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Chireru Property Image
"Say WHAT again! I dare I DOUBLE dare ya!"

This article, Gaia Amakuni, is the property of Machina Chireru EX and cannot be used without his permission.
"You don't need to make it all so complicated! I've just gotta give up being a Shinigami and protect her for the rest of her life, right?! Of course I'll do it! If I let the girl who saved my life die because of some stupid regrets, I'd have to laugh in my own face!"

This article, Gaia Amakuni, may be used by any user so long as they possess the permission of the article's original owner(s).
"Fear is necessary for evolution. The fear that one could be destroyed at any moment. Thank you, Gin. Thanks to your efforts, I have finally risen to an existence that surpasses both Shinigami and Hollow."

This article, Gaia Amakuni, is currently under active construction by the author(s) of whom this article's property falls under.
Gaia Amakuni
Name Gaia Amakuni
Race soul
Birthday Unknown
Age Over 2750
Gender Female
Height 6'2"
Weight 165 lbs
Blood Type Unknown
Professional Status
Affiliation Amakuni Clan
Bringer of the Kai
Previous Affiliation Gotei 13
Occupation High Councilor
Second in command
Team Amakuni Clan
Bringer of the Kai
Partner Okotta Seifuku
Base of Operations Amakuni Clan estate(Rukongai)
Personal Status
Marital Status Single
Relatives Theia Amakuni (Sister, Deceased)
Hyperion Amakuni (Brother-in-law)
Noire Amakuni (Niece)
Reginald Amakuni (Nephew)
Chireru Amakuni (Adopted Nephew)
Natsu Amakuni(Sister in law)
Education Self Taught
Status alive
Shikai Ten'nen Denryoku
Bankai none

A prodigy Zanjutsu master with a distinct style and Zanpakuto, Gaia is seoond in command of all the Bringer of the Kai. She is the older sister of Hyperion Amakuni and didn't inherit the same Shin Kaiju blood as him. Gaia is second in command of all of the Bringer of the Kai and is the love interest of Okotta Seifuku.



Gaia's full appearance.



Powers and Capabilities[]

Immense Spiritual Pressure:

Vast Intellect:

Zanjustu Grandmaster:


Gaia mastery of Battojutsu.

Shunpo Master:

Hakuda Expert:

Kido Expert:

  • Materia Getsuga:


Ten'nen Denryoku (天然電力, Nature Power): A unique constant release Zanpakuto that is unique that it is Bokutō (木刀, wooden sword) in shape in sealed form and Shikai. It is capable of instant regeneration when broken by utilizing its Shikai ability.

  • Shikai Ability: Nature Manipulation: By converting her spiritual pressure into the source of life, she was able to create wood and plants from the ground of or from her Zanpakuto, causing them to grow to great sizes and manipulate them to diverse shapes and battles uses at will and in an instant, though with limited control. The greatest weakness to this power are fire-type Zanpakuto.

Bankai: Not Yet Revealed


  • (To Hyperion Amakuni) "You need to understand brother, you were supposed to rein in our dear sister Natsu yourself. You need not call upon us when you have the weight of the Gotei 13 behind you."
  • (To Okotta Seifuku) "I am sorry my seems I've failed to anticipate the Kūkyo māku plague becoming so widespread, but you need not worry, we will correct that mistake."


  • The character is influenced by "Twilight" Suzuka from the Outlaw Star series.
  • Gaia's Zanpakuto powers were influenced by Hashirama Senju's Kekkai Genkai from Naruto series, as well as for Gaia's own namesake, which names "Earth" in Greek.