daisuke was a pure Reikon Kyuuban personally created by Katsumi Scarlet to be similar to herself. Has pledged their allegiance to House Scarlet and House Kagekyo.
  • House Isshuku: Founded and led by Isshuku, House Isshuku was one of the most prominent Great Houses within the Fushi Coven. It was widely considered to be the most martial house amongst their peers, as it largely served as the military arm of the Fushi Coven. Members within House Isshuku were widely regarded as skilled warriors and were often found at the forefront during wars. House Isshuku was recorded to had suffered greatly during the disastrous Shinigami-Reikon Kyuuban War; the Shinigami had nearly annihilated the Great House's forces and they managed to seal Isshuku within a Forbidden Kido that no one could dispel. While House Isshuku waned in power for several centuries due to the sealing of its Elder, it had recently been revived following the unsealing and subsequent return of Isshuku.
  • House Corvinus:
  • House Jiangshi: A mysterious Great House, it was led by Jiangshi. Due to Jiangshi's role as the Judge within the Thirteen Dracula, House Jiangshi served as an extension of their leader's will. Oftentimes, House Jiangshi served as a watchdog force for Katsumi Scarlet and Jiangshi. Following the extinction of House Frost, House Jiangshi had taken the additional role of executioners for Katsumi Scarlet, killing anyone who violated the laws of the Reikon Kyuuban. House Jiangshi generally kept itself away from Reikon Kyuuban politics, preferring to live in the shadows. Due to living an isolated lifestyle, House Jiangshi managed to remain as one of the most prominent Great Houses within the Fushi Coven.
  • House Kagekyo: Led by Myst Kagekyo, House Kagekyo was founded when Katsumi Scarlet named her the Second Queen of the Fushi Coven. House Kagekyo was considered to be a unique House largely due to the the number of Humans and Shinigami found within its ranks, turned as Myst longed for companionship and a family who understood her and with her ascension, those who took her blood were likewise elevated in status as kin of the Queen.
  • House Vandal: Led by Shinobu Vandal, House Vandal was a Great House that recently came to prominence in the Modern Era. It had garnered strength over the years by absorbing several nascent Minor Houses. Suspicion over House Vandal's loyalty has come into question as House Vandal was slowly encroaching on the territories of the other Great Houses.
  • House Night: A Great House led by a mysterious figure referred as Lord Night, the Reikon Kyuuban of this Great House made their home in Heisekai. During the events of the Collapse, in which Heisekai was amalgamated with the other Spiritual Realms, House Night was believed to had suffered major casualties, with only handful of survivors that were able to escape.
  • House Stain: House Stain was a unique Great House in the sense that it had no Elder sire. Instead, it was led by a Turned Reikon Kyuuban named Myoga Stain. House Stain was mainly composed of Reikon Kyuuban who were exiled from or lost/left their original Great House. It was granted legitimacy when Katsumi Scarlet invited Myoga Stain to attend the official coronation of Myst Kagekyo as a represenative of House Stain.
  • House Haunt: House Haunt was a Great House that had immigrated to Hueco Mundo centuries ago, preferring to feed on the massive Hollow population instead. The Great House made their home in Garganta de Vampiros. It was founded by Vidar Haunt. The long period of isolation and the habitual feeding on Hollow had drastically changed the appearance and culture of the Reikon Kyuuban from House Haunt.
  • House Argent:

Extinct Houses[]

A large number of Great Houses had gone extinct over the centuries, namely as a result from martial conflicts such as the Holy War and the subsequent Blood War. In other cases, they were annihilated by infighting and Reikon Kyuuban Hunters like Abraham Van Hellsing.

