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Bleach Fan Fiction Wiki

This article, Esper (PKH), was added by Princeharris1993 who determines its usage on this wiki.

PKH Esper
Kanji 超能力者
Romaji Chōnōryokusha
Notable Members [TBA]
Primary Power Chōshinrigaku


Signature Techniques [TBA]

Espers (超能力者, Chōnōryokusha, VIZ: Psychics) are spiritually aware human mediums capable of absorbing reishi from their surroundings. In doing so, it reacts with the body and causes an immense boost the mental facilities of the brain.




Esper Combat[]


  • Psychokinesis (念力, Nenriki): An innate mental ability of the Espers. It allows for remote interaction with their surroundings using only their mind.
  • Telepathy (以心伝心, Ishindenshin): A mental ability used by Espers that allow them to communicate remotely and across vast distances.
  • Hadenpa (波伝搬, Wave Propagation): An advanced Esper movement technique. It allows for an extraordinarily fast movement by decreasing the body's reaction time and increasing their speed hundreds of times in an instant.
  • Datsueba (奪衣婆, Garment-Snatching Demoness): [TBD]
  • Kenneō (懸衣翁, Garment-Suspending Demon): [TBD]
  • Sanzukawa (三途の河, River of Three Crossings): [TBD]
  • Bankakyōhashi (万華鏡橋, Kaleidoscope Bridge): A technique used by Espers to travel to and from various places and realms.
  • Kyōkankaku (共感覚, Synesthesia): By projecting psionic energy into their surrounds, Espers can throw off the perception and senses of targets.
  • Chōshinrigaku (超心理学, Hyper Psychology): The signature ability unique to every Esper.
  • Shinrihōhei (心理砲兵, Psychological Ordnance, VIZ: Psychic Ordnance) A psychic weapon composed of psionic energy and reishi forged and used only by Espers, [TBD], and [TBD].

Rare Esper Techniques[]

  • Shukuchihō (縮地法, Reduced Earth Law): An advanced movement and supplementary technique only accessible to transcended Espers. It allows for extreme movement and defense by manipulating space around the user.



