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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki
This article, Genjū, is property of LordGalvatron.
This article, Genjū, is part of this site's Fanon Canon project(s), which may include Bleach: Extinction, Bleach Renascence, or The Coven War. Use of this page's contents is determined by the author of this page unless otherwise specified.
"Fear is necessary for evolution. The fear that one could be destroyed at any moment. Thank you, Gin. Thanks to your efforts, I have finally risen to an existence that surpasses both Shinigami and Hollow."

This article, Genjū, is currently under active construction by the author(s) of whom this article's property falls under.
The Eidolon
Race Blank
Age Unknown
Gender Male
Height 268 cm (8'9½")
Weight 100 kg (220 lb.)
Professional Status
Affiliation The Coven
Position Archmage
First Appearance
English Voice Peter Cullen

Genjū (幻獣, "The Eidolon") is an exceedingly powerful entity who appears to be an amalgam Blank, and an Archmage of the Coven.


The Eidolon's true form bears distant resemblance to the easily recogniseable Blank silhouette. However, its appearance is far more sinister. In short, the Eidolon looks like a skeletal corpse of a large humanoid in advanced state of decay, with patches of dark red flesh and rotten muscle tissue lingering on the darkened bones. The arms of the Eidolon are very long and its hands are equipped with hooked claws, albeit it is legless. It has empty eye sockets and holes for ears and nostrils. Moreover, the skin of its mouth is torn due to the way it morphs from his basic Blank form. As such, flaps of the decaying skin expose the black gums and irregular, sharpened teeth of the monstrosity in an incessant ominous grin.

The distinct, somewhat inflated white body of an ordinary Blank appears instead as a tattered white robe with a large collar, that hangs loosely on the Eidolon's skeletal frame.



One cannot be certain of the accuracy of ancient history, for the patchwork of hearsay and subjective accounts far too often sufficed to tell a gripping story back then and survived until today in an all but unverifiable form. Nevertheless, there is a tale of a particular mage from the period of time far preceding the establishment of the Gotei 13. A dull yet stubborn mage relentless in his pursuit of supreme knowledge and remarkable skill. He was alternately ridiculed and pitied, for in spite of his undying zeal he could not keep up with fellow wizards, young prodigies and respectable sages. For all the power he managed to accumulate throughout centuries of hard work the man grew twice as frustrated, forever compared to his superiors rather than esteemed for what he had achieved.

And while he became powerful in his old age, even a Soul had to acknowledge and cope with the prospect of inevitable death. Unwilling to let such a mundane thing stop him, undo the results of his millennia-long toil and prevent him from obtaining the recognition he sought so fervently, the mage turned to forbidden magic. With a horrible ritual he tore thousands of Blanks from the Valley of Screams, removing them from the cycle of reincarnation and adding them to his own being. In that he extended his lifespan beyond reason, just as he transformed into a spiritual abomination, an amalgam wraith with terrifying power. Repulsed and intimidated by that action, the Balancers of Souls turned against him. However, they proved unable to destroy the spectral monster. As such, they decided to seal him instead.

Incapacitated, he was then placed in the World of the Living with no-one capable of perceiving, much less accidentally freeing the abomination over there. So he remained there, ultimately forgotten or swept under the rug as another great failure of the spiritual world. Unfortunately for them, the being later known as Genjū wore down the high-level seal placed upon him in tiny increments, ever unrelenting, until he finally escaped from his confines. It is not much of a stretch to imagine that such a being, embittered throughout the majority of his long life and obsessed with the magical, would later join an organisation such as the Coven.


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