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Clarissa Bucciarati (クラリッサ・ブチャラティ, Kurarissa Buukiraratii) is a major character in Rising Phoenix: Broken Mirror. Formerly a member of the mafia gang Passione, Clarissa joins Vittoria Giovanna and Gunha Teishin after she notices that her boss has been selling children drugs. She is also the new universe counterpart of Mitsuru Inazuma.

Clarissa's General Appearance
Clarissa is a young woman with a rather petite figure and girlish look. She has bright aqua eyes and similar coloured hair that goes down to her waist, with a small golden tiara crowned on just above her three-parted fringe. She generally wears a sleeveless blue top lined with gold over a black jumpsuit, with a pair of armoured shoulder-pads and a dark blue cloak clipped near her collar with a glistening ruby. She also wears a belt that keeps her zanpakuto attached to her waist, and a pair of lighter blue gloves and knee-length boots.
Personality and Traits[]
Powers and Abilities[]
Shunpo Master:
- Rossa Fantasma (紅玉垢気の薔薇 (ロサ パンタスマ), "Rosa Pantasuma", Italian for "Red Phantom", Japanese for "Ruby-Red Spirit of the Rose")
Fulgurkinesis (電撃能力) (パルガーキネシス), parugakinesisu, Japanese for "Electricity Power", English for "Fulgurkinesis") is an ability which allows Clarissa to control, generate and and absorb electric fields. Clarissa is able to alter the movement of electrons, allowing her almost any electricity based power. Simple powers include the ability to generate electricity, shoot lightning, or overload a circuit. More complex powers include manipulating energy in a person, starting fires, directing current in a more complex route than the one of least resistance. Firing sparks turning off electrical devices, or electrical constructs, also occur. Clarissa is able to use electricity in water acting like an eel. Clarissa's fulgurkinesis is more geared towards defense, and it functions the best when in a place which requires quite a bit of electricity to operate properly; such as a district of town or in a hotel. Clarissa can also generate and discharge the electricity through conductive media, and she nearly always uses Nusumiguse as a conduit through which to discharge her electricity. However, despite being defense-oriented, it has quite a few offensive functions.
- Folgore Renaissance (フォルゴレ・ルネサンス, Forugore Runesansu; Resurrection of the Lightning):
- Tonitrui Saltare (トニトルイ サルター, Tonitorui Saruta; Thunder Dance):
- Tonitrui Fera Caelos (トニトルイ ペラ カエロス, Tonitorui Pera Kaerosu; Raging Thunder):
Nusumiguse (盗み癖, Sticky Fingers)