  • House Manko: House Manko was led by Chu Manko, a close friend and blood brother to Jiro Kamiko. When Jiro Kamiko betrayed Katsumi Scarlet and the Fushi Coven, Chu and House Manko personally tried to redeem them. However, Chu was murdered in cold blood and the accompanying House Manko were one-sidedly slaughtered. As a result, House Manko was rendered extinct during of the Blood War.
  • House Thorpe: House Thorpe was rendered extinct during the Blood War. Surviving remnants were adopted by House Corvinus.
  • House Knightly: House Knightly was rendered extinct during the Blood War. Surviving remnants were adopted by House Isshuku.
  • House Davison: House Davidson was completely overrun by the Fallen and were rendered extinct during the Blood War.
  • House Kamiko: House Kamiko was led by Jiro Kamiko, a powerful Elder Warlord who led the Reikon Kyuuban to victory over the Ancient Quincy. Following the conclusion of the Holy War, Jiro was corrupted by the Tenjin known as The Outsider, who convinced him to betray Katsumi and the Fushi Coven in the event known as the Blood War. The entirety of House Kamiko would follow Jiro to death, and was killed to the very last. As such, House Kamiko was rendered extinct at the end of the Blood War.
  • House Frost: House Frost was led by Edgar Frost, the appointed Executioner of the Reikon Kyuuban. It was rendered extinct shortly before the start of the Blood War when Nick Frost and his entire House were deployed to execute Jiro Kamiko and House Kamiko for their dereliction of duty, but were destroyed instead.
  • House Tepes: House Tepes was rendered extinct after Vlad lost the favor of Katsumi Scarlet. In retaliation, Katsumi had ordered the execution of all of House Tepes and personally sealed her former lover. Ironically, the only surviving member of House Tepes was Vlad himself, who escaped his seal centuries later under unknown circumstances. While Vlad had fathered a son, they and their subsequent descendants were not considered to be part of House Tepes. In an alternate world, which is the world where Akira and Hotaru Hiroshi were transported to during The Collapse by Meian Shiba, House Tepes remained a prominent house in Reikon Kyuuban society. This version of Vlad was never sealed away, nor did he incur Katsumi's ire, instead going on to become an advisor to Myst Kagekyo.
  • House Kama: House Kama was completely destroyed by Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto and considered extinct by the end of the Reikon Kyuuban-Shinigami War.
  • House Fuyumi: House Fuyumi was massacred by Yachiru Unohana and was considered extinct by the end of the Reikon Kyuuban-Shinigami War.
  • House Shino: House Shino was rendered extinct during the Reikon Kyuuban-Shinigami War.
  • House Mars: House Mars was rendered extinct during the Reikon Kyuuban-Shinigami War.
  • House Karl: House Karl was hunted to extinction by Abraham Van Hellsing.
  • House Yasha: House Yasha was rendered extinct by the Shinigami.
  • House Volks: House Volks was rendered extinct due to infighting.

Minor Houses[]

Various minor Houses existed within the Reikon Kyuuban polity. They were generally led by young, upstart Reikon Kyuuban who left their original Great House to form their own community and establish a personal seat of power. Oftentimes, these Minor Houses pledged their allegiance to one of the existing Great Houses. In some cases, a Great House that had lost their influence and power would have their status demoted to that of a Minor House.

  • House Luceno: House Luceno experienced heavy casualties during the Reikon Kyuuban-Shinigami War to such an extent they were demoted to the status of a Minor House.
  • House Zaltrix: Led by Zaltrix, a member of the Dark Council, House Zaltrix was demoted to the status of a Minor House when the full extent of the Fushi Coven's mismanagement came to light.
  • House Noctus: Led by Noctus, a member of the Dark Council, House Noctus was demoted to the status of a Minor House when the full extent of the Fushi Coven's mismanagement came to light.
  • House Mavis: Led by Mavis, a member of the Dark Council, House Mavis was demoted to the status of a Minor House when the full extent of the Fushi Coven's mismanagement came to light.

Exiled Houses[]

Although incredibly rare, a Great House that had failed in fulfilling their duties would be punished with banishment rather than destruction. The House in question would have all their titles and land stripped from them and they would be exiled from Reikon Kyuuban land. An execution order would be issued to all Reikon Kyuuban notifying them of the House's punishment and to kill them on site should any of them attempt to return. The order would remain in effect until it was rescinded by either Katsumi Scarlet or her regents.

  • House Yukina: House Yukina was led by Yukina, a Thirteen Dracula member with the title of Magician. The Great House would be exiled after refusing to partake in the Presas Rift, as Yukina was married to a Presas and was sympathetic to their plight. Yukina's refusal to participate consequently earned the ire of fellow Thirteen Dracula Jiangshi, who deemed them as traitors and demanded for their execution. However, Katsumi chose to exile House Yukina to parts unknown. Yukina would later be recruited by Rozeluxe Meitzen to join YOMI and serve as the Second Division Captain of the organzation, which in turn brought House Yukina into the fold.

Unofficial Houses[]

  • House Sagiri: House Sagiri was a rogue community of Reikon Kyuuban that formed from various Reikon Kyuuban who were unsatisfied with Katsumi Scarlet's decision to appoint Myst Kagekyo as the Second Queen following her abdication. Refusing to acknowledge a turned Shinigami as their new Queen and Master, these Reikon Kyuuban left the Fushi Coven and disappeared. Deemed as traitors, the defectors eventually joined hands with the resurgent Wolf Rain to accomplish their desire of ousting Myst from power. It was named House Sagiri when Sagiri, a Noble-class Reikon Kyuuban, assumed leadership of the rogue community.



  • The powerful Harbringers did not establish their own House, preferring to stay with House Scarlet as a sign of their complete loyalty to their creator.
  • Each of the Original Thirteen Dracula ruled a House named after themselves. By the time of the Modern Era, only a handful of these Houses managed to survive.
  • House Scarlet was considered to be the Prime Great House, as it was originally the sole Great House of the Reikon Kyuuban. When Katsumi Scarlet allowed her Elder Reikon Kyuuban servants sire new Reikon Kyuuban, she established the Great House system to form new communities for the Reikon Kyuuban to prosper in. All future Great Houses were considered to be her "children" due to the Rule of Blood.

Behind the Scenes[]
