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This article, Chiharu Miyako, was added by GZero945 who determines its usage on this wiki.

"We hypothesize that the members who went along with the spiritual detection squad died before they were able to send data..."

This article has been marked as a stub and is awaiting expansion by its original author.
Chiharu Miyako
Shinigami Moka
Name Chiharu Miyako
Kanji 千春 美夜子
Romaji Miyako Chiharu
Race Shinigami
Birthday March 21
Age 320(looks 18)
Gender Female
Height 5'7"
Weight 112LBS
Blood Type O+
Professional Status
Affiliation Gotei 13

Kido Corps

Previous Affiliation Fifth Division
Occupation Shinigami
Previous Occupation Performer
Team TBA
Previous Team Fifth Division
Partner TBA
Previous Partner None
Base of Operations Chiasa's house
Personal Status
Marital Status Single
Relatives TBA
Education Shino Academy

Gabriel Leonheart

Status Alive
Shikai TBA
Bankai Not yet achieved

Chiharu Miyako(千春 美夜子 Miyako Chiharu lit. meaning One thousand springs, beautiful night child) is a shinigami that is not only the lieutenant of the Kido Corps, she is also a member the Shinigami Women's Association. She is a key character in "Bleach: Bloodied Lineage," serving as Gabriel's love interest.


Shinigami Moka Part 2

Chiharu's general appearance without her shikahusho

Chiharu is a very beautiful woman that has the appearance of her late teen years. She as white, fair skin that has no flaws or damages on it and has a smooth feel to it. Chiharu also has a curvy body that is the result of a very great diet plan that was inspired by none other than the fourth seat of the fifth division, Shizuka Enyou. She has luscious pink hair that reached down to her lower back. She usually wears it in two styles, straight and high ponytail. Her eyes are the color of emeralds, shining radiantly when she's happy or worried.

Chiharu wears a standard shinigami shikahusho, with her own touches. She wears an elaborately decorated kimono underneath it with a bandage sarashi underneath that. She wears a two hair clips in her hair, having it to the left. Around her waist she wears an obi that has a cherry blossom pattern on it. On her neck is a special choker that has two sets of pearls at each side with a cross medalion. Though it's said to have mysterious powers, she has yet to figure it out.


Chiharu is a sweet, cheery girl who shows kindness to everyone she meets. She works hard at her job and any given assignment. She is a source of morale for her division, acting like a sister to them. She has a tendency to compare herself to her idols, getting down on herself many times.

She is also extremely protective of her comrades, getting furious when they are hurt by the enemy. At that point, she will show no mercy upon them.

More to come...



Abilities and Powers[]

Intermediate Swordsmanship:

Superhuman Speed:

Superhuman Durability:

Astounding Intelligence:

Deafening Reiatsu:

Shingami Abilities[]


Master Kido Specialist:

Kido Mastery:


